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Dear Press: Former POTUS and current GOP, are openly aligned with Russia… it’s publicly known information… needs to be reported on… #InvestigativeJournalism...
Apr 5, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
Donald J Trump… Rightfully impeached… wrongfully acquitted… thread...

Donald Trump was rightfully impeached as POTUS, on charges of ‘abuse of power’ and ‘obstruction of Congress’… as shown by House impeachment managers, he is clearly responsible for the offenses as charged… following impeachment in the House… Trump was very wrongfully acquitted in the Senate… in fact, it could be seriously argued that he was never acquitted by the Senate because there was no trial… in real, normal life, there’s no way to an acquittal w/o a trial… 2/14
Feb 2, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
Democrats need to show the complete nonsense of Trump’s defense… including the fact that it was coordinated with Sen Maj Ldr McConnell… they shouldn’t have to beg for witnesses… they went through the whole trial with WH defense team proposing all sorts of nonsense, 1/7… and doing all they could to mock and minimize, twist and pervert the impeachment charges… the GOP Senators watched the arguments, or by many accounts, they actively ignored the arguments… they went on tv afterward, also mocking and minimizing the charges… 2/7…
Dec 16, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
@MalcolmNance What I’ve seen recently… I think there were closer ties from Trump’s campaign to original Russian conspiracy than has been uncovered… look at Giuliani with Lev & Igor… direct ties to Moscow… look how deep Manafort is in Russian-Ukrainian corruption… consider Roger Stone…1/4 @MalcolmNance What if Stone’s contacts to Russia/Wikileaks was more direct, and his public antics and references to Corsi and Credico were deflections… look at Giuliani’s involvement with the two Ukrainians, with direct ties to Moscow… Manafort was covered in Ukrainian corruption… 2/4
Oct 3, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
1/11 Thread… “The Phone Call”… I think the combined circumstances surrounding the phone call, are much bigger than Trump just being desperate to smear Biden… look at the lengths and efforts they’ve gone to… look at the resources, and people involved… Barr, Pompeo, Giuliani… 2/11 Pretty much the whole Trump admin has been involved in a way outside of normal… all those resources and efforts for a cheap, easily disproven conspiracy... just to smear Biden…????? They’re trying to wipe out Russian accountability for interfering in our 2016 elections…
Mar 25, 2019 12 tweets 2 min read
1/ It was clear to anyone who followed, that Trump was pro-Russian and pro-Putin all through his campaign… anyone working on, or around his campaign would have known this… Trump had several reasons to know that Russia was trying to help his campaign… short thread... 2/ The TT mtg with Don Jr and the others and the Russians, the emails flat out told us, in black and white that they were informed that Russia was working to get Trump elected and that they weren’t concerned about being appropriate and above board…
Sep 6, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Trump was inaugurated with his campaign and potentially himself under federal investigation into the possibility of conspiring with Russia to effect the election toward Trump… he should have been treated accordingly by the msm and general public… 1/6… Trump all but turned it into a joke… constantly characterizing the investigation as a democratic led witch hunt to discredit his presidency because the democrats lost… that’s so pathetically far from reality… but, he’s sold this to his base… 2/6…