Darren Profile picture
((Arsenal Shareholder until forced to sell by KSE,ST holder,Roses,Hac,Factory fan. Cons Prods,Geek Licensing,Hill Wood called me an Agitator at 1986 AGM)) Z man
Feb 6, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Ok, again, I really dont want to get deluged but, every time I post on tickets it happens, so....

The club announced at the start of the season that they were going to do... 1. Mystery Purchases of tickets being sold online, they have been doing that and as tickets have been traced, memberships have been revoked

I havent been told how many, but this is ongoing
Feb 2, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
Once again, and as per usual a lot of chatter over Arsenal tickets and sale sell out times. The club/fan ticket forum met this week, and like most meetings with the club the ticket issue is constantly discussed, as it will be at the fan forum in two weeks.... ....There will be a ticket announcement for next season, coming in a weeks time. More so that will effect Season Ticket holders, but that announcement should help with more flow of tickets coming down the road... BUT that will not mean it will ease the situation....
Jan 31, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
So going for a new Supes, Batman and Robin and Green Lantern Corps as the tent poles of the new slate to be announced today.
If they get it right Lantern could be really good.
Not sure how many Batman worlds can work every couple of years, and/or Pattinson going to be in DCU Still think as has always been the case with DC the villains make the heroes. So need strong villains to make it succeed.
Jan 19, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Have been asked by the club to on Ticket working group looking and possible changes, discussions on I expect improvements.... ... have seen yet again the anger by many fans on here as Silver ticket windows, and there after Red availability. How hard it is for anyone non ST holder to get a ticket, and ticket sites supposedly having tickets available ....
Sep 2, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Many who have followed me for years know I've had the run in with ownership, now and past, but the narrative we can spend spend and spend is spouted by people with a lack of understanding. Arsenal as a club have lost huge money the last couple of years plus, hard to see that won't be the case in the current accounts when they become due. ...
Dec 23, 2020 17 tweets 3 min read
The way the club has got into this mess is of course mismanagement going back years, but we are where we are. Dont expect to much vs Chelsea, but BHA and WB they need results, or frankly he's gone, and then what.
Dec 19, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
Our club appointed its former programme editor as manager and duly won the league Our club appointed its physio as manager and duly won the double
Dec 6, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
So I see people are going down the route of blaming the fans. Maybe lets work out how we got to where we got to ... We moved to a new stadium. Most were eager, lets not be a revisionist, a new world, a world where Ken Friar got up and basically lied and said ''The move will have no effect on the club buying players'' So we all go and apply for our ST move to be told we can move seats...
Oct 28, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
24hrs on and no statement coming out from yesterday's incident. Club and player in a place that puts everyone under a no win position.
Having reflected on it, and as I wanted him to be stripped I'm not sure there is a way that can happen. It would be difficult for the team and the squad to have the player stripped and would create people/squad taking sides and cause more issues. Whatever the rights and the wrong of the situation what we can't have is the club going into meltdown because of it.