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Jan 10, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
🧵on #IDR recently, I talked with the #CBO as a SME to help their modeling, with the limited information they had.

I refused to guess what % of people in the portfolio would go into the "new IDR" as details were lacking. I smart not to as REPAYE will be the vessel of changes. I think this plan will encourage more people with UG debt to enroll in REPAYE and see what happens - sorta like insurance against economic shocks, as I said to @AnnaHelhoski in the piece she modeled outcomes for last year.
Nov 22, 2022 17 tweets 15 min read
🚨 🚨 My #PSLF work with @FitzEdPolicy sponsored by the @theSBPC is available to read.

This is the initial analysis in a wider mixed methods study - it's also one of the first of it's kind because we finally have available data on Forgiven borrowers.

protectborrowers.org/new-analysis-i… We wanted to know if we could see any relationships between achieving forgiveness and being in repayment (based on remaining payments) - and financial measures or reports of subjective well-being (e.g. stress and satisfaction).

Paper in link.

Nov 22, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Damn it! I got excited because I had nearly 5k profiles for my PSLF survey... I started looking at the data and it's obvious the survey was being SPAM attacked with false data starting on Nov 14th.

As any data from that point on is suspect I had to shut that survey down. (1) To the 1.3k people who have completed the survey, thank you SO VERY much. I am super appreciative here.

Luckily, I kept an eye open every time I knew people were calling for recruitment for me - so I knew (beyond the obvious data spike, randomly) who was real.

Apr 21, 2022 22 tweets 11 min read
Ok, time to get into this GAO report on #IDR. Reading from the perspective of who are most likely engaged in these programs (Female, Middle-Earning, High Debt Borrowers - and potentially minority borrowers).



1 That abstract is catching. Credit for getting the point right away. A bit misleading though, they talk about the 7k loans eligible at $49m - but later on, those are held by 3k borrowers for $16k per borrower on average. Per borrower stat should also be up there for clarity.

Apr 19, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Just started The Batman and... Honestly, Batflek needed this role. The 6 ft 1in, 180lb with a 60lb suit on just makes me laugh.

"I am vengeance!" - No sparkles you're just a skinny guy dressed as an emo Care Bear Haha someone has seen Blade and Blade 2's club scenes!