David Challen Profile picture
Domestic Abuse Campaigner | Survivor | Advisor | Speaker | Writer | Freed my mum #SallyChallen in a landmark #CoerciveControl case, #SallysLaw ⚖️
Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 13 10 tweets 4 min read

Not happy with becoming an Olympian, child rapist Steven Van de Velde plays victim and SOBS about being booed.

Real victim’s understand the true depths of their harms and trauma, Steven. Perps like you however think only of sportswashing your acts of sexual violence.

What ‘remorseful’ perp would ever dream of allowing himself to be held aloft as role model sportsman on the world stage?

Volleyball association @nevobo, who supported Van de Velde, believes the boos directed at him the Dutch player were 'organised' by British tabloids.

Tell that to the countless survivors of CSA, sexual violence and domestic abuse who bravely spoke out against a child rapist being platformed on the world stage as a ‘role model’.Image FULL INTERVIEW (if you can stomach it) here:

Jul 31 10 tweets 4 min read
Child rapist competing at an Olympics.

Child rapist booed every moment he competes.Image So long as the IOC supports a child rapist as an Olympian 'role model', I'll keep highlighting that he is in fact a remorseless child rapist and shouldn't be one. This is stain on the Olympic Games that will never wash out, and nor should it.
Jul 11 4 tweets 2 min read
As a child bereaved by fatal domestic abuse, headlines calling a man who killed three women a “nice guy” and “normal person” have felt personally traumatic.

The media called my father a “gentle man” and “nice chap”, which misrepresented the controlling reality that myself and my family experienced for years. It compounded our trauma.

Reporting like this causes so much damage – both to victims’ families, and to public understandings of coercive control. It has to stop. Now.

We need every single newsroom trained in how to report domestic abuse deaths, and to lobby the regulator for stronger rules. The press has the power to prevent further deaths and save women’s lives.

Please support this crowdfunder I’ve started to support @we_level_up’s crucial work to train journalists in their Dignity For Dead Women guidelines.

This takes all of us ➡️ gofundme.com/f/levelup-mediaImage ⬆️ PLEASE SHARE!
I have spoken to many families bereaved of fatal domestic abuse and alongside Level Up we have pushed to change reporting standards in newsrooms. We need your help to stop the damage being done to the families, traumatised by this reporting. This has to stop.
Jul 5 6 tweets 2 min read
“I understand that a strong woman standing up to you is met with such reticence,” replies Jess Phillips to a group of men intimidating after her win.

Jess then tells of how a young woman delivering leaflets yesterday was filmed and screamed at by an older man, who then slashed her tyres.

Huge respect to Jess. JESS PHILLIPS: “Today I was to be joined by the family of Jo Cox who wanted to come out and campaign with me. And there is absolutely no way that I could have allowed for them to see what was aggressive and violence in our democracy.”
Jun 26 13 tweets 5 min read
A tale as old as time: rapist with a sporting talent given a free pass so he can continue his professional career.

Dutch volleyball player Steven Van de Velde admitted three counts of rape 12-year-old British girl in 2016, was sentenced to just 4 years, then allowed to return to the Netherlands to complete his sentence, only to be released in 2017 after serving just ONE YEAR.

Upon release, Van de Velde said: "I have been branded as a sex monster, as a paedophile. That I am not, really not."

He quite literally is a paedophile rapist and now he's a paedophile rapist going to the Paris Olympics...Image The Dutch Olympic Committee (@nocnsf) said:

"After his release, Van de Velde sought and received professional counselling. He demonstrated to those around him - privately and professionally - self-insight and reflection."

They added he met 'all criteria for the Olympic Games.' Image
Jun 20 5 tweets 2 min read
Independent candidate @Akhmedyakoob1 said “70% of hell will be women” and joked about domestic abuse on a podcast:

“Getting back to masculinity, I personally would give her a backhander. I’m not joking.”

Parliament does not need more misogynists.
theguardian.com/politics/artic… @Akhmedyakoob1 Akhmed is also an Andrew Tate supporter:

"I like the way he talks... I've not heard him say anything wrong."

"He's not a misogynist ...they promote hard work... don't sit there and cry like a little girl, you go and work hard."

