Diana Chan McNally Profile picture
Community Worker. 10 years on the front-line. Educator. DJ Automaticamore. Dipl. of CW BFA MA MEd. Mixed Race. She/They. https://t.co/LvRnhTlK5G
Jan 9 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵@AMOPolicy has released a devastating report about the state of homelessness in Ontario, which gives us our most accurate figure of how many Ontarians are currently homeless: 81,515 — a 25% increase in two years — of whom 41,512 are chronically homeless. amo.on.ca/sites/default/…Image As with any exercise in enumerating homelessness, 81,515 is an undercount. However, we can see a sharp rise since 2021, with overall homelessness increasing by 11-14% every year since. Homelessness in Northern Ontario has grown by 204% since 2016 — a clear geographical disparity. Image
Aug 20, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
🧵Let's be real. Most people who use drugs are not unhoused. Not every unhoused person uses drugs. Every Conservative narrative that aims to conflate drugs and homelessness doesn't care about the wellness of either unhoused people or drug users. This is what it's really about: /1 ON has no #homelessness strategy. @fordnation touts a $202 mil. investment in the Homelessness Prevention Program, but this ultimately meagre amount of money is just for supports, i.e. staff salaries, in supportive housing — not brick-and-mortar housing. This isn't a strategy. /2
Jul 9, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵 I visited asylum seekers at 129 Peter Street today. How people are being forced to live every day is shocking. We handed out lots of supplies — chicken, sandwiches, fresh fruit, water, Gatorade, menstrual products — but the need obviously far exceeds mutual aid efforts. /1 People are sleeping directly on the sidewalk, exposed to the elements. Security guards on-site won't let people fully cover themselves in tarps in the rain, citing a "security risk." They won't let people tie tarps between the trees to shelter under. People will get sick. /2
Nov 4, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
I do not consent to be governed by anyone who treats our constitutionally-guaranteed rights as barriers, or frames our exercising these rights as "illegal." We are not your pawns to manipulate/undermine, @fordnation; we are rights holders, and we do not relinquish these rights. For children, who were out of class for 27+ weeks due to @fordnation's pandemic mismanagement; who are being used now as a bargaining chip to withhold the rights of education workers who deserve a livable income.
Mar 23, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
The more that I field requests for "de-escalation training," the more that I realize how little the social services sector fundamentally understands about the people with whom they work. /1 What seems evident is that people are seeking quick fix approaches to immediately and easily end someone's anger. I can teach that good support is rooted in calm, honesty, and empathy, but what they want is a figurative button they can push to suddenly end a "violent" crisis. /2
Sep 28, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
We knew that a better approach to supporting people was happening in #DufferinGrove #encampment. But to @anabailaoTO's comments, this park *is* receiving preferential treatment vs. Moss Park, other parks. This approach must be applied everywhere. thestar.com/news/gta/2021/… I'm also obligated to point out @anabailaoTO's voting record at @TorontoCouncil on June 8. Bailao voted against @JoshMatlow's motion to make shelter safer, and for @stephenholyday's motion of achieving "zero encampments."
Sep 28, 2021 6 tweets 6 min read
On Oct. 1, @TorontoCouncil resumes!

There are two inquiries into #encampment evictions on the agenda, beginning with @kristynwongtam's administrative inquiry. Answers to the Cllrs questions are due at Council — although how transparent will they be? app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgen… /1 The second item is @m_layton and @JoshMatlow's excellent motion requesting a public inquiry into #encampment evictions by a judge of the Superior Court of Ontario. The public can and should write letters of support for this motion ahead of Oct. 1. app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgen… /2
Jul 21, 2021 90 tweets 36 min read
A new dawn at Lamport Stadium for day two of #encampment removal. Horse-mounted officers already here. We need bodies. Bustling. Residents and volunteers preparing for the day. Police drone already hovering overhead.
Jul 20, 2021 31 tweets 12 min read
It's happening today: #encampment eviction. Members of the public: residents have not requested defence. Watch this space for now, but stay home. Clearly dozens of officers and security already, plus kettling fences, eight horses. Not a response to "protestors," as @JohnTory might claim.
Jun 22, 2021 33 tweets 11 min read
Come to Trinity Bellwoods. #encampment supporr/defense needed. Dozens of cops, security on standby. Fences being erected, stopping people from entering the park. 2 helicopters, 1 drone, horses. No spaces available indoors, according to S2H. Bulldozers on standby, intel base for eviction operation on top of Bellwoods Community Centre. Thing is, #Toronto is waking up; if they clear now, everyone will see. CBC News, other crews here.