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Dec 13, 2024 7 tweets 15 min read
⚡️Algorithm of Ruschia’s election interference methods (I):

According to a just declassified Moldova intelligence service report:

“The main platforms used were the EVRAZIA entity and the so-called "victory" block; the agents of influence were and remain the organized criminal group "Sor", …

tools used include:

clandestine financing by foreign subversive centers,



illegal financing of electoral campaigns,

destabilization attempts,

sabotage actions and others.

Russian interference was exerted on multiple vectors, including:

a) amplification of radical tendencies, of a separatist-autonomist nature;

b) propaganda and disinformation;

c) exploitation of the ecclesiastical factor;

d ) Russian interference in the electoral process in the Republic of Moldova;

e ) subversive operations carried out by the Russian special services;

f) exploiting elements of organized crime;

g) energy blackmail…

… 2024, the No. 1 target of the Operational Center in Moscow becomes compromising Moldova’s EU membership referendum.

The command/coordination center of the external interference operation, which according to its construction represents a pyramid scheme, had the following organizational chart:

- in the city Moscow: the coordinating staff with distinct departments was established
responsible for political technologies, organization, finance and logistics;

- in the city Chisinau: the executive staff was established - responsible for legal aspects, public relations, coordination of work with young people, organization and logistics, but also the training of speakers
in electoral meetings.

Within it, more than 100 "speakers" distributed by territorial organizations were trained.

- Territorial cells 119. Each territorial organisation had the objective of recruiting activists.

The objective set per district was 1500 people. (within a district of the Republic of Moldova, 2-3 territorial cells were active).

- Primary cells - over 1900.

- Activists - 33,000 activists.

Activists had the objective of recruiting and registering 5-10 people who will b e potential mobilized voters in exchange for a sum of money for a candidate/candidates. activists were remunerated 2000 lei per month, and for the month of October - 3000 lei per activist.

- Supporters - 84,000 people…

Under the guise of certain projects, "EVRAZIA" financed the transportation
citizens of the Republic of Moldova (especially members and sympathizers of the so-called "victory" structures) in Moscow where they were trained about different ways of activity as well as ideologization.

The training involved political instructors/experts originating from the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and Central Asian states.

Among the speakers at these events, the involvement of the youth organization of the ruling party in Russia, as well as Russian propagandists and ideologues, was noticed.

The projects, managed by the "EVRAZIA" NGO, under the cover of which the visits of the citizens of the Republic
of Moldova to the Russian Federation were organized were:

"Know Russia"/, Узнай Россию" organization of excursions;

- = The land of childhood"/"Территория детства " - participation of young people (between 14 - 16 years old) at rest camps in Russia, and Ukraine (Crimea); "Eurasia - the continent of opportunities"

- "Ambassador of the friendship of the peoples"/ "Ambassador EURAZIA" of - BUILDING
public diplomacy

During the trips to Moscow, training seminars were organized for the young people in the social-political field, electoral technologies, including destabilization techniques (point C).

Some of the members are trained with the aim of participating, as "Ambassadors of Eurasia", in a campaign to inform the electorate of the Republic of Moldova regarding the benefits of the Republic of Moldova's collaboration with…” 1/Image
⚡️Algorithm of Ruschia’s election interference methods (II):

In each country Ruschia uses a different menu of activities. This report from Moldovan intelligence service reveals methods used in Moldova to hack its EU referendum:

…Ruschia/Eurasian Union and the negative consequences of European integration.

The involvement of the ecclesiastical component.

On this dimension, Ruschia’s interference activities were manifested through:

1. Travels in the Russian Federation (RF) (with the financial support of RF entities) and the holding of local events ("Way of the Cross/Peace March").

- In the months of August and September 2024, about 500 priests and parishioners of the Church Orthodox from Moldova moved to Moscow in a.n. "pilgrimages".

The purpose of the trips was to convince the clerics to get involved in influencing the
presidential elections and the referendum.

Arriving in Moscow, the clerics were proposed to sign a contract with "EVRAZIA" to be given a bank card with the Russian payment system "Mir" in order to receive help from the Russian Patriarchate.

