Professional Illustrator, Author, IT Professional, and Commander of the Retrostation1989
Nov 18, 2017 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
1. Folks - we need to have a brief chat about 'Photoshopped' versus 'Modified'.
I am contending that the photograph supplied by Mrs. Tweeden as evidence Senator Franken committed a crime was staged by all participants in the photo.
2. Nothing in the photo Mrs. Tweeden presents seems to be altered. Al Franken is 'honking her breasts' while she feigns or fakes sleeping. I'm saying they were posing for a joke picture that she is cynically presenting as evidence in a crime.
Nov 17, 2017 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
So - this photo --
Anyone know who took this one?
Thread. 1. ICC Profiles in Photoshop
Hey - my other thread talks about how this is all turning out to be, in my opinion, a cynical political stunt on the part of Senator Franken's accuser and her cohorts. 2. In it, I'm explaining how the metadata for .jpg files contains all sorts of things -- (BTW, you're going to want to delete your FB and other photos if you didn't remove the GPS entries in EXIF and took a pic in your own house.)
Well the ICC Profile is pretty interesting too!
Nov 17, 2017 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Mini Thread
Here's what we know/can prove without a doubt. 1. Mrs. Tweeden submitted this file to her station and had it inserted into her article accusing Mr. Franken.
2. Her allegation about the photo is that it was taken without her knowledge on Christmas Eve 2006 during a 36 hour flight home at the end of the tour.
Nov 17, 2017 • 20 tweets • 6 min read
1 - Thread.
About @SenFranken
EXIF data - the stuff cameras stamp on the digital versions of files? It protects, among other things the copyright of the photographer by LITERALLY stamping the date on when the snap was taken.
It ALSO records the last time a photo was modified.
2. There's lots of stuff in EXIF.
Date. Time (to the second!) Down to the focal length and shutter speed.
Pro photographers also put their Copyright Information in the EXIF as well. What good's a date without a person to attach that date to, after all?