Deputy editor of @5PillarsUK Host of @bloodxbrospod Journalist | Podcaster | Pundit.
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Jan 7 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
Andrew Tate’s core support base are those who:
- Support Israel & the genocide in Gaza.
- Curse the Prophet Muhammad.
- Want to ban the Quran.
- Want to attack & shutdown mosques.
- Want to ban the niqab & hijab.
What a humiliating and shameful support base for a Muslim.🧵 1/7
Funding those who wage wars against Islam and Muslims at home and abroad with large amounts of money. 2/7
Apr 1, 2023 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
THREAD on @HumzaYousaf, his public statements, and policies, and why it’s a major issue for many Muslims.
I want every Muslim who is fasting, believes in Allah (swt), His Messenger (saw), and the Final Day, especially those of you who are parents of young children, and to our
people of sacred knowledge, to consider whether publicly celebrating, supporting, defending, justifying, downplaying, or ignoring the following is something which is beneficial to our Dunya and our Akhira.
The following is a list of Humza Yousaf’s kufri statements, as well as
Nov 26, 2022 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
[THREAD] On “hypocritical” and “ungrateful” Muslim PoC choosing to live in the UK/West while criticising its governments and social values…
Some advice to Muslims who resort to the “why do you live here for?”, “but you take benefits from this country” and “go back to Bangladesh
/Pakistan or relocate to Saudi if you don’t like it here” in response to historical and religious reasons being cited for why someone doesn’t support England/Britain in major sporting events.
You see, those who were born here (or have obtained UK citizenship) and see themselves
Apr 5, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
The social and moral decay of Western societies is a far bigger existential threat than any foreign state or ideology.
The following are some obvious realities, which secular liberal advocates can justify as much as they want, but the adverse impacts of these practices and
values are already proving themselves in areas like sex-related crimes and mental health:
1. Normalisation of fornication, and the disregard/abandonment of marriage.
2. Celebration of sexual deviancy, promiscuity and nakedness.
Feb 27, 2022 • 20 tweets • 4 min read
Dear Muslims, PoC & immigrant descent, what have we learned from the Ukraine-Russia crisis about our status & worth in the UK, Europe & the West?
- Your blood, life and honour is worth less than the “civilised Europeans” (@CBSNews ) with “blonde hair and blue eyes”. (@BBCNews)
- Your people’s resistance to foreign (NATO/India/Israel/Russia) occupation and oppression is deemed as “terrorism”, while the resistance of Ukrainians is lionised. BBC reports on the “brave” Ukrainian women making Molotov cocktail bombs and…
Feb 26, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
The same Poland that was beating, arresting and turning back Syrian and Iraqi refugees, are now welcoming their fellow white European/Christian Ukrainian brothers and sisters seeking refuge with open arms. So heartwarming to see.…
Feb 24, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
[Thread] A Muslim whose loyalty is to Allah (swt), His Messenger (saw) and the Ummah first and foremost, does not need to take a side when two non-Muslim warring factions have blood of Muslims on their hands.
In the case of Russia, have we forgotten its historic & deep hatred, aggression and wars against the Ottoman Caliphate? Or the 45 years of brutal communist rule in the Central Asian, Balkan and Caucus Muslim countries? Have we forgotten Afghanistan, Chechnya and Syria so quickly?
Aug 18, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
ANSWER: Any individual, group or entity who publicly defames, mocks and attacks Islam and Muslims without any willingness to sincerely engage.
This person/org/state seeks to criminalise and deform
normative Islam, and seeks to harm Muslims collectively via physical/military violence and/or via draconian/assimilationist policies.
It should be noted that jihad/military engagement can *ONLY* be declared by a legitimate Caliph/Sultan/Shaykh al-Islam (currently non-existent),
May 22, 2019 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Great piece by @IanCobain & @MiddleEastEye revealing what some (namely @UK_CAGE) have previously raised: The @ukhomeoffice has created a sophisticated PR model aimed at steering which Muslims will dominate the public space in the wake of terror attacks.…
It is no longer fronted by the likes of @QuilliamOrg only, who are widely rejected by Muslims. It’s now organisations like @ImamsOnline and @FaithAssociates that have become the new ‘tools’ of the British State to pacify, isolate and censor Muslim agency & dissenting views.
May 11, 2019 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Nadeem Ashfaq told the Lancashire Post: “He was very polite and listened to me respectfully, for which I am grateful. Many of his supporters even shook my hand and thanked me for being honest and open with Tommy."
1. An opportunity for Robinson to show that he’s not an Islam-hating anti-Muslim racist bigot because he’s able to have tea, biscuits, samosas and pakoras with some “moderate” Muslims. Great PR for his MEP campaign.