John Poe Profile picture
Lead statistician at Michigan Medicine. PhD in PoliSci. I also sometimes teach people multilevel modeling and apparently causal inference. Likes=bookmarks 🌈
Apr 19, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
Well I guess Mr Dr Ranty Methods Curmudgeon is back because I'm about to go off on people muddling critiques of propensity score matching 1/ PSM is a method with a lot of critiques. They fall into 3 basic camps: 1) propensities are bad 2) matching is bad 3) both propensities and matching are inadequate no matter how you use them b/c omitted variables 2/
Feb 14, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
So here's a rant about causal inference. In general I don't think RCTs and observational studies are that interchangeable. Observational studies typically are what you use when randomization isn't available but you think the thing you're studying still matters enough to try. 1/ That could mean you don't have the resources to randomize but someone else could, you don't have the ability to randomize, or you view it as unethical to randomize because the "treatment" that you're studying is harmful. 2/
Jun 20, 2018 27 tweets 8 min read
Really interesting and useful thread re fixed vs random effects in ecology vs econ. This is something that I’ve focused on a lot over the past 5 years and it’s the overwhelming focus of my courses at @ICPSRSummer and #GSERM and I wanted to expand a bit (thread 1/) There’s a fundamental difference in how econ deals with clustered/multilevel data and how most other fields do stemming from early intro of ANOVA into the field in the 1960s panel data 2/