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I'm a dad that cares about my kids & the world I am leaving them. Clean air enthusiasts. Pro human rights, pro precautionary principle. He/Him
3 subscribers
Jan 12 β€’ 22 tweets β€’ 3 min read
As we see pictures of some of the most villainous & traitorous people in our society gather in Mar a Lago, I want to post a thing I've been working on to help me understand a portion of what is happening in the world today. Step-by-Step Explanation of Wealth and Power Retention with Impact on Population and Democracy

1)Tax Cuts for the Wealthy and Corporations
-What Happens: Policies reduce taxes for the rich and corporations, leaving the government underfunded.
Jan 8 β€’ 26 tweets β€’ 5 min read
So here's what I keep in my grab & go bag. First I have a separate bag for each person & one for my dog. So assume what I'm listing here is for one person. 1) Water
- I keep about 2L of water in each bag (3 would be better)
- I keep at least 1L of that water in a stainless steel bottle that can be used to heat water.
- I keep 1 metal cup in that can also be used to heat water.
- I keep 2 instant electrolyte drinks mixes
Dec 15, 2024 β€’ 20 tweets β€’ 2 min read
I'm going to make a short, but incomplete thread that I've been mentally compiling for a while now that may help other people to classify who you are dealing with in today's post truth world. 1) architects/grifters

These are the individuals or entities that intentionally create false information.

Who are they: Governments, intelligence agencies, corporations, or powerful organizations with an agenda (e.g., sowing confusion, destabilizing societies, gaining power).
Dec 5, 2024 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
I like to make models to help me understand things. I've been doing this with COVID since early in the pandemic. I made a simulation that would run X number of people through simulated infections with a 5% per infection risk of developing LC & then within that a 40% mild, 40% medium & 20% severe rating of LC. I've broken it down into 5 person groups because I'm guessing that's how many people most would know IRL well enough to share their health issues with them. It helps me to understand why this is such a hidden prevalent problem.
Nov 7, 2024 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 2 min read
It's so hard to have conversations with people that have never thought about anything in their lives. One of the common responses to suggesting that we begin the transition off fossil fuels in earnest is "okay stop using it!!". They say this because they know that it's very difficult, if not impossible to totally remove yourself from consuming fossil fuels currently. The problem is they don't actually put any thought into why that is. It's certainly not a technical problem. We have a wealth of technical solutions to draw upon. So what is going on
Oct 24, 2024 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Holy cow. This whole study is worth reading, average age of 18 & obviously super fit .... Image Also another confirmation of roughly 50% asymptomatic cases.

"A total of 307 participants had an asymptomatic infection,"
Sep 27, 2024 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 2 min read
If your entire field is about the study & prevention of disease & then when the largest one in your life comes along you choose to embrace the disease ... I really don't know what to say. When you use all the things your have learned to create nonsensical arguments to promote the spread of disease ... Have you just been training to be a propagandist for disease?
Sep 19, 2024 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 2 min read
We had/have a choice to either normalize disease or normalize mitigations. We chose to normalize disease. I think this was/is primarily due to the illogical nature of mitigations that were used during much of the early stages of the pandemic. This is 100% a result of religious like adherence to the dogma of droplet spread. The logical damaged caused by that original mistake still reverberates to this day. We still can choose logical interventions that are not overly draconian or disruptive, but we will never do that as long as that original mistake is
Aug 28, 2024 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 2 min read
My youngest, who has been incredibly responsible & who has shown amazing citizenship during this pandemic is likely not going to mask in school this year. He has faced ridicule not only from his peers, but also from STAFF at his school. He has done more than any adult in our circle to do the right thing. Not only to protect himself, but also to be a good citizen.

He is broken. He has been deliberately broken & shamed by ADULTS. It is cowardly for RESPONSIBLE ADULTS to not support children.
Aug 25, 2024 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Okay let me just help people's brains out a little bit:

1) "common cold" viruses.

- Rhinovirus, Human coronavirus (HCoV-229E, HCoV-OC43, HCoV-NL63, HCoV-HKU1), Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Human parainfluenza viruses (HPIV-1, HPIV-2, HPIV-3, HPIV-4), Adenovirus, Enterovirus, Human metapneumovirus (hMPV).

