Charles DeLoach Profile picture
UNC Law ⚖️ Class of 23, Attorney in Charlotte, NC #ncpol, Jewish ✡️, BLM✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾, He/ Him, With all that said: Let’s talk politics
May 21, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
I’m working on writing my full thoughts on the situation in Israel but in the meantime I wanted to address something that’s been weighing on me.

People seem to fundamentally misunderstand the meaning of “Zionism” and it’s come to effectively be used as a derogatory term. Zionism means that you believe that Israel has a right to exist.

This should not be controversial, the same way that saying Palestine has a right to exist should not be controversial.

However, much like the term “socialism” the term means different things to different people.
Oct 24, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Made a friend today! Lol
Feb 27, 2020 17 tweets 4 min read
Many Republicans know exactly what Trump is & support him anyways.

"He's an asshole" they say (as if recognizing it makes it ok) "but at least the economy is strong!"

So long as their 401ks are ok they can stomach him. But they have no idea the economic risk Trump poses. Thread The economy's strength is based entirely on people's faith in it.

Trump's strength, is selling a message, and he's been selling the message of American economic strength ever since he walked into the powerful foundation that Obama had left for him.
Feb 9, 2020 17 tweets 4 min read
My problem with Bernie's campaign (Thread)

A big reason our politics are so bad right now is that politicians figured out long ago that if they can rally a base to be angry at its opponent then they don't have to win a policy debate.

Trump is a master at this & so is Bernie. Trump is the effect, not the cause, of decades of this style of politics being built up by Republicans and amplified on Fox.

Now he does this with everyone from his Democratic opponents to any Republicans or career diplomats that dare step out of line.