Demiourgos Holdings Profile picture
DeFi/DAO with $Ouro for a passion of funding arts, entertainement and newtech.
Feb 8, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
1/14 Unnecessary FUD, unloyal competition, and stabbing in the back from @arcstake . We absolutely dislike such a bad experience but it is our duty to protect our 500 investors. Please judge the situation with your own reason. Following this post: 2/14 Full Story Bellow:

- We made a partnership with @XLauncher_ back in December, one of the many others. We have launched the Gold Vesta mint internally within our own community and dapp.
- In 5th of January we have announced Vesta Silver on X Launcher -
Jan 11, 2023 5 tweets 6 min read
1/5 Hello #egld lovers!

We have the preliminary list of our partner communities, and it is amazing to see it growing every day. All our sister community members are whitelisted for Vesta X Silver minting that will take place on the 20th of January on X Launcher!
Full List Bellow Image 2/5
Dec 31, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
1/11 Hello world, we have a transparent position regarding a few reasonable requests from @HatomProtocol regarding our liquid protocol on @beniaminmincu Please see bellow in summary: 2/11 Why the liquid SC is not audited or open source?

Two audits are being conducted simultaneously right now. The code will be released open source at a much later date and only with a DAO vote from the vEGLD community.
Dec 30, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
1/6 Dear #egld lovers on @MultiversX we are thankful first of all for the blockchain we have found here and the amazing people inside the communities. We have ended a 6 months journey, today, with an internal DAO mint for Vesta X Gold 2/6 The Snake round sold out 600 nfts X 2.5 EGLD each within 30 minutes, last night.

The Coding Division round sold out nfts 400 X 2.7 egld each within 120 seconds an hour ago.
Dec 28, 2022 16 tweets 8 min read
1/15 We are the underdogs. And that's your opportunity on #egld.
An underdog strategy involves a small and, usually, young firm taking on a much larger competitor into a challenge with much bigger opponents in order to break their monopoly. 100% DEFI and DAO on @MultiversX 2/15 That's our promise to you all: FREEDOM not the illusion of freedom. And here it is why and how:
Nov 21, 2022 15 tweets 7 min read
1/15 Dear investors, we are ready to release Liquid EGLD for the MetaversX Community, in partnership with Parasco Staking. We have invested all our energy and vision into this new product of Demiourgos Holdings website: 2/15 What is vEGLD, Liquid EGLD?

It is a native EGLD pegged Token, that unlocks the staked liquidity on the blockchain. Every investor can now stake his EGLD long term benefiting from the staking APR and simultaneously receive vEGLD to use it as liquidity and investment assets. Image
Oct 6, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
1/5 Dear @ElrondNetwork community. Let's celebrate together the upcoming mint of our Coding Division Sci-Fi Metaverse with a 12000+ USD worth of NFTs Giveaway. For all #EGLD lovers this is your opportunity to win one of the 100 prizes in NFTs from Elrond Communities. Image 2/5 Become one of us and welcome to an elite community of investors from Elrond. Kudos to our sister communities on #ElrondCommunity