Father. Husband. Engineer. Attorney. Retweets= endorsements of everything Tweeter did for their entire existence. Support Trump, wish it was DeSantis
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Apr 1, 2024 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
U.S. Public Health and politicians killed at least twice as many people as Covid.
A short thread.
In the US from Jan 2020 through Dec 2023 (4 years) there have been 1,387,000 excess deaths in the U.S., which is 11.7% over the number of expected deaths.
These excess deaths were the result of Covid and the societal and healthcare changes caused by our reaction to Covid.
Feb 8, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Actions on Jan 6 were not an insurrection as the word was defined in 1860 around the time of the passing of the 14th amendment.
Trump is not an insurrectionist.
The definition describes taking over of a city or state such that law cannot be executed. It doesn't say the opposition of "a" law, but law in general.
Nov 29, 2023 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
Are more people than ever “dying suddenly” since 2021? It appears the answer is yes.
In 2022, after Covid fear and restrictions had subsided, the US hit a record for % of deaths occurring away from healthcare facilities. In 2023, we are on pace to set another record.
Each US death certificate records 1 of 8 places of death. This chart shows the share for each place category in 2019. The category most sensitive to changes in number of people dying suddenly is likely the “Other” category which is deaths away from home/healthcare facilities.
Apr 11, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Add to the list: masks contribute to long Covid symptoms.
When the idea of masking started, it was recognized that, at best, it was a tool to slow the spread. It couldn't stop Covid, but it could help flatten the curve was the theory.
Then politicians... conservativereview.com/horowitz-long-…
...got involved and soon masks were treated as being able to STOP Covid. The CDC director at the time said masks were better than a vaccine (fact check: correct, but not because masks have any efficacy). Many said if we would just mask for a few weeks, Covid would disappear.
Feb 2, 2023 • 20 tweets • 6 min read
Pull Forward Effect (PFE) primer
A long 🧵
PFE showed up briefly then disappeared, indicating a HUGE number of people are dying from our reaction to Covid.
Here's the CDC graph of US weekly deaths since Jan 2018.
Orange line is expected average.
It is well documented that Covid has hit the elderly and infirmed the hardest. So when a wave of Covid sweeps through a population, it stands to reason that among the victims will be many people who were weak and were going to die shortly absent Covid.
Sep 28, 2022 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
I would like to know what Children’s hospital is doing with reference to gender surgeries and hormone treatments on children.
Because from what I see on their website, it isn’t good.
I honestly hope @ChildrensColo can somehow explain how this is not what it appears to be.
First, they seem to be engaging in breast surgery that is classified as “adolescent gender affirmation surgery”.
Is Children’s engaged in the removal of healthy breasts from adolescent females who think they’re boys?
From Children’s website:
Sep 27, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Aww, Jared Polis DM'd me today. He wants me to join his team and told me 5 things he's proud of. Let's go through them.
Nothing is free. We all pay including all of the families without kids in kindergarten.
Also, why? Why not "free" pre-K? Why not "free" daycare? My point is, why expand it? The only reason is to buy votes and increase the state's grip on your kids.
Sep 14, 2022 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
1/11 I've been thinking about the pull-forward effect and misattribution aspects of Covid. Mathematically speaking, it's possible we made a mountain out of a mole hill. This 🧵 covers some of my analysis so far.
2/11 As background, here is the CDC data on US deaths: non-Covid in yellow and Covid in blue. The orange line shows expected deaths. Clearly we are suffering elevated mortality.
Apr 7, 2022 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
Coda (hopefully, see 🧵)
These 3⃣Colorado counties were under Tri-County health dept. for 55 years until Douglas County left in September 2021 over Covid policy. Tri-County reinstated a mask mandate from Nov 24 to Feb 5 for just Adams and Arapahoe counties.
It was useless.
I hope this ends masking here, but pub health is so invested in mask effectiveness that they'll likely push again next flu season to avoid admitting (especially to themselves) to their unsubstantiated, unscientific, groupthink-based, virtue signaling, religious belief in masks
Jan 28, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
In article, Colorado Public Radio asks, "How many kids are getting infected with the omicron variant?" in maskless Douglas County Schools.
They don't like the answer: "The same as neighboring masked school districts." So they turn to conspiracy theories. cpr.org/2022/01/27/dou…
CPR laments, "many parents suspect the infection rates are much higher." They offer no explanation why that wouldn't be happening everywhere or why the case curves for Douglas County Schools look exactly like those of neighboring masked districts.
3 Adjacent school district case rates. All had mask mandates in place Oct. 31.
One removed a school mask mandate on December 8.
The other 2 school districts kept mask mandates in place and their county even implemented a county-wide mask mandate on Nov. 24.
