David M. Drucker Profile picture
@thedispatch Senior Writer; @VanityFair & @VFHIVE contributing writer; Author of "IN TRUMP'S SHADOW" via @twelvebooks
kevin palmer Profile picture 1 subscribed
Oct 28, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
LAS VEGAS — @LindseyGrahamSC spoke to an annual @RJC gathering late Friday evening, delivering an impassioned speech about Israel's war to eliminate Hamas, including as it relates specifically to U.S. foreign policy around the world. A couple of his notable comments ... 1/ ... @LindseyGrahamSC at @RJC: "Our party needs to do some soul-searching. If I hear any more, the argument, we can let Putin invade Ukraine & get away with it, & it won’t matter to us, that’s bullshit [applause]. He will keep going until somebody stops him, & if you don’t believe me, just listen to him." ... More @LindseyGrahamSC ... 2/
Sep 24, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
Interesting conversation today w/ a Republican who is measured & knowledgable, regarding impeachment w/ the Ukraine episode driving the inquiry. 1) The prosecutor who Biden demanded be fired was a bad guy & pushing Ukraine to fire him was the right move...1/ ...This Republican urged conservatives & Trump's GOP allies not to overreact n focusing on Biden bragging about his role in getting the prosecutor fired. 2) The Hunter Biden aspect of this is unseemly for @JoeBiden & it bothered the Obama administration at the time...2/
Nov 7, 2018 10 tweets 4 min read
My Midterm Election recap thread, in no particular order. 1) Yes, this was a split decision. Some Dems might quibble with this (who cares, you won the House) but this is not like 2010, when Republicans gained 7 Senate seats even as they fell short of winning the chamber... ...2) First, the House: Dems won, & winning is really all that matters. But I wonder if, given the wave talk all cycle & Trump being Trump, if people realize how tough a map Dems had to overcome. They had to win historically Repub seats inclu seats that voted for Trump in 16...