How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App and enjoys goodies of life. I ran into him multiple times dining w beauties in better restaurants in Beijing when he was spokesman for MOF. It left me a deep impression. I thought spokesman would be more discreet: 3. He knows how to make guanxi within the system, as I in all permit approval, courts, banks, etc… There’s a saying in CN, entrepreneurs are like condoms - to be used when necessary, then to be disposed. We’ve all seen how the last decade had been. On the other hand, regarding the comment of lacking demand, entrepreneurs are willing to trade hundreds of thousands, if not million, of extra Chinese death if you don’t agree in order to block you. That’s the regime that we are dealing w. So when ppl ask why are you so upset about ccp surveillance, when many western govt doing the same thing. It’s from Fujian and Zhejiang, where would this batch come from? He talked to his newly appointed HR head, Chen Xi, whom I know from interactions during his Tsinghua time. I’m an honorary trustee of the school. Xi wanted new appointees not have existing political ties, more relevant in the 80/90s. It had become less and less the case in the past two decades. 3. If one look at the recent bankruptcies of the largest real estate companies in China, it has revealed how much of their debts are not from banks but raised from market thru 2/ I know the basics of how PE firms operate. There’s no way an associate have that authority. I thought he was an arrogant and boastful SOB and had avoided him since. Subsequently, i learnt he joined hand w Bo Feng to form a VC firm. I thought those two share quite a few 2/ Tsinghua graduates thousands of students every year. Just because they came from the same school, it doesn’t mean they are aligned politically. 2. Chen Xi was college mate of Xi. Xi had arranged Chen Xi career promotions 5/6 years before he became party secretary. 2/但爱自我吹嘘。他和王歧山都无子女。我们私下开玩笑说,习的左右手,一个抓人,-个接着补空位位置,都是断子绝孙的人物。他和习关系密切,习上任前五六年就开始帮他调动官位,从清华书记副部级的位置,升到地方大员,补齐履历上缺失地方任职的经验,2/