Upon their return, they were promised remuneration from EVRAZIA" in the amount of 1000 USD.

2. Propagation of messages with electoral connotations aimed at supporting electoral
candidates in the presidential elections and distributing anti-EU messages/rhetoric

During 2024, the organized criminal group (SOR) was in a permanent process of identifying the camouflaged mechanisms for introducing money sources into the country, the following being

Organized transportation of cash from RF to Republic of Moldova by so-called porters and associated persons (by

This method is being investigated by the Police, the Prosecutor's Office and the
Customs Service.

Money transfers from Russia operated through the bank accounts of "PROMSVYAZBANK" (under international sanctions) - the Russian MIR payment system,
with the transfer of amounts through payment platforms in Uzbekistan; P2P transfers through payment platforms and banks in Central Asia, money remittance systems, such as: "Zolotaya Korona"

Since the launch of the "EVRAZIA" platform in Moscow, increased attention has been paid to the regions of the Republic of Moldova led by people affiliated with llan SOR - UTA Gagauzia, Taraclia
and Orhei.

Their administrations have signed trilateral contracts WITH "EVRAZIA" and
"PROMSVYAZBANK" for receiving financial sources, actually being a way to camouflage illegal financing and electoral corruption.

The beneficiaries had bank accounts at "PROMSVYAZBANK", which were opened without physical presence, personal data (passports) being illegally collected centrally by the SOR group and sheds in Moscow.

From the position of the organization, "grants for young people" and "contracts of
employment" of citizens of the Republic of Moldova…

Sep 5, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
⚡️Disinfolklore’s Doppelganger.

Once you get your eye in, the Mana of folklore is immanent in all forms of Disinfolklore - meanness communicated through propaganda stories that affects our Moods / Intentions / Attitudes / and Motivations.

Thankfully however as Ukraine’s new dragon fire delivering drone, or its Carouselling Baba Yaga UAV, or the Witches of Bucha shooting down Ruschists’ Shaed drones or the Sirens of Marvki’s camouflage knitting for Ukrainian defenders demonstrate:

The Mana of folklore is also immanent in our Counter Disinfolklore.

We CAN control Ruschist War Magic.

If we fight fire with fire, magic against magic.

You see, what Ruschia noticed was that community identity is wholly formed through story-telling. The modern nation state was created after Herder’s 1777 plea to unite the 10 German tribes behind a set of stories (folklore) typifying Germanness. The Brothers Grimm, Goethe and later Wagner answered that call. And 90 years later the first unified German state was created. Identity is wholly a function of stories. Know this, and you will begin to understand how Ruschist Disinfolklore works to undermine and recreate identity.

In Ireland, the Celtic literary rival of the late 1900s led to our liberation from England’s yoke.

In 1840s Kharkhiv University led the collection of folktales that established Ukrainianess in the face of Russian oppression.

And today, Ruschia uses Telegram to create communities characterised by division and anti-immigrant far right and far left militancy that spill out onto our streets and politics to wreak havoc.

In Ruschia-occupied eastern Ukraine I saw first hand how Ruschist Disinfolklore transformed the identities of Ukrainians living inside the occupation- it took eight years of brainwashing to convince Ukrainians inside the occupation that other Ukrainians wanted them dead, and that their only release was to sacrifice themselves in pointless meat assaults to capture a few metres of soil of the killing fields of eastern Ukraine.

We’ve seen how MAGA and Brexit Disinfolklore works to brainwash previously decent people into supporting an adjudicated rapist and criminal for the US presidency (two recent English prime ministers, both of whom have daughters, today campaign to install an adjudicated rapist and criminal as US President - they too have been brainwashed).

Never underestimate the power of Disinfolklore.

The moment you think only dumb people get trolled, you open your mind up to being controlled by absolute nonsense delivered through Disinfolklore expertly right into your Mana - the well from which all your moods/intentions/attitudes/and motivations flows.

