David Shorr Profile picture
Former local elected. AdvocacyCraft Consulting™ Evaluator. Battles We Pick podcast host. Recovering ForPol maven Vice-chair @WisDems Enviro Caucus #ADHD He/Him
Dec 5, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Recent discussion by @Timodc @jonathanchait of "sanctuary cities" starts at 28:30. It's case-in-point of how right wing dominance on narratives distorts issues. Yes dominant narrative = reality in politics, but let's at least not forget real reality. 1/
Again, not to deny Dems' deep political hole on immigration issues. But even a political rethink / reframe should keep sight of how the issues work in practicality--rather than accepting opponent framing wholesale. Actual issue: local authorities' role in federal enforcement. 2/
Jul 1, 2021 17 tweets 2 min read
Shorter SCOTUS majority:

Republicans have a legitimate state interest in winning elections.
May 12, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Okay so *now* everyone's done taking these anti-democratic clowns seriously, yes? How 'bout let's stop pretending Republicans have any interest in legislating. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if legislatures started requiring alligator-infested moats for all polling places in cities larger than 500,000
May 11, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
Dear other Americans,
Please note how one political party is spending so much effort putting up obstacles to voting, rather than doing things to help you and earn your support. The voter suppression bills are solutions in search of a problem, and the problem is Republicans not wanting to face all the voters.
May 9, 2021 22 tweets 6 min read
More and more lately I've been reacting impatiently whenever I see calls for return to civil discourse and a search for political common ground. In earlier times I've been a participant -- sometimes a leader, even -- in such bipartisan dialogue. 1/ And I still believe that politics and public policy entail consensus building as well as debating and putting matters to a vote. The underlying basic point is that the mode of deciding things depends on the situation. Consensus building isn't always appropriate. 2/
Mar 20, 2021 14 tweets 2 min read
1. Build up myth of voting fraud as pretext for voting suppression measures
2. Lose election with no evidence of fraud
3. Stoke fraud conspiracy theories & denial of election outcome
4. Violent insurrection
5. Use losing side's rejection of results as pretext for more suppression Area Party With Sketchy Record on Accepting Election Results Has Thoughts on Rules for Voting
Aug 13, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
Hi there GOP,
I feel you. Must suck having to follow this odious asshole. Those with a conscience must hate being yoked to that heap of incompetence and corruption in the WH. It can't be fun having nothing but denial & heartless talking points in response to a deadly pandemic 1/ Some of you have tried easing your guilt with off-the-record media interviews -- acknowledging the horror of Trump while doing absolutely nothing about it. But we need to talk about your party's resort to cheating in this year's elections rather than competing on the up and up 2/