Dina D. Pomeranz Profile picture
Econ prof @econ_uzh, formerly @HarvardHBS. Board @EvidenceAction, @HelvetasCH, IIPF, @EEAnews. Co-founder @gain_network_. Affiliate @JPAL, @cepr_org, CESifo.
Melinda Johnson, RD Profile picture Jörg 🌻 @j_honegger@swiss.social Profile picture Duong Le Profile picture Florian Suter Profile picture 4 subscribed
Jul 3, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Progresa was one of the first country-wide social programs to be evaluated with a randomized study.

The conditional cash transfer program in Mexico was found to have large benefits on education, health and income. As a result many other governments implemented similar policies. This follow-up study 20 years later shows that children who benefited from Progresa in the past now have higher education and income.

This is just one of a growing number of rigorous studies showing that when poor families receive assistance, their children do better as adults.
Jun 10, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
Excited to share this new working paper! We've been working on this for a very long time. Iterating between quantitative analysis (with micro-level administrative tax data) and qualitative interviews with affected tax professionals in the country was a particularly interesting learning process for me.
May 16, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Happening now: inaugural lecture by Sandro Ambühl of @econ_uzh on behavioral public policy with applications to finance. Image Many public policies have aspects of behavioral economics. Yesterday's vote in Switzerland on about "opt out" vs "opt in" for organ donations is one example. Image
Jan 30, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Wurde von mehreren Seiten gefragt, was meine Meinung zum Mediengesetz sei. Daher hier nun ein Thread darüber, warum ich klar dafür bin.

Der Grund, warum es ein solches Gesetz überhaupt braucht, ist dass weltweit die Einkommen der Presse massiv geschrumpft sind.

Dies liegt nicht an den JournalistInnen, sondern am veränderten Umfeld: die Kleinanzeigen sind ins Internet abgewandert, und ein grosser Teil der Werbeeinnahmen geht an Google und Co. Der Werbe­umsatz der Schweizer Verlage sank seit 2007 um 75%(!).

Nov 1, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
My two cents FWIW: Having a field called "development economics" makes no sense. It is essentially all fields of economics related to the 84% of people in the world who don't live in high-income countries. It is good to see it gradually absorbed into the other fields of econ. To be clear, not criticizing journals, conferences, classes, etc. that use this term. Heck, I run one of these conferences. I just think the distinction actually makes no sense & hope it will gradually disappear. We already see devo papers much more integrated in general fields.
Sep 4, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
In Zürich laufen dieses Wochenenende viele Veranstaltungen. Nur das albanische Festival wurde verboten. Weil die Impfquote dieser "Community" tief sei.

Das ist bestürzend & zeigt einmal mehr, was passieren kann, wenn die Gewählten so unrepräsentativ für die Bevölkerung sind.
Ähnliche Verbote von SVP Veranstaltungen (der Partei mit der tiefsten Impfquote) oder Jodlerfestivals, weil in dieser "Community" zu wenig geimpft seien, kann man sich schlecht vorstellen. Bei Minderheiten mit wenig Macht scheinen strengere Massnahmen politisch opportuner.

Jul 18, 2021 14 tweets 9 min read
With all the difficult news, it can be hard to remember the huge progress humanity has achieved over recent decades.

So here's a thread with some of these achievements. They are important to keep in mind to avoid falling into resignation.

From OWID: ourworldindata.org/problems-and-p…

1/n Both the share and number of people who live in extreme poverty have fallen dramatically.

200 years ago, over 90% of the world population lived with less than the equivalent of 1.9 USD a day. Today this share is less than 10% (adjusted for prices).

Jun 9, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Als Ökonomin bin ich erstaunt und besorgt, dass die CO2 Gesetz Abstimmung so knapp ist und auf der Kippe steht. Aus ökonomischer Perspektive ist ein solches Gesetz dringend

Hier ein kurzer Thread dazu, warum die Grossmehrheit der ÖkonomInnen CO2 Steuern & Massnahmen befürwortet: Tausende ÖkonomInnen inkl 28 Wirtschaftsnobelpreisträger haben ein Statement unterschrieben, das unverzügliches Handeln gegen Klimawandel fordert: econstatement.org

Unter führenden WirtschaftsexpertInnen herrscht grosse Einigkeit zu CO2 Steuern igmchicago.org/surveys/carbon…

Apr 15, 2021 16 tweets 12 min read
A colleague encouraged me to share the new slides about Covid from my Global Policy Analysis class here on Twitter, since last year's version seemed to be useful for some.

If anyone would like a copy to use or adapt them for your class, just send me an email!

1/n Image We started the class with some overall trends and figures on confirmed cases, testing and confirmed deaths across countries and regions.