I call it War Magic because you don’t even notice that through your mind Ruschia (or MAGA or paleo-male misogynistic axis of misogyny powers like China, Iran and Ruschia), you are being turned into a soldier. You are through anti-woke/anti-western/anti-vaxx/anti-Ukraine tropes being brainwashed into fighting for your own culture’s annihilation.

That’s what is at stake in

As @ZarinaZabrisky notes of Doppelganger, Ruschia’s latest multi-billion dollar means of transforming humanity’s consciousness:

“2022, EU DisinfoLab @EUvsDisinfo revealed a Russia-based influence operation active in Europe.

The operation was cleverly named
Doppelgänger. German folk legends considered a "doppelgänger" a shadow, a malevolent entity, offering deceptions and lies. In a less romantic twist, the Kremlin state-sponsored actors mimicked authentic publications, cloning at least 17 genuine media outlets like Bild and The Guardian. They used fake, look-alike domain names and designs to create "a double" garnished with fake articles, videos, and polls.”…Image
Feb 21, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
⚡️Russia’s Nuclear Terror: Zaporizhzhia.

As @OSCE’s environmental security adviser for Zaporizhzhia BEFORE the full-scale invasion, I’ve been watching the world’s first terrorist occupation of a nuclear power plant VERY closely.

Here’s the story in 30+ tweets, since 24 Feb 2022. For those who care about nuclear terrorism, and historians… 👇🏾

1/Image ⚡️My first Tweet 👇🏾 warning of the imminent targeting of Europe’s largest nuclear power plant by Ruschist soldiers.

Strangely those most susceptible to Ruschia’s nuclear blackmail trolling (and who continue to promote idea Ukraine should surrender to Russia to save the world from nuclear annihilation) don’t pay ANY attention to the longest and most brutal and sole terrorist occupation of a nuclear power plant in world history. Go figure🤷🏾‍♀️

Jun 24, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
💠 Coup Thread of Insight 💠:

⚡️Russian Government Had 4 Weeks To Stop the Steal.

"...FSB, Putin, Shoigyu will have used ALL their levers to stop this coup. They had all the powers of the Ruschist state their "rightful" authority gave them. And they failed.

They failed..."


1/10Image ⚡️Putin's Plight.

"...Bakhmut was to be for the Chef Saucerer Apprentice, what Chechnya was for Putin the Chief Sorcerer: such a win could be spun through webs of Disinfolklore into the "Right" recognised by every Russian to lead Russia unopposed..."


May 28, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
⚡️What Unites Ruscism, Axis of Misogyny, Paleo-Conservative & Anti-Woke campaigns?

They want to destroy the post-World War II legal order.

The consensus that aspiration towards equality of opportunity for everyone is the ONLY legitimate goal for democratic societies.

Anti-Equality rhetorics Other categories of humans: Women, Trans, Remainers, Immigrants, Ukrainians,...

Then they use this Othering to win power to roll-back the legal order instituted after WWII.

These instruments are a total package. Any rhetoric proposing to unpick parts of this complex indicates ignorance or strategic goal of reversing the post-WWII legal order.

Genocide Convention.

Refugee Convention.

Laws of War.

Equality Conventions (ICCPR & ICESCR).

Human Rights laws.

Anti-Discrimination laws.

Putin's Chef and the entire Ruschist Disinfolklore apparatus is focussed on provoking division over the post-WWII legal order's preservation.

American evangelical conservatives, oligarchs and extreme nationalists in England, France, Germany,... all are united.

They minimise the reversal of the legal order that was brought in to prevent another holocaust.

They say it's a "Cultural War."

No it's not. It's the restarting of the Second World War. They're trying to relitigate the peace settlement, in favour of today's most powerful humans.

Apart from everything else, their success in destroying the institutions which promote the realisation of equality of opportunity will entrench today's most powerful in position for perpetuity.

Or until a war.

