Dr Deborah Toner Profile picture
Historian of alcohol, food, literature, nation-building and race in the Americas. Aspiration: Making Communication Heroic. Mastermind special subject: ER
Jan 29, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
@NCanagarajah has been at pains to "reassure" colleagues @uniofleicester that "only" 60 jobs will be lost. This is not true. Twice as many jobs - in terms of people who currently hold them - will be lost according to the current plans 1/ 2/ Half as many insecure or short term jobs will then be created to fill the gaps... temporarily. @NCanagarajah speaks about "net" "full time equivalent (FTE)" posts lost. @leicesterucu speaks about PEOPLE. Twice as many people as the VC's figures quote stand to lose their jobs