Obsessed with Digital Things + Finance + Business, Sometimes Sports. EVP @thewagency. Speaker: @HeroConf @SMX @ShopTalk Faculty @JohnsHopkins. Views = Mine
May 8, 2024 • 29 tweets • 5 min read
There's a lot of discourse on here (and on LI) about AI companies "stealing" copyrighted materials for training.
There are - fundamentally - two different issues at play. The fact that most conversations conflate them creates more problems.
The first issue is the use of publicly- available data to train models.
The second (and more serious) is companies using LLMs to unbundle content from creators (people, businesses, organizations, whatever) in a way that could cause real harm.
Jan 9, 2024 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
There's a lot of commotion, confusion and fear about Google's removal of 3P cookies + what that means for advertisers.
Much of this is unwarranted and ridiculous:
First, there's a misconception that the removal of 3P cookies from chrome somehow impacts Google's data (1P cookies) - nope.
This will impact many third-party services, from smaller (relative to Google/Meta/Apple) ad platforms, to attribution platforms, to certain UI/UX platforms, to other website service providers (basically - any third party that uses a pixel/tracking tag).
Aug 15, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Just spent some time playing around with the Google Demand Gen Beta. Initial reactions & takeaways:
1. RIP Discovery - I've long been a big fan of discovery campaigns, though DG appears to be a level-up from existing Discovery for 4 reasons:
(1) Inclusion of YT placements (2) ML-driven targeting options (similar to Meta) (3) Ability to create LALs (4) Standard Bidding Strats
Dec 5, 2022 • 33 tweets • 7 min read
Google Ads is an area where brands invest heavily, all with little-to-no transparency on what that investment is returning. I've done 100+ audits covering hundreds of millions in spend - and here are the 10 things that result in suboptimal outcomes (+ lots of wasted $$$)👇
"Let's break this down into five core buckets -
1. Strategy & Research 2. Account & Campaign Structure 3. Data Flows 4. Creative & Landers 5. Management
High performance in each of these areas is *essential* if your goal is to build + maintain a highly profitable account."
Dec 17, 2020 • 70 tweets • 19 min read
So #MarketingTwitter you've heard about the big scary antitrust case against Google that was brought by a bunch of states you wouldn't expect to be suing big business (TX, KY, AK, ID, IN, MI, MS, ND, SD, UT) + wondering what's it all about, here are some (preliminary) thoughts:
(Disclaimer: I have no idea how long this thread is going to go so :shrug: and stop reading whenever you get bored)
Oct 5, 2020 • 21 tweets • 9 min read
@NeptuneMoon I don't know if I'm an "expert" -- but as someone who worked in finance + now does lots of digital things, this is a really, really dumb take, for (at least) 5-6 reasons:
Thread time, because I want to procrastinate and way too many people don't understand how MBS or ABS work.
@NeptuneMoon Reason #1 - MBS issues resulted in a systemic failure due to a heinous combination of securitatization, proliferation of CDOs, deregulation, fraud + general stupidity (simplified).
The *combination* is what allowed the situation to go from an isolated bad to a global really bad.
Aug 12, 2020 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
A4.1: The only "rule" I can think of for this is, "it depends" -- what is your brand? What is your target audience? What social/political issues? It *can* make sense, but it can just as easily alienate you from your target audience if not done correctly.
A4.2: Likewise, the last thing many brands want is to be pulled into a national debate or targeted by certain elected officials for expressing their viewpoints -- which is certainly a possible outcome for engaging in overtly political debate. #semrushchat
Jun 5, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
While I (usually) *loathe* affiliate relationships, I've been thinking a lot about how they can be used for good - and here's what I've decided: there are a number of platforms I use + love that offer them, so I'm signing up + directing 100% of any $ I make in 2020 to help. 1/X
I only have 3 right now, but more in process. The rules are simple:
1. I'll only ever work with companies I know + think add value to their customers' lives 2. I'll only refer companies that share my values 3. 100% of 2020 revenue to causes supporting racial + economic justice.
Jun 5, 2020 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
One of the things I keep thinking about is @justinamash's bill to end Qualified Immunity. It's not a perfect solution + I don't think it goes nearly far enough, but it's a concrete policy that has merit + can have a positive impact for thousands who have been denied justice.
Obviously, no one *really* likes tort law, but it's an interesting vehicle that may be able to change incentive structures + drive (much needed) reform to policing (especially at the local level).
Jun 5, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
So...found a fun fact:
To become a licensed cosmetologist in PA, you must have 1,250 hours of classroom instruction, plus 2,000 hours within 8 months as a qualified apprentice, so about 3,250 hours TOTAL.
To become a PA State Trooper, you only need (at most) 2,415 hours.
2,415 represents 28 weeks of academy training, from 0530 hours to 2245 hours, Monday-Friday (per the website). Of course, not all of this is classroom time or instruction - some of it is physical fitness and some of it is study time or unstructured.