Jun 19 5 tweets 3 min read
Brace yourself once again for the sentence in this case…

Lee Carran punched and kicked a woman 'as if she was a football', throwing her to the ground and grabbing her throat. His acts were caught on CCTV and by an independent witness at the scene.

Carran was arrested and later released on bail. Following his release… yep, you guessed it: he pursued the victim again, this time to another city, where she moved to escape him. Carran followed her.

The victim bravely disclosed a history of domestic abuse including:

🔺 Numerous assaults.

🔺 Strangled the victim to the point of blacking-out.

🔺 Controlled 'every aspect' of her life, taking control of her phone and money and prevented her from seeing her family.

Carran pleaded guilty to controlling and coercive behaviour, assault occasioning actual bodily harm and non-fatal strangulation.

His sentence?

THREE AND A HALF YEARS + a restraining order.

Firstly, it must be stated how incredibly brave this victim/survivor is to report to police. Her perpetrator is jailed, she is safe now and that is what is important.

However, it is appalling to see police repeatedly failing to stop escalating patterns of abuse by releasing offenders on bail and to see woefully short jail terms being handed down for serious acts of violence, due to sentencing guidelines.

These cases and their outcomes happen day-in-day-out and the pattern and behaviour of abusers is not being confronted. We must have a more proactive approach to policing risk, protecting victims and see coercive and controlling behaviour as a serious offence (max 5-years sentencing does not take this abuse seriously).
➡️ cornwalllive.com/news/cornwall-…Image I’m trying v hard to not become desensitised to reading these cases and to continue sharing them. The outcomes are not acceptable and this needs to be said repeatedly, again and again. In the cold light of day the basic facts speak for themselves. What if he killed her on bail?
May 22 4 tweets 1 min read
A footballer has been cleared of raping a sleeping woman + intending to cause distress by sending naked photos of her to his teammates w/the caption “anyone want a go?” and a crying laughing emoji.

“I was just showing off and being a lad."

This is foul.theguardian.com/uk-news/articl… I'm sure many, including myself, would love to know what swayed the jury to believing this man's account.

Especially as the defendant failed to mention the images in police questioning and refused to answer questions about them.
May 15 5 tweets 2 min read
Man makes his ‘I have a Handmaid’s Tale dream’ speech attacking graduating women for choosing to work saying, “I’d guess the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will have”, and praises his wife who “leans into her vocation of homemaker.” This is NFL kicker, Harrison Butker, making his commencement speech at the graduation ceremony of Benedictine College.

Butker used his speech to also decry various "diabolical lies told to women" about topics including abortion, in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and surrogacy. Image
Mar 23 24 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Christine Rawle jailed for murder of husband said her attack followed years of physical, psychological + sexual torment from her husband.

Reading this case I believe this abused woman (and her son) have been horrifically failed by police the CJS ⬇️theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/m… The prosecution argued Rawle stabbed her husband in a temper after a row over money, whilst the defence claimed that she had been subject to years of bullying, intimidation, coercion + physical/sexual attacks leaving her trapped in “invisible handcuffs” ⬇️theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/m…
Jan 5 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵 When Emmie Dalton’s ex launched a violent attack on her, she was terrified he’d kill her. Determined not to let him escape justice she used blood from her injuries to scrawl her his name on the wall.

A two year and 11 month sentence is NOT justice. ⬇️ thesun.co.uk/news/25245962/…
Image Emmie is bravely speaking out after the govt revealed plans to scrap some shorter sentences to tackle the issue of overcrowded prisons, which could see thousands of abusers walk free from court ⬇️
Dec 13, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵 The all too common and unacceptable story of a domestic abuse survivor who spent years rebuilding her life, only to find out that the man who terrorised her had been rehoused just two streets away...

Emma now feels her family is "completely unsafe" ⬇️
bbc.com/news/uk-scotla… Emma Artis spent almost four years rebuilding her life and says she finally found the strength to leave him after years of physical, mental and financial abuse when he held a knife to her throat in 2020.
Dec 10, 2023 18 tweets 6 min read
🧵 The head teacher Emma Pattison and her 7 y/o daughter, Lettie, who were killed by her husband was preparing to leave him, her sister has revealed.

