Democrats are an embarrassment to the country and they have tge same mental illness as these mass shooters. Mental health needs to be addressed and that starts with a clear
Definition of what is right and wrong; what is truth and a lie. Telling people things like they can just pick what sex they are, that men can get pregnant, placing tampons in boys bathrooms is the exact opposite of fixing mental health issues. These types of things along with
May 25, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Maybe if the extreme deranged ideologies of the way to far left were not being pushed in schools and TV and through our own lunitic government maybe just maybe people wouldnt act so f-ing crazy and if it didnt cost so much to survive so parents could work less to be able to spend
More time with family and raising children then maybe just f-ing maybe we wouldnt have all these mass shootings.
The demonic far left democrats and their demonic ideologies being programmed into people first through music then tv and movies now in schools and through government