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Fear of the unknown, my DESTINY.
Apr 9, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read…

single unique NFT that paints the current social status of many African countries. MENTSLAV meaning Mental Slavery captures perfectly the situation in which man find themselves across the continent. As a NFT it is dedicated to men and women who identifies the problem of development in Africa and seek a solution to the current malaise. The uniqueness of MENTSLAV is it's scarcity as there is only one copy putting
Apr 9, 2022 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
Once upon a time in Niagra, the white man ruled supreme. He lorded it over the locals plundering her vast wealth to enrich himself. After years of servitude, the men of Niagra fought and won independence, thus Niagra began self rule. Joyful and hope-filled, citizens of Niagra hailed this new found freedom. It is time to enjoy our commonwealth, the herald sounded. Alas, it was nothing but false dawn. Years after independence, citizens of Niagra are still under the chains of mental slavery.