Remember: Violations of human rights are trip-wire for conflict and war. Every war in history has been "justified" by human rights breaches. A more equal society is not just about culture. It's about a peaceful world.Image
Apr 6, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
⚡️Russia has murdered and tortured many priests in Ukraine - a quick thread🧵

Forcibly disappeared son of Zaporozhzhia's governor attested to this torture of a priest 👇🏽
Image First priest Ruschists murdered in Ukraine was Father Maxim, a Moscow Patrichiate priest from Dnipropetrovsk. 👇🏽
Apr 1, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
“Dehumanizing Ukrainians (Russia’s key propaganda goal), denying them the right to an unique identity different from a Russian one, after justifying atrocities ("the punishment must be harsh") and glorifying repression, re-education and Ukrainian suffering…” "the Catholic regions," western Ukraine, "will remain hostile to Russia, but it will be neutral and demilitarized, and Nazism will be banned there. The haters of Russia will go there."
And what would "guarantee" the quietist subjugation of rump Ukraine…” 2/
Apr 1, 2023 15 tweets 12 min read
Wimbledon's a bit like Bucha - parks, nice houses, prosperous people. What Russians did to Bucha 🎥👇🏽It's what Russians will do to @Wimbledon, its brand, & given a chance, its wombles, village & villagers. Russia had lists of Bucha residents to kill - they killed them. 1/14 ⚡️If Russia hadn't murdered Ukrainian athlete Dariia Kurdel while she was training for the Olympics, Dariia would have enjoyed seeing Russia lose the #Olympics sport of threatening genocide. No other country was competing. Threatening genocide breaches international law. 2/14
Mar 30, 2023 8 tweets 7 min read
Let's decode @Olympics troll that participation in sport is a human right. Ukrainian international lawyer Hersch Lauterpacht's vision for human rights as UNIVERSAL as a matter of LAW was accepted as LAW by 1949. 1/ Image Human Rights as a matter of law were accepted as LAW after the holocaust & Nazi/Soviet occupation of Ukraine killed MILLIONS of Ukrainians 1941-1945. Only States have a duty to protect human rights, not @Olympics. ALL human rights are subject to derogation,... 2/ ImageImage
Mar 30, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
"Ruble is down over 20% since November against the dollar. The labor force has shrunk... Uncertainty has curbed business investment... Russia’s economy is entering a long-term regression... ballooning military expenditures with the subsidies and social spending..." 1/ Image "Oleg Deripaska warned this month that Russia is
running out of cash. “There will be no money next year..."... Moscow is becoming ever more reliant on China, threatening to realize long-simmering fears in Moscow of
becoming an economic colony of China..." 2/
Mar 6, 2023 20 tweets 8 min read
"Early Saturday, Ukrainian assault brigades went on the attack. Over the weekend, hundreds of troops joined the counteroffensive, mounting assaults from the ground and pounding Russian positions with artillery from the surrounding hills..." 1/ "Even before Ukraine stepped up its attack on Russians in Bakhmut on the weekend, its forces had moved to beat Russian troops back from the last main highway into the city. That preserved both a supply line and an exit route for them should they decide to retreat..." 2/
Mar 5, 2023 25 tweets 10 min read
"When Tatiana Vlaiko’s 11-year-old daughter Lilya came home from school last September saying her class was going to a two-week summer camp, alarm bells immediately rang..."

Stealing children's a deeply embedded theme in Indo-European folklore (see…). 1/ "“I was afraid,” Vlaiko, 36, said. “It’s a war and I told her it might not be so easy to get you back. But her friends were going and she really wanted to go.”
Nor did there seem to be a choice. Consent forms sent by the school instructed parents..." 2/
Jan 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Why Disinfo Debunking's not simple...
Affective biases.
Confirmation biases.
Motivated reasoning.
Dfferences in intellectual hinterlands.
Differences in emotional education.
Propagandists mesmerise, using the firehose of falsehood.

1/4 Image Collective control.
Grooming ("There is no truth." etc.)
Emotional hacking-straight to System One invoking Fear, Anger, Disgust, Sadness and Amusement.
Infections of confidence.
Wishful thinking.Thinking that none would lie about a matter as important as this.
2/4 Image
Dec 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
⚡️Let Me Count the ways Muscovy Lost.

