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alleged educator | @nashvillescene @pastemagazine @rns @pitchfork | Book about U2&me&u2 (4thcoming) with @utexaspress, We Become What We Normalize
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Jul 12 7 tweets 3 min read
Thanks to @scott_m_coley's new book #MinistersOfPropaganda, I'm old enough to remember when @albertmohler told Larry King that Harriet Tubman's unwillingness to submit to enslavement was unbiblical & that our inability to recognize it is because of "popular culture." Folks hopping on the internet to ask me to do their googling for them *and* to let me know that @albertmohler of @sbts repudiated his #HarrietTubman #PopularCulture has been a learning experience. Join @scott_m_coley in mulling the question of how & why Dr. Mohler felt trapped. Image
Jun 3, 2023 24 tweets 19 min read
Monetized despair has a long history. Image It doesn't start with @SalemMediaGrp or Billy Graham or Martin Scorsese. But there's a trajectory. srnonline.com/show/the-charl…
May 24, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
.@DavidAFrench, we could use your help over here. @JesterWootton @THEmattlaff @AnnaCaudill4 Y'all know this song?
Mar 23, 2023 12 tweets 125 min read
@Sam32593736 @AnnaCaudill4 @mhairiforrest @jcsheridan226 @DrCurtisFreeman @LuluBaroun @rhbrandon @LisaOGiggles @preston_shipp @NashvilleMann @grrenshaw @NashvilleResist @MissouriDave1 @xenoseimi @DPCassidyTKC @CAHutch1990 @CBSNews @DrCEdmondson @mika_edmondson @scottsauls @DavidAFrench @CPCnashville @c3franklintn @MarshaBlackburn @Starbucks @Mike_Pence @kkdumez @chuckblackburn @wolfhaley @JemarTisby @GovBillLee @lipscomb @johnrich @bigandrich @TNGOP @realDailyWire @TGC @Hillsdale @ImmanuelNash @CTmagazine @BillHaslam @BethHarwellTN @FaithAdvocates @JordanPeele @TuckerCarlson @VoteMarsha @NashvilleSC @soledadobrien @SIfill_ @WillowCreekCC I've been long struck by a scene: Luke runs through the swamp with Yoda on his back urging him to feel the power of The Force running through him while also trying to process his own creeping fear that he won’t be able to rightly discern good from evil when it counts. 1/x @Sam32593736 @AnnaCaudill4 @mhairiforrest @jcsheridan226 @DrCurtisFreeman @LuluBaroun @rhbrandon @LisaOGiggles @preston_shipp @NashvilleMann @grrenshaw @NashvilleResist @MissouriDave1 @xenoseimi @DPCassidyTKC @CAHutch1990 @CBSNews @DrCEdmondson @mika_edmondson @scottsauls @DavidAFrench @CPCnashville @c3franklintn @MarshaBlackburn @Starbucks @Mike_Pence @kkdumez @chuckblackburn @wolfhaley @JemarTisby @GovBillLee @lipscomb @johnrich @bigandrich @TNGOP @realDailyWire @TGC @Hillsdale @ImmanuelNash @CTmagazine @BillHaslam @BethHarwellTN @FaithAdvocates @JordanPeele @TuckerCarlson @VoteMarsha @NashvilleSC @soledadobrien @SIfill_ @WillowCreekCC When they pause to rest, Luke senses something amiss: “There’s something not right…I feel cold.”

Yoda gestures in the direction of a cave. "That place is strong with the dark side of the Force. A domain of evil it is…And you must go.”

“Only what you take with you." 2/x
Aug 26, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
.@SkyeJethani, I don’t know if all your replies are visible to you, but this one (from @brownandpinkdot) is especially worth processing. Please share it with @philvischer & @DavidAFrench & your team @HolyPostPodcast before weighing in further. There are real people out here. 1/ Here’s @AnnaCaudill4’s testimony. 2/
Aug 24, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
75: I didn't have the words #ChristianSupremacy yet. But I was seeing something. 76: "He called them together along with the workers in related trades and said, 'You know, my friends, that we receive a good income from this business.'" Acts 19:25
Mar 7, 2022 160 tweets 42 min read
1. Yes. I’m waking up to the fact of Christian supremacism. I resisted the realization for a long time. I think I’m done resisting now. It's real. It's also a threat to public safety. 2. Feeling compelled to name Christian supremacy/supremacism comes on the heels of finally accepting spiritual abuse as real. The latter is an emboldened form of the former. I believe they often appear as conjoined behaviors.
Feb 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
@bmetzer @JazzRobertson @DavidDzimianski @JesterWootton @lladnar42 @tripleoxymoron @jimoutoffaf @AnnaCaudill4 @lindstorian @DavidAFrench @Tish_H_Warren When someone(s) with a degree over control of the Intervarsity robot demanded the dropping of a particular hammer, I e-mailed him and asked if we might affix his name to the letter @JonathanMerritt describes here. 1/4 religionnews.com/2016/10/11/int… @bmetzer @JazzRobertson @DavidDzimianski @JesterWootton @lladnar42 @tripleoxymoron @jimoutoffaf @AnnaCaudill4 @lindstorian @DavidAFrench @Tish_H_Warren @JonathanMerritt He said Yes. But he asked for a little bit of time to confirm absolutely b/c he wanted to get a read on whether or not his name appearing on the letter might complicate or threaten the incomes of a number of people he's partnered with & cares about. 2/4
Oct 30, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
We're going to have to find ourselves beautiful
It will involve libraries
Of Country Music
Not as a genre
But a possibility, A matter of opening
Again and again
The Book of what happened
Of learning to to savor the sighs
The incomplete sentences
Of other people,
Oct 21, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
That's....really too bad. @michaelwsmith, @rocketown is a treasured & sacred space (a real gift) you've given the city of Nashville. Please reconsider your decision to offer it as a platform to @johnrich (who bullied @lipscomb into firing @btpaschall, a prophet among us). .@michaelwsmith, in light of this move, it's hard to know what to make of this song. If it's sincere, could you at least make sure someone who isn't all in for 45 also has access to a microphone at the event? In the interest of #Conversation?
