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Dating, sex, and relationships. Seduction leads to beautiful experiences. Clean Up Your Head (s) -- Go Talk to Girls (c). Coaching:
5 subscribers
Sep 18, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read

Notice WHY you would be "indirect:"

"Subcommunication is based on communicating with indirection, double meaning, ambiguity, emotionality and imprecision for the following purposes:
- To preserve social harmony
- To avoid responsibility and establish plausible deniability
- To signal intent, as in "Tell without telling, ask without
- To establish boundaries and frames of interactions
- To avoid commitment; maintain ambivalence; keep options open

"Subcommunication imposes upon the recipient the
responsibility of correctly interpreting the meaning."
-- From Practical Female Psych for the Practical Man INDIRECT GAME is not for her, and shouldn't be for you.

It is for OTHERS:
> To preserve social harmony
> To avoid responsibility and establish plausible deniability

Indirect Game is when you're hitting on her in front of her boss... NOT for online DMs or daygame.
Sep 13, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
TEXT GAME: Getting her out

“If you have some good energy and momentum behind that energy, and you say, 'Let's go here,' she likes the direction the energy is going and she is more inclined to say yes. Spike the wave... and go in.”
- RSD Tyler

@WildPUA - this was your moment. Image WILD: *role play*
HER: You are funny (=positive momentum)
WILD: *this was your time to ask her out*

You definitely do NOT need all this chit chat. You don't even need positive momentum, but that can be a good que.

She was ready then. Don't drag it out.

Aug 24, 2024 18 tweets 5 min read
BY REQUEST, here are some comments about this recent lay report from @RawDogPUA. You are absolutely killing it right now, and it's glorious to see.

My comments are BELOW: >she is quite introverted
>initially mistook her introversion for a lack of interest

I date this type of girl. That is why, I ONLY LOOK FOR COMPLIANCE. I'm not looking for the girl to show lots of interest. You just lead/test. If she comes out, you know she's interested.
Apr 20, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
IMPORTANT LESSON: With girls, TEST, don't "ASK"

By asking, you increase her role and her responsibility. As she feels this, her "answer" changes.

If you TEST HER (just "try it"), you get a more accurate "response," that is her BEHAVIOR, not her "words."


BAD: "Can I kiss you?"

Classic example of "bad ask." It's not confident, or sexy.

BETTER: Instead, slow down, get close to her, and then move in for the kiss. You don't have to go all the way, but TRYING is going to be better Game than "asking."
Feb 23, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Q: Who are some of your favorite PUA’s/books people you recommend?
-- from my DMs

I did two threads: 1. On Sinn's Lay Reports and 2. On Brad P's book. Both are really good. I also love Franco Seduction's books. Almost everything by Krauser. And I'll link some examples BELOW... Sinn's Lay Report BOOK:

Here is a whole thread of quotes and examples:

Nov 9, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
"You can recontextualize anything. It's all about how you talk to yourself, how you control your brain. You're going to learn about how I control my brain, HOW I CONTROL MY NERVOUS SYSTEM, about how I deal with ambiguous stimuli."
-- Brad P


Getting good w/ women usually requires a lot of practice (=training your nervous system), until you stop "freaking out" when hot girls are around.

"Like a FIREMAN walking into a burning building... it becomes natural."

Oct 8, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read

Here is a thread on one of my personal DAYGAME THEORIES:

>20sec walking convo before we reached her car
-- From my DMs

== Do NOT "walk with girls" when you approach.

This guy talked to me about this^ in my DMs. The end results was she was upset.

WHY??? >Do NOT "walk with girls" when you approach


Because you "take away her choice." Many girls won't want to talk, and as you "walk with her," you're forcing her to talk to you... that is like IMPOSING A VERY HIGH TAX on that girl.

It won't help you. She'll hate it.

Jun 14, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

For guys that want to meet girls at cafes (or even some bar/restaurant settings):

If a GIRL SITS NEAR YOU, and you like her, say "hi" in the first 30 secs. Do it. If you wait longer, and you "want something," she'll feel it... ruins the vibe.

3 EXAMPLES... EX #1: This girl (right now): tiny, lovely, slow walk. She ordered something, and then took the seat next to me.

I like her. So I took my headphones out, waited a sec to see if she'd look up, she didn't, I put my hand out (to get her attn), made a comment about her perfume.
May 21, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
TEXTING GIRLS... the whole "lifecycle:"

I broke up w/ a GF abt 6 wks ago. I am back to BEING A BACHELOR, & have girls in every stage of the "life cycle" right now:

Ex GFs, a girl I'm seeing again, dating a new girl, active leads, weak leads, and I am hitting on new girls today. TEXTS: Ex GF

She is still sad about the breakup. She wanted to see me, so I took her lunch yesterday. It wasn't fun, but I would like to see her bounce back well... and maybe she needs a little help.

I really limit how often I even read her msgs, let alone respond. 1X wk.
May 20, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
Q: "How do I escalate and could you give me some tips for sex."
-- From my DMs

Escalation is part of "touching." In general, we touch girls we like "early and often" (assuming it's a date). If she "takes it," as the date goes on, you touch her more, and more sensitive places. INITIAL ESCALATION:

The first contact could be taking her arm when you're crossing the street, moving her out of way when someone is walking by, etc.

