Deep Read Dan Profile picture
Psych/ACC Body language guru, micro-expression analyst, and Jungian Archetypologist
22 subscribers
Jan 30, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Why were they together and why did they split up? How did the dynamic work between a sturdy Hero man and a faint Fae? Let's explore the chemistry between them and why they couldn't make their relationship work! Image Brad is a Hero auxiliary Hermit challenger Explorer shadow Rebel. He's really, really good at a lot of different things. Has high EQ while still having a lot of masculine traits. In OCEAN he's high in Openness, Conscientiousness, and Agreeableness while moderate in the others. Image
Jan 30, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Jennifer Aniston Deep Read:

Scribe archetype auxiliary Empress challenger Melodist shadow Illuminator. She's so stable that she can appear manic. She's such a workaholic that she breaks down and plays. She's so focused on schedules that it makes her absolutely neurotic => Image She's a yellow Scribe. That means that she's more extraverted, agreeable, socially aware and congenial than the average scribe. She's half raw desire and half self-mastery (that's her internal paradox). Even though she gets intense dopamine rushes she gets spaces out and looses her place with things. Even though she's very grounded, she spends a lot of time in her head where she can get lost. She tries hard not to be a provocateur but is desperate to be viewed as attractive.Image
Jan 29, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Tom Holland and Zendaya Relationship analysis. I give it 4/10. There's some chemistry but it's mostly because they are the two last traditional celebrities. She's 100% wearing the pants but probably shouldn't be. They're a slightly odd couple. Probably won't make it. Image Tom is a Seer auxiliary Illuminator. Zendaya is an Artiste auxiliary Warrior. They can be pretty good friends. But psychologically he's slightly more masculine than she is but she's trying really hard to be more masculine so their polarity dynamics are way off. Image
Jan 29, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Sol Brah:

King auxiliary Judge challenger Lover shadow Artiste. Let's look into his psychology. Hyper masculine. Displays extraordinarily high status body language. Extremely domineering. High control energy. Exceptionally disagreeable. Perfectionistic. Let's see more: Image First thing I notice is that Sol Brah is the least patient person I have ever seen in my life. Like .01 percentile patience. Can't sit still. Always has to be doing something. Insanely hyperactive. Has to take charge because he can't stand something not happening. Very forceful. Pushy. He has so much of these traits he could do his opposite. He's so professional that he can appear unprofessional. Highly aloof. Doesn't connect well emotionally unless he's under a lot of stress. Very high levels of competence at almost anything he tries. Strong jack of all trades and tries to be a master of all.Image
Dec 18, 2023 26 tweets 4 min read
New Poll thread on social media appropriateness. Imagine that this woman is posting this to her stories and assume there's an activity involved. How do you view this image? Is it appropriate? Image How do you view the last image? 1. Completely Appropriate (women should absolutely be able to post without any negative social feedback). 2. Not ideal but you do you attitude (don't care). 3. Inappropriate (bad but not THAT BAD) 4. Scandalous (should have social repercussions)
Dec 18, 2023 27 tweets 10 min read
Archetypes – the lost key to your purpose

How knowing your archetypes gives you the secret blueprint of your life

There is no knowledge as powerful than knowing who you are! 🧵 Image Life is a play and we are merely players on a stage said Shakespeare centuries ago. Whatever you are you should act well your part. But the vast majority know not their part. They live life as insignificant minor characters repeating tiny insipid lines programmed into them by dark forces.Image
Dec 16, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Deep Read: The Neelemans of Ballerina Farm

Let's dive into the many strengths and personality compatibilities of their relationship. We'll look at this through the lens of culture, archetypes, polarity, body language, and their fulfillment of their personal purpose! Image He's an Explorer auxiliary Rebel challenger Hero shadow Hermit. She's an Everywoman auxiliary Innocent challenger Sage shadow Fae. They're archetypes are considerably different but are barely similar enough to create tension and polarity in their relationship! Image
Dec 15, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Aesthetic thread on most underrated places of natural beauty in the United States🧵

Winder River Range, Wyoming Image Adirondacks, New York Image
Dec 15, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
Poll results. Caregivers crushed it. Caregivers are perhaps the only archetype that men both are attracted to and want to marry. This provides strong evidence that men are frequently attracted to hyper feminine women that they would not want to marry! These were the Everywomen, Top Left and Bottom right are very much connected to their challenger's and shadow's (Sage and Fae). You can see top set and bottom set has similar physiognomy though and body language. These are the variations of what caucasoid Everywomen look like

