Ol’ Precious Rez Dog Profile picture
I share pics of Rez dogs. Ndn humor. the link is a 20 minute film about Rez dogs https://t.co/QPneIbKx9W
Jan 10, 2024 22 tweets 3 min read
Story time 🧵 I have a great great grandmother who was put down as a 1/4 on our current rolls (she was 4/4 on the original rolls that burnt down). Myself and my bro obtained proper documentation that she was, in fact, at least 1/2. This change enrolled me and my bro.
Oct 29, 2023 19 tweets 3 min read
Saw Killers of the Flower Moon and here are my thoughts I will share in this thread Scorsese shows the viewers the evils done to the Osage people. The evil doers are motivated by greed and will harm anyone in their way

it’s not just a few bad guys, it’s a town full of blood sucking thieves who judge and murder the oil rich Indians.
Jun 29, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
White peoples. You need to understand how your great grandparents being given land and opportunities helps you today, just as I understand how my grandparents being robbed from land and opportunity created an obstacle for me You need to understand that communities exist and some were given so much and some were robbed of nearly everything
Dec 8, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Y’all, ‘Indigenous’ is not a racial classification. It is a political status. I’m just asking that we stop applying the colonial concept of race on to our nations and embrace that we are a rich culture with deep ties to this land who share a similar plight with each other Also, I totally understand the complexities and racism built within our enrollment/membership. It’s absolutely disgusting we hold into a colonial measuring stick to determine citizenship.
Nov 30, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
any white people out there who know and admit their great great grand daddies were part of massacres and killed Indigenous peoples & babies?

Is there one of you who knows? Any white family out there discussing the intergenerational trauma from the violence of colonization? I’m not asking to shame you… I’m asking to give you a hug and wish you well and pray that you and your family confronts that trauma and heal before you’re radicalized and storm the state Capitol again
Jul 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The world is ending, the last trees burning to a crisp, the last river is nearly dried, and the last nuke is glowing in the horizon… and Keeler thinks to herself, ‘is this the Endian?’ I just want to tease her because her and her crew really suck at puns. They’re anti-black. I think of the native fiction writer who she has attacked, a black native who wrote a *star wars* book and has been harassed by her crew more than Star Wars fans, the most toxic fans
May 4, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
I’m in my mid-30’s and have read all those Blackfeet book about warriors and truly being inspired by those stories and them having important impact in my life… I would trade every single one of those stories in for a book that was all about how women took care of everything Our ancient knowledge of medicines, raising children, contraceptives, abortion, etc… was ignored by the people documenting our stories.

Blackfeet- we have a lot of book written about us because, like, if you know us, we fucking love to talk
May 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This is fucked Up. Everyone who associates with this ish needs to behave. All these bitter ass ndns need to knock it the fuck off. Holy fuck this is a fucked up statement. She truly is Karendian This is a damning statement by Keller and proof that she is off her rocker. All you academic natives that have decided to work with her on the whole pretendian thing… you guys are just as gross, either you stop associating with this grossness or put miss Karendian in her place
Jan 23, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
152 years ago the United States Army massacred a peaceful camp of Piikuni. They fucking killed babies. They killed them by bashing them against trees and stomping on them with boots. The violence that kickstarted this nation is still visible, and this story is still relevant One soldier refused to join in the senseless killing, run to a bush and saw a young mother with her infant hiding… she was scared seeing him so he went somewhere else, he went back to that bush to check on her and her and her baby were shot
Oct 21, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
I’m just going to assume everyone is a pretendian from this day onward. You’re all just pretendians
Oct 20, 2021 9 tweets 8 min read
Bunch of Rez dogs during our Chief’s homecoming (thread) @siipistookos helped w the pics. ImageImageImageImage ImageImageImageImage
Oct 13, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
Racialism is a result of colonization. Dismantling racism is paramount to a good life, but dismantling racialism (the belief that race is a real thing) seems to be something most do not want to do. It’s justified to demand white people to dismantle white supremacy but it’s plum houngie if continue to center race when talking about indigeneity.
Jan 23, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
Today is the anniversary of The Bakers Massacre and here on the Blackfeet Rez we have an open discussion of the trauma colonial violence left us with. However, it isn’t just us who suffers this trauma... white america suffer from this trauma, too... albeit in a different way It is unhealthy the way america glorifies violence and sings songs of being ‘land of the free’ without taking any time to examine the negative toll that comes with raping and murdering an entire continent
Jan 21, 2021 10 tweets 1 min read
Instead of a pretendian list I’m going to make a list of ndns who act white. Lol jks. No need to worry If I did that I’d have to add my name to it lol
Jun 23, 2020 19 tweets 4 min read
English language is a transaction language. It’s a trade language and no longer has a land to call it own. It’s a drifter language. Don’t get me wrong, there are beautiful expressions and adjectives and adverbs... but most English verbs are dull and bland and lack description English places emphases on nouns that many other languages don’t. My mentor, who created the best writing system for our language (Blackfoot) creates his own literacy rules as well. He doesn’t capitalize anything... If you don’t understand the significance of this move then ookss
Jun 21, 2018 33 tweets 7 min read
Why I think Rez dogs are important For the most part, Rez dogs roam around the Rez not out of neglect but out of respect.