Becca Peter Profile picture
That “vigilante blogger” in LuLaRich. My son Eddie died from an embryonal brain tumor in November 2023.
Oct 27 15 tweets 4 min read
Let’s see how things are going in Mycoplasma pneumoniae land this weekend…

First up we have a NICU nurse who had a baby in the NICU acutely and rapidly decompensated.

Infectious disease asked if it was a false positive. Rare to see infants severely affected. This mom’s story echoes many other parents whose sick kids are still being blown off as having viral infections and not being given x-rays.

Full video:
Oct 20 5 tweets 2 min read
Another parent posting because their child had pneumonia but the lungs sounded clear and the parent had to fight to get an x-ray and diagnosis. Full video:
Oct 19 21 tweets 4 min read
A parent’s perspective on the “weird pneumonia” that is going around following the summer Covid wave.

It sounds like her daughter had a respiratory panel, tested positive for rhino/entero (and presumably negative for everything else). “Fever, fatigue. No cough. Lungs “sound clear” but x-ray shows pneumonia. I know SO many other kids and families with pneumonia right now. ”

“We’ve been seeing TONS at my ER. This summer has been filled with pneumonia patients.”
Oct 13 13 tweets 3 min read
Pediatrician describes a really weird increase in pneumonia in kids.

Comments are filled with people sharing their stories. “We’re seeing azithromycin resistant mycoplasma pneumonia in my clinic. Having to give doxy for it”

“5 students in my 5th grade have had pneumonia already this year”

“We have also had a lot of mycoplasma this year!”
Oct 11 7 tweets 2 min read
The bacteria that causes pertussis has been mutating for decades because we switched from a sterilizing whole cell vaccine to an acellular vaccine that does not stop transmission.

It’s not the lockdowns or change in vaccination rates 🤦🏻‍♀️

Research below ⬇️ “The emergence of B. pertussis isolates with ACV antigens deviating from the vaccine antigens might have implications for vaccine efficiency and therefore prevention and control of pertussis.”…
Oct 3 8 tweets 4 min read
Everything is✨fine✨ around the plume today. Update from @sunnydaejones in Conyers yesterday.
Jun 7 6 tweets 1 min read
When my kids were little one or both of them did something unsafe that scared me. I told them that if anything ever happened to them, that I would be the saddest mommy in the world. 

Today is 7 months since Eddie died and now I know that is not true. Last week I saw a headless toddler pulled from the burned remains of a tent that was destroyed by bombs my tax dollars paid for. 

His name was Ahmed Al-Najjar. He was the youngest in his family. His mother and two siblings also died in the attack.
Apr 15 15 tweets 3 min read
Here is all of the data I could easily find on hospitalization rates for measles outbreaks in the USA 2000-present.

We are seeing a sustained pattern of a significantly increased rate of hospitalization in measles cases post 2020.…
I want to stress that I am *only* including USA cases because it is important to compare apples to apples. Differences in access and quality of healthcare, vaccine schedules, etc all play a role in hospitalization rates.
Apr 6 9 tweets 3 min read
It looks like some states are giving up on publicly reporting measles cases and @CDCgov continues to be so vague with the data that the missing cases cannot be identified.

CDC is also obscuring data about possible cases of vaccine breakthrough.

Thread... Image I am tracking all of the reported confirmed and probable 2024 US measles cases on this spreadsheet.

You can see on the far right which cases are excluded from the running total at the top.…
Jul 24, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
This is my son Eddie a few months before he was diagnosed with cancer.

We used masks/testing/ventilation to keep him free of respiratory illness during this journey, which improved both the quality and quantity of time we had with him.

A thread… Image We’ve been COVID cautious since Feb 2020. In 2021 we drove cross country and enjoyed life, wearing masks didn’t get in the way of the fun.

When Eddie was diagnosed with cancer, protecting him from illness was not a big change to our lifestyle.
May 7, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
Researchers in Germany recently studied the impact that COVID mitigation measures had on pediatric cancer patients.

A thread with my thoughts as the parent of a pediatric cancer patient in a world that is no longer applying these measures… Image Infections during cancer treatment are bad.

That sounds obvious, but at a point in time in which many people are arguing that it is good to get sick, it seems worth repeating this. Image
Mar 8, 2023 6 tweets 9 min read
This is my son Eddie a few months ago as we started fighting his brain cancer.

@WADeptHealth has decided to end mask requirements at healthcare facilities.

I am asking @seattlechildren to keep universal masking to protect Eddie and all of their kids.… We are fortunate that Eddie is old enough to mask and he tolerates masking well. But his brain tumor makes his vomit unexpectedly and the oral chemo he is on now gives him nosebleeds. We sometimes have to remove his mask in hospital waiting rooms to deal with these issues.