Dec 13, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
Cher, the Rebel archetype, witchcraft in modern media, the quest for youth, the streetwalker of the soul, the end and beginning points of society. And the world of post-collapse. All of this and more will be brought out of the darkness into the light with this thread! Image What does it mean to be a rebel. It is the complete representation of death. It is the endpoint but it also is the beginning. It represents both the vitality and the debasement of all life. The philosophy of the Rebel is actually described perfectly in James Cameron movies and its behavior is showed to perfection in Rebel without a cause. It represents the complete rejection of regality - it is fundamentally relatable and egalitarian but also discordant and disagreeable. The rebel naturally has the most provocative of all the energies of the archetypes. The question asked is who can survive?Image
Dec 13, 2023 12 tweets 8 min read
Sophia Loren, The rise of the Star archetype, the cultural groundwork for the proliferation of Social Media, Boomer degeneracy, Zoomer aesthetics, civilizational collapse and the vibrant transformation of men's tastes all in one thread!

Buckle Up Kids there's a wild ride ahead! Image Sophia Loren is the ultimate living sex symbol. She's been performing for over 70 years. As a Star auxiliary Rebel challenger Heroine shadow Scholar she's the primordial modern epitome of ALL WOMEN ARE LIKE THAT. She's the original medthot with mass global appeal who's still alive unlike Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, Natalie Wood, and now Raquel Welch. Her existence has changed the preference of 100s of millions of men. Before her, the Innocent archetype was praised and Stars were derided. Instant cameras, pop magazines, mass consumed television programs, and the death of the Hays code ended all of that. As society became much more feminine we began to idolize the woman as a chaotic goddess much like the early near eastern Canaanite cults of old!Image
Dec 12, 2023 26 tweets 15 min read
The Seven Hermetic Principles and their intimate connection to Archetypology and the collective unconscious!

What is portrayed in the world is often the exact opposite of what is reality. To see truth you need to recognize energy around you. Light will attract light!🧵 Image The entire universe is conscious. Everything that exists has a level of intelligence. The mind can be anywhere. If you want to search something all you have to do is to experience the same resonance and connect to the location of that mind. All is mind! Image
Dec 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Deep Read: Megyn Kelly

She's a serious work horse. Extremely high levels of Protestant Work Ethic. You should hire women that look like this. Industrious, good with money, impervious, enjoys taking stands, has a slight rebellious streak but is a conformist at heart! Image BASICS:
Everywoman auxiliary Innocent challenger Sage shadow Fae. MBTI ESFJ (borderline T). Enneagram 3. DISC is D.
O - Leaning low 15th-35th percentile
C - Extremely high 85-100th percentile
E - Leaning higher 65th-85th percentile
A - Moderately low 30-50th percentile
N - Surprisingly low 5th-25th percentile
What stands out is that she's extremely self-motivated for success!
Nov 30, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
Can you predict if a woman will have more kids? Out of the Baywatch cast of 20 women they had collectively 26 kids (fertility rate of only 1.3). Can you tell which ones were more long-term fertile just by looking at them? Who would end up having family lives?

Who do you think had the most kids?
Nov 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Deep Read: Prince

Let's look into his magical eyes. What were his traits, aspirations, values, and motivations? What was his personality like? What made him tick?

Who was this Seer auxiliary Illuminator challenger Scribe shadow Caregiver? Image Seer (Magician) - Very otherworldly, intuitive, abstract, creative, shamanistic, deep, sentient, regal, mythic, and prescient
Illuminator - Very effervescent, timeless, imaginative, illusory, effulgent, zany, paradoxical, playful, and manic
Scribe - When stressed he was more prone to being OCD, more focused on writing things down, more serious, hard working, linear thinking, boring, and pragmatic
Caregiver - While experiencing trauma he was more grounded, conventional, superficial, logistically minded, conscientious, orderly, and normie
Nov 28, 2023 15 tweets 11 min read
Deep Read:Elon Musk
I've never interacted with him but the tools I have allow a greater insight into him than Isaacson. Elon's mind has 100s of unique capabilities, most of which he actually rarely displays. Let's take a dive into this mysterious mystagogue and sentient Hermit Image Here's what you probably don't know about his natural self (which he rarely displays since he's addicted to chronic stress):
Expert at vicarious learning, he's extremely good at seeing how other people succeed or fail
Natural born pacifist - hates war and a society with more Elon's wouldn't have war
Elucidative: Revelatory by nature but is often the exact opposite (materialistically discordant due to chronic stress which has made it hard for him to connect to all forms of spirituality)
Holistic thinker: Better at seeing the birds eye view at 30000 feet but has trained himself to see all the little tiny details
Fantastic at creating all kinds of theoretical models
Would be into hermeticism if he discovered anything remotely spiritual
Has an emperor has no clothes temperament (will explain later the relationship with his dad)
Deep. Sees things as interconnected hence why he's able to switch fields so well. Devising. Multilayered. Laser focused. Premeditative. Cares about spirit of the law over letter of the law. Has a win-win attitude (not zero-sum game).
Nov 28, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Deep Read: Bryan Johnson

