Black Mag. E Cheese Profile picture
Chuck E Cheese will become Deadl E Cheese at 9 PM. And all exits have been sealed to make sure you won't get out. EVER. Also a smug armchair MMTleftcom. he/they
May 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Human liberation inevitably requires guardianship abolition and that is not a position you can compromise on if you believe in animal liberation and also no that does not mean you're bad if you vaccinate a kid or that you must release your toddlers to the streets immediately. I mean, it's not an incoherent argument if you think that ending human control over animals is worth more than animal welfare. Which gets into a really weird, potentially racist, ALWAYS unwittingly pop-Christian worldview where animals have more rights than children.
May 10, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
A foundational falsehood of Enlightenment liberalism is how political consensuses, thus change, come from enough people coming to the same political conclusion.

Moreover, and even more stupidly, you can help the process along with a combination of rhetoric and Revealed Truth. Unsurprisingly, this diseased idea (and its corollaries, such as the power of Free Speech) came from a Puritan who wanted to use the framework of Hobbesian liberalism to create a Protestant theocracy instead of a capitalist commonwealth.

You may know him as John Milton.
Jan 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The upper-middle class are the most disloyal, short-termist voters in history. Clinton destroyed his base with deportations and incarcerations to court these worms and they STILL went and voted for Dubya.

So what does that tell you about Democrats, who keep pursuing these slugs? The most charitable explanation is that the Democratic Party believes that making these bloodsuckers feel safe and welcome in their party is worth the inevitable betrayal and fascist counterattack. Even as climate change and COVID-19 threaten to undo their beloved United States.
Jan 12, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I used to think this was inappropriate until the Democratic Party started all-but-openly embracing eugenics for elderly, disabled, and children.

Eliminationism both towards queers for HIV denialism and towards non-workers for COVID denialism come from the same ideological place. Having decades of experience under New Dealer and Clintonite slugs of masking fascism with SJW language, Democrats are lot smoother with their cullings than Reaganites.

But the means and ends are the same. if you don't fit into our vision of society: die.
Dec 10, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Middle-class American culture (i.e. reactionaries) isn't THAT different from that of upper-class, down to the love of pedophilia, violent hierarchy, and opulence.

Only difference is how the middle-class deluded themselves into thinking there's enough pie for millions of THEM. The real fissures in reactionary ideology -- and why movement conservatives are more crazed than orthodox fascisms and both are more crazed than libertarians -- is ultimately how many herrenvolk they claim their ideology could sustain once it's fully implemented.
Oct 23, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
The Democratic Party is like a shitty middle-manager. The one who sets high expectations for the team but has no idea how to achieve it. And not only that, but demands their underlings cover for any weaknesses in their leadership. And if you don't, their failure is YOUR FAULT. These managers can be hands-off, micromanaging, mid-day golfers, or 60-hour a week workers, but they without exception share one trait: they are mentally slothful and will never willingly give a moment's thought to any course of action that doesn't conform to their prejudices.
May 24, 2018 14 tweets 3 min read
I'm still not sure whether fascism or socialism will triumph over the next few decades, but I do know that orthodox liberalism (and branches of it, such as Frum-style conservatism) is ending. And quickly. Like 4-6 years maximum quickly.

Here's where I see it going: First: Clinton/Obama-style liberalism as represented by the Chaits and Maddows and Drums will fuse with CATO/Bush-style conservatism as represented by the Frums and Roves and McCains. They still won't be a plurality, but they'll have some influence that way. This one's a given.