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Darr Ka Mahaul Profile picture 3 subscribed
Sep 21 8 tweets 2 min read
Thread 🧵:

Hello leftist gang, Get up and look around. Get your head out of your a$$ and see the changes happening right in front of you.

•2005 Delhi b#mbings : Three powerful serial blasts in New Delhi at different places by LeT & Indian Mujahideen which k!lled 70.

1/8) •2006 Varanasi temple and rly station bombings by LeT, killed 28.

•2006 Mumbai local train b#mbings: Series of 7 train bombing during the evening rush hour in Mumbai, k!lled 209.

•2007 Samjhauta Express train b#mbings by LeT k!lled 70.
Sep 20 8 tweets 2 min read
Hezbollah faces two "waves" of attacks by electronic devices within a span of 48 hours. The first with pagers (beepers), and the second with short range comms (walkie talkies).

It seems that Hezbollah supporters have lost their memory.

Thread 🧵

Since October 8th, Hezbollah fired 7500 unguided rockets indiscriminately, unprovoked, resulting in dozens of civilian casualties and causing over 100,000 Israelis to be displaced from northern Israel for almost a year.
Sep 10 12 tweets 3 min read
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He is not foolish but devious and evil. earlier he might have been naive and foolish but eveer since he got handlers who are all JNU types and Soros underlings he has become devious. He is for caste based divisions & hates Hindus.

Why does He oppose the UCC??

1/12) Image While the UCC proposes equal personal laws for all citizens regardless of religion.

What he gonna do after knowing caste numbers?? more appeasement for votes?? no development.... Such a garbage at the top level, india is surely going backwards... Snake spreading venom.
Aug 29 4 tweets 1 min read
Mamta Bannerji is in power because Bengalis especially Bengali Hindus themselves support TMC

Same case was with Communists

If you think Mamta is in power because of only Muslim votes , you should reconsider your thoughts

1/4) Thread 🧵 In Assam , Muslims constitute 34% of State's population and they dont vote for BJP , still BJP wins in Assam with heavy majority

In Bengal , Muslims constitute 27% of state's population and Mamta wins by heavy majority everytime , so who vote for TMC ?
Aug 28 18 tweets 3 min read
Let us tell in this thread 🧵how Mamata Banerjee has ruined WB. Who is responsible for Kolkata doctor rape?

Now let us analyze from the common man’s point of view - not belonging to any Political Party!

-She has been holding the Post of CM of WB- for the last 10 years.

(1/17) Image -The Bengalis believed her “sugar coated words” during Election Propaganda and voted for her as their CM!

-IT IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE THAT WHILE SUPPORTING HER PARTY (TERRORIST MORONS CAMP - OR TMC) the innocent Voter would have believed that at long last-
Jun 20 10 tweets 2 min read
He: Put Your Hijab!

She: But I am not Muslim!

He: Abdul, collect the Jezya Payment!

Jezia (Jizya) is the extra tax imposed on non-Muslims (Dhimmis) who live under Muslim rule according to the Qur'an and Hadith.

It is in effect a discrimination tax, you would NEVER see people justify it these days. All those who troll us and are ready to justify it, think carefully before you justify it.

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day,
Jun 8 8 tweets 2 min read
Just for political gains for the Gandhi family, it was the first EVM hack
Patel ji got 12 votes
Nehru got zero
& Gandhi declared Nehru as successor.

Now see the chronology & decide who misused democracy.

gandhi> nehru> indira > rajiv > sonia> rahul>next?

What about the BJP?
🧵 Modi> Does anyone see his family member as a successor or predecessor? NO.

Now why did mention all this? I wanted to simply democracy between BJP and Congress. Congress has always been a “dictator” and will always be.
Jun 5 7 tweets 1 min read
Why did the BJP lose majority seats in Uttar Pradesh?

Thread 🧵:

The first thing to know is that BJP IS ALIVE! Conversely, the opposition has no shame they are celebrating as if they have won.

but what went wrong in UP?

Some hot seats like Amethi, Ayodhya candidate lost. Two major factors according to me, Seat distribution could have been better in BJP and Congress's appeasement policy worked. for instance, 35 Muslim majority seats got no BJP candidates but the Hindu majority seats got Congress in power.

BJP needs to introspect,
May 5 14 tweets 3 min read
Indira Gandhi of 1980 was General Bajwa (Pakistan) of 2020. They just made money for themselves & their families. They bought many properties in various countries

At that time, Congress was also the reason for ISRO not having indigenous manufacturing capability.

(14) Image Let me show you a perfect example:

Look at those scientists standing next to that bullock cart knowing that they will be on the front page of the news paper from France, not for an achievement but for the mockery of the scientists that their nation India had made. Image
Apr 30 15 tweets 2 min read
West Bengal Going To Be Mu$lim Majority

A land o fsages, reformers, philosophers & freedom fighters is today a land where a silent j!had & a surreptitious ethnic cleansing are taking place

🔰A Design Of Greater 𝐈$𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐜 Bangladesh

With massive Mu$lim immigration,Hindu persecution & forced conversions West Bengal’s Mu$ lim population has increased to 27% as per the 2011 census

The demographic changes in West Bengal have reached a point where the consequence has been a wave of aggressive I$lamization
Apr 26 15 tweets 8 min read
During the tenure of @narendramodi ji, the speed and scale at which infrastructure projects have been built in India is incredible. It would be no exaggeration if I say that the Modi govt has built much more infrastructure projects than all other govts.


(1/15) Image Let me ask a question

Q.Which is the longest river bridge in India?

