Pandy for Georgia Profile picture
Minister ~ Husband ~ Father ~ Army Chief Warrant Officer ~ Retired Combat Veteran ~ Wounded Warrior ~ Former Candidate for US Congress
Jan 9, 2021 15 tweets 8 min read
THE SEDITION CAUCUS: An Open Letter to All Who Would Listen

I certainly did not see this one coming, even after four years of inciting language and divisive rhetoric from this nation’s leader.… In the first week of 2021, we've had 147 Republican members of Congress attempt to disenfranchise the votes of 82 million Americans while a group of insurrectionists bent on destruction, and at the direction of the President of the United States, breached the US Capitol building.
Aug 28, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Service is important to me and I stand firmly with veterans and service members. (1/4)

#PEOPLEoverPOWER Image In my first 100 days in office, I will introduce the “Home for the Brave Act of 2021.”

This legislation, if passed, would utilize the Morrill Act to create housing and career opportunity for all of our heroes. (2/4)

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Apr 2, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
(THREAD) Republicans in Georgia are scared!

For decades, Republicans have worked to suppress the votes of minorities, the working class, any American they perceive to be a threat to their money, power, & position. They've done so both legally and illegally, even going 1/7 so far as to change the law to make what was once illegally legal. They close polling places, advertise incorrect voting dates, concoct irregular ID requirements, purge voter records.

Why all this to suppress our votes? Because they know

When Democrats Vote, Democrats WIN! 2/7
Jan 26, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
1/8 Sunday Morning Thoughts:

Ever since I decided to run for office I've noticed just how terrible people can be to one another. The hate and vile language tossed back and forth are sickening. We are so cruel, so intolerant, so mean to one another. It saddens and amazes me. 2/8 It is utterly dumbfounding how the same people offended when told what to think or how to live their lives have no reservation or hesitation telling others what to think or how to live their lives.
Jan 5, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Here is @realDonaldTrump in Oct 08 saying Bush should've been impeached for - wait for it - Lying

As of Dec 10th, Trump has lied 13,435 times. These lies covered up illegal actions by him and his admin, focused doubt on his critics, placed national security at risk, etc... 2/7
Two major issues separate this president from all others:

1) Trump lies constantly, consistently, and with no perceivable conscience

2) Trump's supporters, including the ENTIRE @GOP, turn a blind eye, excuse his actions, pander to him, and refuse to hold him accountable