These are all from the excellent website ourworldindata.org.

2/n ImageImageImage
Jan 12, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Excited to share a new working paper that's been years in the making:

"International Trade and Earnings Inequality: A New Factor Content Approach" with Rodrigo Adão, Paul Carrillo, Arnaud Costinot and Dave Donaldson.

Ungated version here: econ.uzh.ch/dam/jcr:839bc5… ImageImage This work builds on a previous and ongoing collaboration with the Ecuadorian tax authority, which made it possible to use very detailed anonymized administrative tax data to study in deeper ways how trade affects income inequality.

Nov 3, 2020 14 tweets 5 min read
Income inequality over time in the US vs. Switzerland.

In the US, income inequality is much higher and has grown hugely over recent years: Wealth inequality, on the other hand, has increased a lot both in the US and in Switzerland, and is similarly high in both countries.

Wealth inequality is as usual much higher than income inequality.
Oct 15, 2020 12 tweets 6 min read
Zusammenfassung meiner Präsentation in der Kommissionen für Wirtschaft und Abgaben (WAK) des Schweizer Parlaments zum Thema "Wirtschaftliche Folgen von Covid-19":

1/n 1) Für den Schutz der Wirtschaft ist die Eindämmung der Pandemie zentral.

Es ist nicht Covid-Prävention oder Schutz der Wirtschaft - sondern Covid Prävention für den Schutz der Wirtschaft.

Das schlimmste für die Wirtschaft ist die lähmende Wirkung einer starken Epidemie.
Mar 17, 2020 26 tweets 10 min read
Today I added a few slides about Covid-19 to the beginning of the "Global Policy Analysis" class, before delving into the regular material. Students expressed appreciation that we took time to do that. @adinarom encouraged me to share it here in case it's useful for others.

We first took an anonymous vote, so that I could get a sense of where students were at regarding the topic:

It turned out the majority response was 2), with the smallest response going to 1).

Feb 28, 2020 16 tweets 7 min read
Keynote by @rodrikdani Great to see that trade and development is becoming a "thing" again in academic econ. It used to be a big topic, then for a while trade econs and development econs lost some interest in each others' work. Great to see them coming together again more, e.g. at this conference.
Dec 31, 2019 20 tweets 11 min read
For the New Year, I'll share a few trends of the past decade.

Since for many longer-term trends, data is not yet available until 2019, I will post the last available 10 years.

Happy New Year! The share of people in the world who live in extreme poverty (i.e. with less than 1.90 Dollars per day, adjusted for prices), fell by more than half, from 22% to 10%, between 2005-2015:

Dec 15, 2019 19 tweets 6 min read
Looking forward to day 1 of the 4th Zurich Conference on Public Finance in Developing Countries tomorrow!

Excited to have a wonderful line-up of presentations again & I particularly look forward to @OdhiamboFrank_O's talk on "Do's & Don'ts for Field Work" & to @adnanqk's Keynote And we're off to a good start!
Nov 17, 2019 48 tweets 12 min read
Wonderful interview with Nobel Prize winner Esther Duflo. Will summarize some quotes in a thread:

"I became an economist because I wanted to make the world a better place. I was an undergrad student in history & only decided to do econ when I realized that economists have this wonderful position that they can take time to study problems deeply & then talk to policy makers."
Nov 10, 2019 13 tweets 2 min read
Just started digging in the new book by Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee. Will share some quotes from the intro. "What the most recent [economics] research has to say, it turns out, is often surprising, especially to those used to the pat answers coming out of TV "economists" and high school textbooks.
Oct 27, 2019 43 tweets 35 min read
@ingridharvold Dear @ingridharvold and @AndrewM_Fischer,

Many thanks for your patience with my response. It has been a particularly busy week, and I appreciate the opportunity to respond a few days later when I have again a window with a bit of uninterrupted time.

@ingridharvold @AndrewM_Fischer Let me first respond to your interesting points & add a few additional considerations of my own.

You both mention the lack of other theories taken into account. Andrew even states that "the work of the prize winners represents the culmination of this evolution of mono econ"

Oct 22, 2019 34 tweets 13 min read
@ingridharvold Thank you! Going into a seminar now. Will respond later. @ingridharvold Hi Ingrid. I finally have a stretch of time without interruption & can respond to your text with the required focus.

I really appreciate this opportunity for dialogue. This is going to be quite a long thread, as I wanted to take this seriously. Maye not ideal for Twitter.
Oct 17, 2019 16 tweets 6 min read
In Zurich and interested in taxation? Don't miss this! @Florian_Scheuer is one of the world's leading tax economists. @Florian_Scheuer starts his inaugural lecture with quotes from US political candidates calling for much higher taxation on high incomes and wealth: