How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App was among many who submitted testimony for the Vatican probe of Bermudez. It wasn't something I intended to discuss publicly. But he's twice named me as having testified against hm—first in a July tweet, and then in a video yesterday—so I'll share a bit of what I testified. 2/x there's more. Through their investment in @HallowApp, @JDVance1 & his backer @peterthiel also have access to data on Catholic children. Hallow collects data on kids 12 & under with parents' permission. It takes data on kids 13+ without parents' OK.…'s extreme libertarian and transhumanist views are profoundly at odds with Catholic faith & morals. He holds that freedom & democracy are incompatible (). He's invested millions in trying to beat death through AI, etc. (the "Singularity" movement). 2/… that not only does @chestertonsoc refuse to disavow @GKCdaily's anti-Semitism, but its prez Dale Ahlquist even wrote a rave review in its magazine of an anti-Semitic book by E. Michael Jones under the Jewish-sounding pseudonym Bradley Rothstein; it's not the first time that the account has tweeted such anti-Jewish hatred to its 144K followers.'s a good obit of Buddy (but it mistakenly says he had pancreatic rather than prostate cancer):…, the threat to democracy that I detailed in the thread to which @cantdon responded: It's the threat posed by a GOP that refuses to reject Trump's election lies. It's the threat of the US falling under a "pro-life" strongman as did Nicaragua. 2/x GOP said, "We'll save the unborn if you let us promote the death penalty." Martin well knows that Jesus is a divine Person. But Jesus also has a human operation--what John of Damascus calls his human "energy"--that enables him to act in a human manner.