Zachary Cohen Profile picture
'Director' of UCLA Depression Grand Challenge Tech Suite for Online Therapy. Mental Health Treatment Personalization & Digital Therapy. RT≠Endorsement. He/him.
Jun 9, 2023 17 tweets 10 min read
(1/n) Thrilled/relieved that a paper @nbarneshorowitz Courtney Forbes Michelle Craske (@ADRC_UCLA) & I have been working on for 3 years has been accepted to @ERWatkins2's #BRAT Special Issue on CBT Active Ingredients… @ELSpsychology ImageImage (2/n) We propose a theoretical model to support research on psychotherapeutic mechanisms of change and precision treatment approaches by improving the measurement of the active elements of cognitive-behavioral therapies. Image
Sep 28, 2021 18 tweets 8 min read
Just did a deep read through of all the TT clinical psych positions being advertised this year and although we have a LONG way to go, I was really impressed by the number of jobs focused on DEI, and the thoughtful specificity with which many of them demonstrated that in the ads! need2 finish my own apps so will keep this brief, but will review a few starting w a shoutout to my alma mater, @VanderbiltU, and their cluster hire (was talking about this yesterday w @lluaces & he emphasized how impactful/important cluster hires can be)
Oct 16, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
Interesting new systematic review and meta-analysis of CBT vs IPT in MDD @ClaudibBockting - impressive effort finding and coding all of these studies. They report generally null findings for moderators. Some random quick reactions/questions follow... @ClaudibBockting I'll start by admitting my bias. The topic of personalized or precision treatment (those probably shouldn't be used interchangeably) and treatment selection more specifically is one of my main areas, so I come to the table with some strong priors...
Jul 19, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
Excited for Michelle Craske’s keynote: Neuroscience driven approach to cognitive and behavioral therapy for anxiety. I’ll try to tweet it / Holy cow - as anyone who was in this keynote can verify - I think it would have been impossible to do a comprehensive tweeting of her presentation. I took notes & photos for the first 15 minutes but between being blown away by the scope & quality of the work and the impressive