As the date starts, you can take her hand (while walking, or even just sitting and talking). Don't hold it forever, but take it.
Feb 28, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Here are some REALLY GOOD NOTES on "Last Minute Resistance" (LMR).

I would argue with parts of it (of course I would), but this is 100% than the vast majority of what you'll find on the topic.

I'll say what I disagree with BELOW. "A TEST to see if I would continue and try to lay her, or follow her needs and pull back."
-- @angeldevenganza

This is a great description. I'd ADD:
-- She is not "testing" you on purpose, but it is a test
-- FOCUS on "follow her needs"

Jan 22, 2023 48 tweets 20 min read
Starting a NEW BOOK today:

"It's Good To Be A Man"
-- By @thisisfoster

Michael is super into God. He knows who I am, & that I'm into pickup/Game/Seduction. I admire his takes on MASCULINITY and MALE LEADERSHIP (key features for all attractive and effective men). ImageImage @thisisfoster "THE PROCESS OF ATTAINING MANHOOD has been sabotaged. This book is our contribution to the work of repair.

"Our goal is to help modern Christian men understand what God made them for, and how to start doing it intentionally."
-- @thisisfoster

"It's a book about being a man."
Nov 10, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read

This ^ is the most over-rated concept in Game. It's taught too often, and guys "over-tease," and tease for the wrong reasons.

When you tease to "CHECK HER VALUE," it's lame. Bad vibe.

But when you tease to CREATE TENSION or show cleverness... Good Game. PERSONAL EXAMPLE:

A girl I am dating said a friend of hers asked where I went to college.

I said:

"I didn't go to college. I went to FIGHTING SCHOOL, and killed many people. So many."

"Don't tell your friend. She will be worried."

She said, "Our secret."

GOOD VIBE teasing.
Nov 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read

> when she's walking towards you

Guys that see a girl, and know it's on, and just sort of move toward her and get her attn... bad ass, I don't do it much.

> is ahead of you?

If she passes me, I check her out. Then go back, come around her, and open. Guys have been stopping girls on the street since time began. True. And in 2008-2009, the Daygame,com guys really documented the "London Daygame Model" (LDM).

Here is JON MATRIX doing a really good demo of the "front stop:

Oct 29, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read

Push/pull is a mega concept in Game; Good Game is a mix of push/pull.

BELOW are some of my favorite examples, and a URL for my "push/pull" comments here on the 'twit.… "PUSH is being edgy, strong, independent. PULL is comfort, emotion, etc."

Oct 3, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read

"The most important thing: The thing that gets you the girl is HOW YOU MAKE HER FEEL. The most important element, bar none."
-- Jon Sinn


" something you say, where if they don't argue with it, they don’t 'break the frame,' it gets set.

"Like, 'I AM TRYING TO GET IN YOUR PANTS,' which is something I say to every girl."
-- Jon Sinn

Jul 18, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
SEX (according to Deida):

FIRST: You're gonna want to control your orgasm...

"While you're having sex, you're gonna put awareness on awareness, you're gonna lose interest in her (if you genuinely do that).

"Then you put it back on her."
-- David Deida

More... "FIRST, you want to practice putting awareness on awareness - to diminish your erection and postpone your ejaculation.

"And THEN you put attention on her (especially the parts of her body or voice that turn you on) when you want to increase that feeling of stimulation."
-- Deida
Jul 18, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read

"While man's semen [Yang] is strictly limited in quantity, woman is an inexhaustible receptacle of Yin essence."

You RETAIN YOUR ENERGY, but she can come as much as she wants. I believe that.

You BUILD ENERGY during sex. You KEEP IT. She releases it. "Men were supposed to ejaculate only on days when the woman was most likely to conceive... On all other days the man was to strive to let the woman reach orgasm without himself emitting semen."

It is not about "semen," it's about avoiding PROLACTIN.

Jul 18, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read

"She will feel the spaciousness of your consciousness, instead of 'THE TARGET.'"
-- David Deida

I like this idea of "not targeting her" to give her (and YOU) a bigger experience.

This is the difference of the "ACTOR" vs the "DIRECTOR."


"Most men, you're fucking, you feel your dick, your concentration is on that... or she is very beautiful, but YOU'RE TARGETING her beauty.

"She feels that, it's A DIMINISHMENT, it's A CONTRACTION of your consciousness."
-- Deida
Jul 18, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read

"As you approach ejaculation... THERE IS A PLACE WHERE YOU COULD STOP AND NOT COME. And then there is a place where it's 'the point of no return.'

"Way before that 'point of no return,' that is where you do the 'up the spine.'"
-- David Deida

More... "The energy that is accumulating actually goes UP YOUR SPINE. It's ecstatic. like a massive piss shiver. An orgasm, for you, and her too."
-- Deida

When people talk about men have multiple orgasms, this "piss shiver" feeling is a way to understand that.
Apr 26, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read

"The way that a boxer might refrain from women before a fight is not expected to make him stronger/faster, but may help with his timing, or how some athletes say they are 'IN THE ZONE.'"
-- Robert Sepehr

h/t @brave__00 "Very different from being able to bench press more weight, but implies AN INCREASE IN INTUITIVE ABILITY. And a deeper connection to one's surroundings."
-- Sepehr

I would say, when I don't come during sex, the level of attention I can deliver to the girl after sex is 10X.