Denise Oliver-Velez 💛 Profile picture
Feminist, Activist, former Young Lords Party & Black Panther Party member, Iyalorisha Yemaya,
Apr 15, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Hello, Black people. I see some folks on this app falling into a trick bag of defining "blackness" -who is and who ain't - by skin color. We run the gamut in complexions from ecru to ebony. Our ancestries, and looks are defined by breeding farms and the rape of centuries. I look at our extended family tree and see Grandma Jean and Great Uncle Joseph - both are Black. If they were alive today they'd be on this app callin' folks out. I'm speaking for the ancestors who can't.
Jun 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In August of 1969, Devlin, then 22 and the youngest member ever elected to Parliament, was in New York, honored by the Mayor John Lindsay, and given the keys to the city. One evening during that visit she traveled uptown to Harlem, and spent hours talking late into the night... 2/...with an amazed and fascinated group of young members of the Puerto Rican Young Lords Party and Black Panther Party.
I was one of those young people, and I will never forget that night.
Oct 13, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
Caribbean Matters: Three weeks post-Fiona, Puerto Ricans still without power; the statehood debate… 1. Just like before Fiona, Puerto Rican activists continue to voice their anger and frustration with Gov. Pedro Pierluisi, the political party in power, LUMA Energy, the U.S.-appointed Fiscal Control Board (known as La Junta), the Trump and now Biden administrations, FEMA...
Oct 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Frankly, I am pretty clueless about the Kar-trashians and celebrities like them who are famous for no reason at all except reality TV has gifted us with grifters of their ilk — the most famous of course is Donald Dump himself. I looked at a list of grappers (grifter rappers) who have done the same and frankly I wouldn’t care except that there are far too many young folks enabling their brain-dead takes on politics, which does concern me.
Jul 1, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
Why we as Black folks have to double and triple our efforts to register non-voters and get them to the polls to vote for Democrats, and somehow get more white folks to step up with us. A rant. 1. A little history:
White people shown celebrating lynchings in photographs and on postcards may be dead, however their kids and grand kids are still here, and still hate obsessed.
Nov 16, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Black Kos, Tuesday's Chile: Reporters with knives out for MVP Harris need to head to the woodshed… "What lifted my spirits though, was watching a crew of mean, nasty, petty, passive aggressive and sometimes openly hostile pun-idjits and reporters get ratioed to hell."
Nov 2, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Black Kos, Tuesday's Chile. I'm Black. I'm female. I voted, like I always do — for Democrats.… All I can say is I’m gonna keep doing what I’ve been doing since I was eligible to vote. I voted today. For Democrats. The media circus trying to do click bait horse race shit ain’t gonna interview me in the local diner.
Oct 27, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
How many of you know people who you formerly respected politically for their activism, especially in our Black and Brown communities, who are now pedaling right wing, anti-vax ct, who don't seem to see they are contributing to killing our people? I'm really, really angry and disgusted that there are people I've known for over 50 years, former Young Lords and Panthers, and members of other similar movement groups who are now posting crap that is also being sent out by QAnon and the Klan.
Jun 16, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
Folks. Stop the crabs in a barrel crap. Celebrate winning a victory - Juneteenth as a National holiday, and then organize and strategize on how we use this to educate. Far too many of our children don't know history - and how it has shaped systemic racism today. Obviously, having a holiday ain't gonna fix the deep problems we face - you know what they are so I am not gonna enumerate them here. The holiday is an educational tool - use it. Don't forget to thank grassroots folk who have been pushing for this. Celebrate Mrs. Opal Lee.
Nov 20, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
'Yo dog' - the continuing resolution funds Medicaid for 900,000 people in Puerto Rico - many who will die without medication. Do progressive posturing some other time. You voted 'no' (thankfully few people joined you)
No one on the left likes the g-damn Patriot Act. I survived COIN-telpro, many of my comrades did not. However, let's talk priorities - health care for close to a million people in PR and USVI and funding for children's food trumps showboat "no" votes in my book.
Jul 28, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
Speaking as a black person, these are the hashtags and protests I'd like to see: #WhitePeopleAgainstWhiteSupremacy #WhitePeopleAgainstRacism
Black folks didn't make this problem, and we can't fix it. I'd also like to see the damn media interview #WhitePeopleWhoLoatheTrumpsRacism Sick of all the 'economic anxiety' bullshit stories which enables, encourages, and covers up for bigots.
May 13, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Please find some time to download and read the full Russian election interference report… Russia's Internet Research Agency (IRA) Themes