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Big corporations control Congress. The Democratic Policy Center is fighting back. Please support us as we get started -
Jul 2, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
With Congress finally (almost) ready to work on a new COVID-relief bill, the lobbying group for lobbying groups wants to use the bill to let lobbying groups access Paycheck Protection Program loans meant to help small businesses and workers survive the crisis. (1/7) Yesterday, @ASAEcenter sent a letter to congressional leaders claiming that “many nonprofit associations have little or no financial cushion to carry them through this devastating time and thus desperately need access to the PPP.”… (2/7)
May 19, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
We’ve been sounding the alarm about the lobbying group bailout provision in House Democrats’ HEROES Act. While the bill won’t move in the GOP-led Senate, don’t be surprised if Republicans and Democrats come together to bail out their influence-peddler friends. (1/8) Already, 99 House lawmakers have sponsored a standalone bill, H.R. 6697, to allow large trade associations to access the Paycheck Protection Program. And at least 22 Senators have signed letters demanding that 501(c)(6) trade associations be eligible for PPP loans. (2/8)
May 13, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
House Dems’ proposed bailout for lobbying groups and dark money spenders is even worse than we thought. It looks like *every* nonprofit would be eligible for PPP funds - and Dems are hilariously calling the biggest corporate lobbies in the country “small nonprofits.” (1/5) A House Appropriations summary of the HEROES Act says that they are carving out 25 percent of existing PPP funds for nonprofits - and all nonprofits would be eligible, regardless of how many employees they have.… (2/5)
May 8, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: A bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced a bill on Tuesday they say would help local chambers of commerce survive the coronavirus crisis - but the legislation could allow massive lobbying groups to access government loans meant for small businesses. (1/7) The bill is called the “Local Chamber, Tourism, and 501(c)(6) Protection Act.” The actual text isn’t out yet but the lawmakers said it would make trade associations with “300 or fewer employees” eligible for PPP loans. Many huge corporate lobbying groups could qualify then. (2/7)
May 7, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
People are struggling. Congress clearly doesn’t get it. First they used COVID to bail out big corporations and give billionaires a tax break - now they want to funnel taxpayer money to corporate lobbying groups and their advocacy campaigns. (1/9) Yesterday, @RollCall reported that House Democrats’ latest coronavirus proposal would “expand small business relief” to 501(c)(6) trade associations and 501 (c)(4) social welfare organizations - a change sought by lobbyists. It’s important to understand what they do. (2/9)