1 Your 10 day conquest is now on its 265th day. To conquer all of 🇺🇦 at this rate Muscovy needs time machine, & capacity to learn from mistakes; neither of which are within the realm of possibility.


Bonus 🧵1️⃣: Never controlled the lands you fake-annexed. Never will. West repeats same mantra 1m times: "with 🇺🇦 for As. Long. As. It. Takes." Yet Ruschists so slow of mind, they walk right into the self-demilitarisation bear trap set for them.


Bonus 🧵2️⃣:
Oct 24, 2022 24 tweets 9 min read
"Well, it is very difficult to evaluate the stupidity of the Russians by some logic. I will put it this way: undermining Nova Kakhova dam will definitely cause environ disasters, this is a fact...other aspects. 1st is: why do it - what will they lose & what they will get?..." 1/ Head of 🇺🇦 Military Intelligence Budanov: "The Crimean Bridge is the symbol that will be destroyed. When Crimea returns to Ukraine, this bridge will cease to exist. No-one needs this transport artery...Russians love numerology & everything related to it: 10.10.22..." 2/
Oct 21, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read
"Scale of abuse of the population in eastern 🇺🇦 under Ruschist occupation is most likely greater than that seen in the spring in Bucha & Kyiv region given the breadth of the territory and the length of the occupation, police officials said..." 1/11… "So far, police officers have logged more than 1,000 cases of people being detained in police stations & temporary holding facilities across the region, said Kharkiv Police chief. Real figure is probably 2x or 3x that, he said.
Torture was routine, according to witnesses..." 2/11
Oct 17, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Why is this Silicon Valley Peace Plan so flawed?

1 2014-2022: Muscovy was bound by a ceasefire agreement it signed twice. US was a guarantor of it.

2 Muscovy violated this ceasefire almost every day for 7 1/2 years. For 3 years I observed & reported these violations.

1/5 3 US acting as a guarantor for Muscovy's ceasefire obligations is akin to US giving Kyiv Security Treaty guarantees to Ukraine (see below). This means if Muscovy violates the ceasefire, US sends in the troops to 🇺🇦. Is this what @DavidSacks is advocating? If so, I agree.

Oct 16, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
England's Ukraine policy is a huge saving grace. Like a vagrant fallen on hard times nevertheless remembering in the midst of their chaos to perform a duty properly like saying "thank you." 1/6 There's a fair bit of schadenfreude in a not unpleasant way. That said, many of us who are trained to understand the minutiae of England's constitution been highlighting inevitable output of continuously trashing it. 2/6…
Oct 4, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
"❗A resident of Melitopol received curses from Russian relatives because of the death of a mohilized. Unprepared conscripts have already begun to die on our land. So many Melitopol residents are connected with the Russians by family ties, they began to receive a reaction..." 1/ "My second cousin lives in Irkutsk. The last time she was with us, in Melitopol, in March 2010 - she came with her husband and son to the anniversary of our common relatives. We were friends. And they even kept in touch in 2014, when the war broke out in Donbass..." 2/
Oct 4, 2022 15 tweets 13 min read
"Russian troops set up base in the school (👋🏽 @amnestyusa) & used it as a supply hub, warning locals to stay away...shortly after 10am on Mar 28 when 2 Ruschist soldiers, clad in tattered uniforms, began visiting homes and ordering people to leave..." 1/13 Image "Ruschist soldiers walked from house to house, knocking on doors, the villagers said.
People crowded into the street, holding whatever possessions they had grabbed. One carried an infant and a spare set of diapers. Another was tending to cows when Ruschist soldiers came..."2/13 Image
Oct 2, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
"The first time the Russian soldiers caught him, they tossed him bound and blindfolded into a trench covered with wooden boards for days on end.
Then they beat him, over and over: Legs, arms, a hammer to the knees, all accompanied by furious diatribes against Ukraine..." 1/6 Image "“No one needs you,” Ruschist commander taunted. “We can shoot you any time, bury you a half-meter underground and that’s it.”
Brutal encounter at the end of March was just the start. Andriy Kotsar would be captured & tortured twice more by Ruschist forces in Izium..." 2/6 Image