Michel Dinyuy Profile picture
Programs Coordinator IProject Design Expert I Project Manager IMEAL DProfessional I Team Leader & Trainer I Excellent Communicator I Masters in Public Relations
Feb 25, 2019 23 tweets 23 min read
#MondayGhostTown thoughts:
The #AnglophoneCrisis & War of Independence
how it got this far

Amba Boys/Restoration Forces (RFs): Question of Identity & Origin
(who are they; where did they come from?)


#HumanWrongs #Cameroun History includes:
👉🏻 1st Oct 1961: #BritishSouthernCameroons voted in a @UN plebiscite to join #LaRepubliqueDuCameroun as two equal states in a federal system.

👉🏻Series of military crackdowns on #SouthernCameroons whenever there were complaints of marginalization
