How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App me put it another way. I came across this interesting (and incredibly depressing) article from @Slate yesterday about women who were thinking about divorcing their husbands because they voted for Trump.… point of hypothetical thought experiments is lost when there are actual material examples to analyze. purely moral and ethical terms, the case for removing Trump from the ballot is a slam-dunk. I'm not a lawyer, so I can't speak definitively to the legal reasoning in the Colorado decision, but it does seem like a pretty airtight case.’m working on a paper for SHAFR that is putatively about the John Birch Society’s stance on the Algerian War, but is rapidly turning into liberal coup anxieties during the Second Brown Scare. wrote exactly fly the same kind of profiles of annoying left parties in Manhattan and Brooklyn five years ago, and annoying popularist parties in Manhattan a year ago. of this is reminiscent of the conversations around Hollywood's use of CGI and how CGI has actually gotten *worse* over time, because it's a non-union part of the entertainment industry that is easy to cut costs with. His “debunking” consists of insisting that Reagan did not launch his campaign at the Neshoba County Fair, it was merely his first general election campaign appearance…. can write *maybe* C-quality work, from what I can tell. I think it’s bunk anyway, but there’s also an element of “c’mon, you’re gonna tell me what I saw isn’t what I saw?” mean, I teach Benedict Anderson all the time in my classes, because he provides a useful analytical framework for understanding *how* nations are created, including through—per Hobsbawm—ritual and commemoration.