Deborah Kirk said she regarded Emma’s relationship w/husband George as abusive + believed she was a victim of coercive control… Image The series of powerful letters and passages published in The Sunday Times, were written after her sister and seven-year-old niece Lettie were killed.

“ …I set myself the brief of writing something each day, something honest about how I was feeling.”
Dec 1, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
“We probably spent quarter of a million quid [on a surrogate]… they have a company that basically is supermodels who are Ivy League educated… Our one went to Columbia… it’s a bit prostituty, isn’t it?”

“I think it’s quite fabulous… but we got a Brazilian supermodel.”

SIGH… Rather than help adopt a child who needs a loving home, rich entitled men like these roam the world searching for their idea of a ‘perfect’ woman to birth their perfect child, because ‘normal’ just won’t do. Nothing says caring parents than shopping for educated/hot surrogates.
Nov 21, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Liam Hughes jailed for 6.5 years after he raped three schoolgirls + sexually assaulted another.

Lord Young said what he did as an "immature teenager is less blameworthy than if you had carried out these acts as an older man".

Tell that to the survivors ⬇️news.sky.com/story/rapist-g… The judge said he had taken into account the guidelines for sentencing under-25s.

He said: "You committed these offences when you were aged 15 and 16, although the last offence was committed a few months before your 17th birthday.
Nov 15, 2023 33 tweets 6 min read
Natalie Bennett, 47, was handed a life imprisonment with a minimum term of 18 years.

Following an investigation, detectives were able to prove that Bennett used a knife to stab her boyfriend Kasey following a domestic incident. Sentencing, Judge Denis Watson KC said:

"Your relationship with him began some five years ago, when he was about 19 or 20 and you were 42.
Nov 6, 2023 53 tweets 9 min read
AUSTRALIA: Five women murdered within 10 days, by men they allegedly knew.

The urgency to actively understand the pattern of abuse, deliver solutions to tackling male violence against women and engage men/boys is paramount.

This loss of life cannot go on. edition.cnn.com/2023/11/04/aus…
Image Last week, Alice McShera, a 34-year-old lawyer was found by WA Police after worried family members called security at the hotel she was staying at.

A 42-year-old man was found in the same room with suspected self-inflicted injuries was later charged with murder. Image
Oct 23, 2023 21 tweets 3 min read
🧵 "I lost my innocence. I felt guilty, and I still struggle to trust people."

PC Lewis Edwards used Snapchat to groom girls more than 200 girls online, aged between 10-16 & blackmailed them into carrying out sexual acts.

The offences spanned 160 charges.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-… Edwards refused to appear for sentencing at Cardiff Crown Court on Monday.

The court previously heard he was caught with more than 4,500 indecent images of children - more than 700 of which were in the most serious category.
Sep 27, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
🧵 A 15 y/o girl murdered on her way to school after rejecting a 17 y/o boy. Whilst some men label tackling misogyny in schools as “demonising young men & boys”, the lives of women/girls are marked by male violence, or worse lost to it. We must challenge misogyny day-in-day-out. The responsibility to combat the scourge of violent misogyny in society is not just the work of education, it is the work of parents, family, friends, employers etc. All of whom take their cues from a govt upon high who DO NOT prioritise or properly fund tackling these issues.
Sep 18, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
We cannot understate the value of investigative journalists who give survivors of abuse a voice in these times. When victims of SA see endless cases of police abusing women, 1.5% charge rates for rape + police saying even they wouldn't report rape, journalists become a lifeline. These are the torrid times in our society we must face up to. Where victims of sexual assault and abuse do not trust in the police and judiciary, convinced to do so by those very institutions who have for so long failed victims and even become perpetrators themselves.
Aug 30, 2023 32 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Three women who were raped by the same man say their experience of the justice system was so damaging they would think twice about reporting an attack again.

They now want to reform the way victims of sex offences are treated in court.

bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotla… Jennifer McCann, Hannah McLaughlan and Hannah Reid say they have been left "battered and bruised" by the process.

They waived their anonymity after Logan Doig, 23, was jailed for nine-and-a-half years for a series of rapes and sexual assaults.