2) "flu" viruses - Influenza A H1N1, Influenza A H2N2, Influenza A H3N2, Influenza A H5N1, Influenza A H7N9, Influenza B Victoria, Influenza B Yamagata.
Aug 22, 2024 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
It's pretty interesting how the same patterns keep presenting themselves with covid:

1) Invoke magical thinking to justify promotion of disease spread. (Hybrid immunity, long covid is a psychological problem, children are magical beings, etc) 2) As evidence mounts that magic isn't real, attack the source, produce methodologically flawed doubt pieces, in other words gaslight.

3) As gaslighting fails, claim that it's impossible to do anything different & collectively ignore those that have succumbed to the above.
Aug 13, 2024 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 2 min read
One of the things that has shocked me during this pandemic is how it often seems like the real fight we are having is that diseases should not be resisted. That resisting disease somehow interferes with some "natural" process. This argument in various forms some subtle, some not so much has been presented by everyone from conspiracy theorists to actual scientists and doctors. In the end it actually has won, we now embrace this disease. 🀯

It has completely upended my view of the world. Like all really bizarre things it makes you start to
Aug 6, 2024 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Just want to highlight some things from the public health agency of Canada about long COVID.

May of this year. Image Who can develop long COVID? Everyone. Image
Jul 20, 2024 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Okay I don't think math actually matters or risk matters or anything really matters besides feels at this point, but I've seen a few people trying to figure out how to gauge what a 3.5% per infection risk of covid looks like. Here's the way I do it. Rare disease is are often classified as having a 1 in 2000 lifetime risk. Let's say you are 30 and looking at a lifetime of infections with SARS2. Let's say you're going to get it on average 1.5 times a year & you will live to be 70. That's 60 infections over your remaining lifetime.
Jul 11, 2024 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Since "panic" seems to be such a large concern of people that don't want to actually talk about the reality of non-stop sars2 infections, I've been reading a lot about panic & basically it's πŸ‚πŸ’©. Panic has been well studied for many events from terrorism, to war, to fires, etc The overwhelming findings are that people don't actually panic. There seems to be almost no evidence to support people panicking in the face of large events. Quite the opposite, people tend to work together in meaningful solutions.
Jun 29, 2024 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 4 min read
I've been accused a few times by anti-vaxxers of not considering the risks of vaccinations. This couldn't be further from the truth, I actually keep a pretty close eye on reported adverse reactions. Let me walk you through a few charts from health Canada. This is all from this site:

May 24, 2024 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 1 min read
I've been reading about TB recently and I have to say it's incredibly depressing to see exactly the same nonsense repeated in 2024 that was happening in 1900. I mean exactly the same nonsense with exactly the same groups involved. We haven't progressed in the slightest. Actually astonishing how similar things are. After Koch isolated the bacterium, other people, like Dr. Edward Trudeau repeated his findings and then began work to try to limit the spread of TB. Fresh air, isolation of infectious, etc. all the while being attacked by his peers.
May 16, 2024 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 2 min read
So I'm really trying to figure out what the expert advice here is. Clearly if you are trying to avoid SARS2 infections in any way, you are paranoid or crazy. So what is the optimal number of infections to get a year? When getting an infection should I look for somebody to cough directly into my face? Should I look too deeply inhale during that cough? I'm a little unclear on the recommended infection protocols.

Can some expert please explain to me what the proper infection protocols are?
May 9, 2024 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Long before the pandemic N95 manufacturers already knew and openly published that if you wanted to control "respiratory particles" you needed to wear an n95. They made this explicit very early. The fact that this was not transparent and publicized during the pandemic, is not a
failure of "masks". It is a failure of public health to properly advise the population on how to protect themselves against respiratory viruses. To turn around now and try to produce articles that try to turn a deliberate public health failure into a question of whether
May 7, 2024 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
I've spent a long time being baffled by people that are willing to suspend their intelligence to accept lies they want to hear. Decades of it. Everything from denial of evolution to denial of climate change. It wasn't until I watched people do it while millions were dying & being disabled that I got angry. It's so prevalent now that I'm actually moving past anger and disbelief and into deep genuine fear for our ability to transcend the times that we are facing.

I have always expected some people to behave this way, because some people always have.
Mar 22, 2024 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
I've had hundreds of conversations with people that don't understand the full threat of climate change. It's not just that the climate is changing, it's that our civilization was built upon assumptions. Assumptions that have been valid for hundreds of

Image years. We have spent all of our energy building out civilizations (infrastructure) based on these assumptions. We can't simply pick up and move. Nothing works that way anymore and hasn't for many centuries. We can't simply rebuild, it takes too long and too much energy.