Why does he want to live forever? Why are his looks so important to him? What's he really thinking about? Why is he so unrelatable? Is he a wise man of wisdom or a foxy fiend? Why does he capture our attention?

Let's look at this Sly Sage Image Basics:
Sage auxiliary Fae challenger Everyman shadow Innocent

Had to see what he was like before he started doing his acclaimed routines. He's currently now very connected to his shadow

MBTI: ENFJ Enneagram 4w3

O Very high - 90th to 100th percentile
C Higher - 70-90th percentile
E Moderately high - 45-65th percentile
A Moderate - 35-55th percentile
N Higher - 70-95th percentile (tries to be lower)
Nov 27, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Deep Read: Mr. Beast

Extremely juvenile. Not to be bombastic but this guy has the maturity of a 14 year old. This is exactly why he's super relatable. He's peak level attention seeking. Natural born performer.

Archetypes: Artiste auxiliary Lover challenger Judge shadow King Image Basics:
MBTI: ISFP Enneagram 9w8

O High - normally between 70-95th percentile
C Low - normally between 25-40th percentile
E Lower - normally between 30-45th percentile but he tries to be much higher
A High - normally between 75-90th percentile
N Moderate - normally 40-60th percentile

Main dominant traits: Petty, has double standards for people, imbalanced, youthful temperament, checked out (might have ADHD), open ended (lacks impetus for closure), patient, abdicated responsibility, low maintenance, high degree of bodily motion and enjoys things that move
Nov 27, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Deep Read: Adam22

This guy scores high on sociopathy. Scores extremely low on disgust sensitivity. High on stress seeking. Enjoys dangerous situations. Hates the idea of respectability. Revolutionary temperament.

He gives himself away. He's a Rebel auxiliary Explorer challenger Hermit shadow Hero. Perfect example of what a stereotypical 'Rebel' looks like!
Image Analyze this grin. Look at the corners of his teeth and his eyes. Also look how his ears and nose comes out. Any book on the topic from the early 20th century would tell you to not trust this guy with a 39 and a half foot pole. If you're somehow attracted to guys like this then yes - you like sociopaths (anti-social but not socially charming) and psychopaths (anti-social but are socially charming/charismatic)
Nov 27, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Deep Read into H. Pearl Davis

Why does she have the views she does? What's her motivation? What's she really like under her skin? What's she afraid of? How does she operate? Why is she the Tate counterpart? What is she really after?

Let's fund out more about this Orphan! Image Basics: Orphan auxiliary Caregiver demon Magician shadow Trickster. Somewhat higher degrees of narcissism, much lower degrees of autism compared to most Orphans.

O - moderately low tries to be moderately high
C - moderate
E - moderately low tries to be very high
A - Low
N - moderately low - is much higher under stress

Likely an ISTP (almost ISTJ) who types as an IN T/F J. Enneagram 6w7. Often under moderate levels of stress. Type 1 Body (masculine, dominant, broad shoulders). Modest personal taste (cares about proximity over speed and quality). Low bioenergetic temperature (7-12 degrees). Longhouse aesthetic type.
Nov 24, 2023 11 tweets 7 min read
Aesthetics is predictive of mood:
The West (and the US in particular) was highly optimistic in the 1950s and this state lasted until 1971. But up to a decade before aesthetic tastes went through a radical change that predicted the upcoming wave of pessimism! Image If you look at Lindy magazines from the 1950s and into the very beginning of the 1960s the mood is inherently optimistic. Playful. Exuberant. Collaborative. Easygoing. Easy on the eyes (directed towards male pattern gaze). Mass appeal. Middle Class focused. Dimorphic. Charged!