Sep 17, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
Really helpful thread from @wilsonhartgrove on a culture we share. I'll mention that Zinn (God love him) flew to Hanoi with Daniel Berrigan in 1968 to oversee the peaceful transfer of American POWs. Here's a little thread of my own... Serving as a chaplain at Cornell, Berrigan received a call from Tom Hayden detailing an offer to release three American prisoners of war in celebration of the Buddhist Tet holiday.
Sep 13, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Start by uncapitalizing the three words. Like "Contemporary Christian Music" or "The Gospel Coalition" or "Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission," we NEVER have to let someone else's marketing do our thinking for us. /1 Then give this a go (read the replies) /2:
May 31, 2020 10 tweets 6 min read
Serious thanks for this question. I'll attempt a thread. #WhiteSupremacistAntichristPoltergeist is a handy way of naming a spirit that gets hold of people. As a Tennessean who attended a segregationist academy for twelve years, I know feelingly that it's had hold of me. Calling it a spirit helps me have compassion on myself and others while also acknowledging that I've often been complicit in a system that's often served the ends of white supremacist terror. My blindness to it doesn't change the fact of it. WSAP is real AND ridiculous.
Mar 19, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
America, the government isn't giving you money/tests/resources. It probably isn't even right to say you're "receiving" it. You're accessing your own funds &/or getting what you already paid for. It's called the promotion of our general welfare. Watch your language (& theirs). You'll be accessing it the way @SenSchumer & @senatemajldr have been accessing our money & resources their entire adult lives. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. We don't say banks give & we receive. Let's not fall for the rhetoric of shame. Slow the tape.
Feb 5, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
100-year-old Tuskegee Airman, Charles McGee, getting passed over as Rush Limbaugh receives the Congressional Medal of Honor has me remembering some things.... I remember REALLY ENJOYING listening to Rush Limbaugh on my AM-only car radio on my way to philosophy class. He made this Tennesseean feel strong whenever I felt belittled by history, other people's thoughtfulness, & other forms of available data.
Oct 4, 2019 5 tweets 5 min read
@davekarpf @MargaretAtwood 62/ One man's interrogation is another man's interview: @davekarpf @MargaretAtwood 63/ All culture is granular. One form #RobotSoftExorcism takes is risking a word of advocacy within an event put on by a corporation that mocks the National Anthem after directing everyone to stand for it:
Nov 21, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
This goes out to those for whom:
Religion is violence backed by divinity.
Religion is a backward step in human evolution.
Religion kills joy.
Religion is why you can’t talk to your family.
Religion is the state of being hopelessly stuck. Religion is brainwash.
Religion is the old relative who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.
Religion is a cage around reason.
Religion is the thorn in the side of common sense.
Religion will not house complexity, mystery, the unknown, or contradiction.
Nov 6, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
Yes! Thanks so much 4 this ?. It was actually the guitarist of a Dublin-based, punk outfit who turned me on2 this way of thinking about it N the 80's. Asked if he was a Christian, he said it was inappropriate to say so 1self b/c it's a public verdict instead of a self-description He cited Acts 11:26 ("The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.") & said we have to leave it to others to pay us the compliment of noting that our behavior, speech, & way of treating people is in keeping with the teachings of Jesus. The proof is in the pudding.
Aug 23, 2018 12 tweets 6 min read
1/ Reality Winner receives her sentence today for an act of conscience she undertook on behalf of our public good. The fact that this decorated veteran's life appears 2 be beneath the interest of so many remains a puzzler 2 me, but I have a theory or 2 shadowproof.com/2018/08/21/rea… 2/ I think her one wild & precious life is lost in the constellation of competing interests/platforms/brands that controls the narrative(s) of the American barnyard. Imprisoned and denied the right to tell her story or hug her mother for over a year, she's been disappeared.
Aug 7, 2018 12 tweets 4 min read
"From our perspective, this corporation [@CoreCivic] should be abolished...The only way it exists and operates in Tennessee is through the legislative power, which allows the caging of humans to be contracted out for profit." Rev. Jeannie Alexander nashvillepublicradio.org/post/20-arrest… 2/ So grateful to @chassisk for this report. I'd like to slow the tape and zoom out a little from where I sit, but I mostly pray that people would mull over these words from Reverend Alexander, who served as the chaplain at Riverbend Maximum Security Institution not too long ago.
Jun 29, 2018 11 tweets 2 min read
1/ If my desire to maintain a certain overhead over the years left me at the control panel of a giant robot which--I discovered--was working with other robots to deport people, traumatize children, crush dissent, & destroy the possibility of human thriving for most people... 2/ I'd welcome someone (anyone) who spied a living person staring down from the window that is the robot's eyeball socket and tried to reach me and offer a strategy for exiting the robot before I died inside it OR...