David W Jones Profile picture
Follower of Jesus, husband to @zhjones1helen, father, grandfather, and senior pastor at Village Church of Barrington
Linda Pietrzak Ross Profile picture 1 subscribed
Apr 27, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
No one at HBC has asked my opinion. But as a former pastor of that flock, here’s the burden on my heart. The leadership of HBC has an unenviable task. Though perhaps tempted toward self-preservation, they must ask what is good for the flock (John 10:11). The following would be good for the flock: 1) Truth. It might be ugly. It might hurt. But the congregation needs to know what’s going on. Otherwise, speculation will run rampant. Give specifics instead of generalities (Eph 4:25). People are on heightened alert for spin.
Apr 4, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
Abuse occurs when one person harms another. In many cases, it occurs at the hands of someone who should be caring for and protecting the abused. Abuse can take many forms. Some are more overt; others are subtle. All of them are injurious to the person’s well-being. Physical abuse occurs when one person uses their strength to harm another. Verbal abuse is the use of words to harm a person’s emotional well-being. Psychological abuse also harms the person’s emotional well-being, though more subtly. The target is often unaware it is happening.