Ans- Bhupen Hazarika bridge-9.15 Km, Assam (built by Modi govt & inaugurate in 2020)

Q.Which is the longest sea bridge of India?

Ans- Atal Setu -21.8 Km, Mumbai (built by Modi govt & inaugurated in 2024.
Apr 24 4 tweets 1 min read
If they have logical argument then They are andhbhakt.

If they have progressive thoughts then They are andhbhakt.

If someone is happy with removal of article 370. They are andhbhakt.

If someone can see many infrastructure development then they are andhbhakt.
🧵 If someone is happy with kejru-al-besharam gone to Tihar. He is definitely andhbhakt.

If you found someone disease free they are andhbhakt too. Because chamcha have many disease.

If someone says he lives in a democracy they are andhbhakt too.
Apr 18 5 tweets 2 min read
Remember those who voted with sympathy for Pappu

Electing this man as Prime Minister

And handing him a super-majority of 414 Lok Sabha seats. Out of pure sympathy for his mother's assassination.

And the following disasters happened
🧵 Image -1984 anti-Sikh pogrom in Delhi. Followed by 1985 Kanishka b*mbing, by Khalistani te*rorists.

-Bhopal Gas tragedy.

-Islamic radicalization in Kashmir. Which eventually led to ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits, shortly before he was assassinated.
Apr 17 16 tweets 3 min read
Majority of Indians have a strongly positive opinions of the PM Modi & He is the most popular leader in the world by along margin. This majority is not worried about India losing the democracy.

@RahulGandhi & some others who are worried and I will explain the reason.
🧵(1/16) Image 🔰A democracy that never was

While India formally became a democratic republic in 1950 and has always held free & fair elections, in many ways it was always an elected aristocracy. A handful of very rich families dominated the politics for nearly a century.
Apr 9 10 tweets 3 min read
In 2014, the opposition made a very serious claim against Modi that he was a mass muπderer, with literal blood on his hands. People wanted him to be tried in international courts and get a life sentence.

Read A Thread 🧵 till the End

(1/10) Image They said Muslims would literally perish in India and many even promised to leave India if Modi got elected. After the election, there was the drama of Award Whapsi where many artists gave back their government given medals.
Mar 19 7 tweets 1 min read
One specific religion takes the first place in committing most of the:

-Te*rorist attacks.
-Forced conversion.
-Honor k!ll!ng.
-Suic*de b*mb!ng.
-Gender inequality.
-S€x slavery.
-J!had war.
-Apostasy k!ll!ng.
-Female v!olence.
-Public lynch!ng.

🧵 ( 7) -r@pe of disbelievers.
-Intoleπance towards other religion.
-Refusal to follow the laws of the host country.
-K!ll!ng of women who refuses to cover their head.

The rel!gion has been in constant conflict with every rel!gion.
Mar 18 9 tweets 3 min read
Some PPL are not really keen on improving themselves & this becomes a major hindrance in the way of their growth.

Within a few moments, this Pappu made wrong remarks on Hindu religion & insulted the soldiers of the country.

I want to show this hypocrite what a real leader is
🧵 Image A leader is a person who guides and inspires others, finds solutions to problems, provides leadership in governing the organization, and guides the country towards prosperity.
And Modi ji fits as a leader in today's times.
Mar 17 16 tweets 3 min read
I can't express how much I want CAA and NRC to be fully implemented.

His name is Haidar Shaikh. He is 45 years old. Entered our country illegally, because a corrupt government needs illegals to create a vote bank.

Read A THREAD 🧵 till the End
(15) Image Now Shaikh is running multiple gangs in multiple states and has dozens of cases against him.

The description I wrote above… you can say it in many countries and people will have a very similar reaction. You can say that in India, the USA, Sweden, the UK, etc.
Mar 15 8 tweets 2 min read
What if India takes back PoK from Pakistan?

-There will be a protest in Shaheen Bhagh and roads will be blocked.

-Congress will say if we come to power, we will return POK to Kashmir.

-Kejriwal will say how would I know POK is POK, what is the proof?

🧵(1/5) -Munnavar will start searching his documents.

-Yogi will keep the name of POK as Parvathi Omkara Kshetra.

-Sanjay Raut will say actual POK is 5 KM away from the land regained.

-Pakistan will claim India has captured its own land and lying that its POK.
Mar 9 6 tweets 2 min read
If you agree with Laloo Yadav’s statement that ‘Modi has no family’, then..

🔰 Ask the devotees of Kashi Vishwanath, Varanasi

🔰 Ask Abhinandan's mother

🔰 Ask Kashmiri Hindus

🔰 Ask the saints of Ayodhya

🔰 Ask ISRO scientists

🔰 Ask students studying in Ukraine

Thread 🧵 Image 🔰 Ask Sikhs rescued from Afghanistan

🔰 Ask the farmers getting subsidized electricity, seeds, fertilizers and crop insurance (don’t ask Khalistani andolan-jivis)

🔰 Ask ISRO scientists

🔰 Ask the soldiers deployed on the border
Mar 5 11 tweets 2 min read
Thread 🧵:

For anyone who tells you I$lam is a religion of peace or Muhammad is a messenger of mercy...ask them to tell you about the Genoc!de of Banu Qurayza.

1/9 Image In short, Muhammad had a peace treaty with several Jewish tribes, some kept it and some sided with the pagans during a battle. The tribe of Banu Qurayza, stayed neutral but after seeing how savage Muhammad was with the other Jewish tribes,