David Jolly Profile picture
Former Member of Congress. Bull Mooser. MSNBC.
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Apr 4, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
"The Defendant, the TO CFO, and Lawyer A then agreed that Lawyer A would be paid the $420,000 through twelve monthly payments of $35,000 over the course of 2017.

"[T]he Defendant and Lawyer A met in the Oval Office at the White House and confirmed this repayment arrangement." "On or about 4/9/18, the FBI executed a search warrant on Lawyer A’s residences and office. In the months that followed, Defendant and others engaged in a public and private pressure campaign to ensure that Lawyer A did not cooperate with law enforcement."
Jan 11, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
It's time to shake up Florida politics.

There's this narrative the current Governor wants to project - The Free State of Florida.

It's catchy, even presidential. His team is giddy to sell you merch and he soon will launch his re-elect around it.

But it's just not true. The truth is Florida is now as restrictive of personal freedom as the states the Governor likes to publicly shame.
Oct 25, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
🚨Rolling Stone out with a huge story, reporting tonight that multiple members of Congress were intimately involved in planning the violent Jan. 6 events, that Meadows had an opportunity to prevent it, and that Gosar dangled 'blanket pardons'. rollingstone.com/politics/polit… "The two sources, both of whom have been granted anonymity due to the ongoing investigation, describe participating in 'dozens' of planning briefings...."

“'I remember talking to [MTG and] probably close to a dozen other members at one point or another or their staffs.'”
May 13, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Earlier this week I joined SAM (the Serve America Movement) as its Chairman. I hope you’ll give it a look at @samforus.

To get it out of the way, this is not about running a presidential candidate in 2020. We have no interest in playing spoiler in this most critical election. SAM is made up of current and former Democrats, Republicans, and independents simply wanting to change the politics we've grown to accept.
May 1, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Biden's request for the Secretary of the Senate to look for and produce any employee complaint fro. Tara Reade should be getting more coverage. It was the right and fair move by the VP.

The issue is not the Delaware papers. When a congressional staff member is hired, they are hired as an employee of the House or Senate. Their tenure is w the institution, and under the administration of the Clerk of the House or the Secretary of the Senate. They work in the office of a member, senator, committee, etc
Dec 20, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
"The president attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral."
christianitytoday.com/ct/2019/decemb… "He has hired and fired a number of people who are now convicted criminals. He himself has admitted to immoral actions in business and his relationship with women, about which he remains proud."
Oct 31, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
A few facts to keep handy in the face of intellectually dishonest GOP arguments today.

1. Impeachment of a President is not the process of undoing a previous election. It is the process whereby Congress indicts a President for wrongdoing while in office. 2. Though a quid pro quo is obvious, none is needed.

The drafters of the impeachment clause said so.

Madison was worried about the perfidy of a President, or deceit. He worried a President would wrongly work with a foreign power.
Aug 5, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Excited this morning to join with @PinellasCounty in announcing the nation's first dive accessible underwater veterans memorial.

Circle of Heroes is located about 10 miles off of Clearwater, FL. Below is the first image of one of the statues making up this incredible memorial. Image More background and video can be found here:

May 12, 2019 7 tweets 1 min read
Something I don't speak about frequently but am reminded of each time Trump expresses resentment that his campaign's contacts with Russia were surveilled: In Congress, I received a private invite for a very delicate international meeting. Importantly for this thread, it was *personally arranged* not through traditional diplomatic or intel channels, a lawful invitation, but involving a highly sensitive security matter at the time.
May 10, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
Allow me this Mueller Report exercise:

Between the GOP framing of 'exoneration' and the House suggesting the need for more investigation, it's worthwhile to demonstrate how a sufficient case can already be made for indictment & impeachment in the mere length of a Twitter thread. First, as a predicate, Mueller asserts that "given the role of the Special Counsel as an attorney in the Department of Justice", he is bound by the OLC opinion that indictment of a sitting President would be in "violation of 'the constitutional separation of powers.'" (V2 P1)