Which is which?
What? You can't tell? How about among 12-17 year olds?
Still no luck? How is it that masks are one of our most important tools yet they don't make a difference?
Jan 12, 2022 • 24 tweets • 6 min read
Why is Covid so bad in Colorado?
According to the Director of @TCHDHealth (Tri-County Health) John Douglas, IT’S THE BUS PEOPLE.
Not kidding, read on.
Start here. John Douglas is a tyrant who likes to put cloth over the mouth of 2 year olds. This pissed off so many people that all 3 counties in his health dept. withdrew and are making their own health depts. Tri-County Health will be Zero-County Health. coloradosun.com/2021/12/14/ara…
Jan 10, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
3 Colorado Counties under one health department. They break up over school mask mandates. On Nov 24, two of the counties move to indoor mask mandates.
The mask mandate does nothing. All three counties have the same results.
I take that back, the mask mandate did do a lot, it just didn’t do anything to slow the spread of Covid.
Mask mandates negatively impact people and hurt businesses in Adams and Arapahoe County (though as people flock to Douglas County it helps businesses there).
Jan 8, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I keep hearing people say (it was even also brought up in the Supreme Court) that everybody needs to be vaxxed to protect those who can't get vaxxed.
If there are a lot of non-vaxxed immunocompromised people out there, shouldn't they be their own category in hospitalizations?
Biden, CO Gov Polis & others keep saying this is a pandemic of the unvaxxed. How many of those hospitalized aren't vaxxed because they can't be vaxxed?
I have no idea how many. Could be none of CO's 973 unvaxxed "with" Covid patients, could be a hundred.
Dec 20, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
My 15 YO entered a building today (our county is under an indoor mask mandate) and the person at the door told him, "You have to wear a mask in here." But this was quickly followed up by, "But you can just wear it under your chin."
I thought, "That's a good lesson."
The lesson is masks are a useless bureaucratic joke. Here's why:
If they made him wear it over his mouth and nose, they would be perpetuating the idea masks work.
If they don't require any mask, they may be taking a stand for liberty independent of whether they work or not.
Dec 1, 2021 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
I love @ChildrensColo. The staff there have always rendered excellent care to my children and I highly recommend them.
But if you get too many of them together, they become an irrational political animal. Case in point:
@ChildrensColo declared youth state of emergency in mental health 5/2021. Suicide is "the leading cause of death for Colorado's children." The "stress of the pandemic" is "turning into suicide attempts."
Local health @CDPHE presented questionable data showing masking only reduces cases in schools w/3,000 students from 7.2 cases per week to 6 cases per week on average. Think about what that means. We are told that schools are safe with masks and unsafe without them.
Moreover, think about what that means for quarantining. With masks, at 6 cases per week, we don't need to quarantine. Everything's fine. But without masks, public health says we need to quarantine to prevent the spread.
Sep 24, 2021 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
@CDPHE is committing data malpractice. They spit out a graph touting that masks in schools make a difference but they are apparently presenting raw data. It was instantly widely disseminated.
Without knowing community rates of infection, the statistic is completely useless.
@CDPHE did same w/data from Georgia showing 30% fewer cases in school districts with mask mandates. Well, I looked up the counties involved and guess what the community rate difference was.
Yes, it was 30%.
The schools simply reflected their communities.
Sep 22, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Are cloth masks increasing in efficacy?
Last school year, local schools required masks, but if you were near someone w/Covid, you were quarantined.
This year, local schools require masks & if you're near someone w/Covid you don't get quarantined because of the mask.
Is it b/c Public Health realized quarantining was stupid, disruptive and ineffectual and in Denver area they unnecessarily denied 40,386 kids several days of in-school learning each (0.4% of Denver area students tested positive while on quarantine)?
They'll never admit this
Sep 14, 2021 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Ugh, still not kicked off Medium. They're just suppressing my posts. It took them the weekend to suppress my latest. Any guesses on what they didn't like?
This is to all you pricks out there who are advocating for restricting the lives of kids due to Covid.
The most important thing CDC data shows is that Covid is not an exceptional risk for school-aged children. In 18 months, 412 kids under 18 in the United States have tragically died with Covid, while the CDC estimates that 643 kids died from flu in just the 2017–18 flu season.
Sep 13, 2021 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Some random observations about local school mask mandate stupidity from @TCHDHealth
This is beside the normal stupidity of generally masking only the people least affected by Covid.
Read on... tchd.org/DocumentCenter…
Mandate exemption: While actively playing a wind instrument.
Seriously. After a three minute trumpet solo, Jimmy must put his mask on to prevent the spread of Covid.
I don’t think @TCHDHealth knows what they are doing.