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Investigations Reporter @guardian. Tips via open DMs/henry.dyer@theguardian.com/henrydyer.01 (Signal) or see pinned tweet | Politics/media/🚂 | @stlawrence_york
Oct 16, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The Independent Expert Panel's just-published report on the conduct of Peter Bone. After a finding of bullying and sexual misconduct, the IEP has recommended a six-week suspension for Bone, now to be confirmed by the House of Commons: parliament.uk/globalassets/m… There are a lot of shocking details in the report on Bone's conduct. There is also a rather damning section on failure of the Conservatives processes: a complaint about Bone's conduct was first made to Cameron in Dec '15, then again to May in Nov '17.
Dec 22, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
👀 Letter to FT, one week before 2005 general election: "From 67 business leaders [...] The reason we support the Conservatives is because they have a much clearer policy for achieving just this. [...] Sir Laurie Magnus, member, Norfolk Capital Partners"

ft.com/content/401471… Other signatories to the letter included Adam Afriyie and Philip Dunne elected the following week; Andrew Bridgen who had to wait to 2010; and donors Rami Ranger, Johnny Leavesley, Sir Anthony Bamford.
Dec 22, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Chairman of Historic England Sir Laurie Magnus appointed independent adviser on ministers' interests. Ministerial Code to be reissued today. And here is the updated ministerial code. assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl…
Dec 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Duncan Baker (North Norfolk, Cons) has apologised and repaid £4912.42 for misusing House stationery by sending a newsletter on a range of issues to some constituents earlier this year, according to a report from the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, Kathryn Stone. House rules on stationery are a bit fiddly: you can't write to constituents on a general range of issues or do annual reports and newsletters, though you can do so on a single specific issue. Baker's letter breached rules as it touched on several different issues.
May 20, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
NEW: Cabinet Office is blocking an FOI request for communications showing the “repeated assurances” to the PM “no rules were broken”, refusing to confirm or deny any records are held claiming to do so would prejudice @HoCPrivileges probe into PM’s remarks

businessinsider.com/government-won… Chair of @HoCPrivileges, @RhonddaBryant, who has recused himself from the probe into whether the PM misled MPs, tells Insider: “No 10 will make up any old excuse to avoid transparency. They should hand over whatever they've got immediately." businessinsider.com/government-won…
May 19, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
👀👀Evgeny Lebedev has showed up in the House of Lords where there is currently an urgent question on food price inflation. Sat on the back of the crossbenches wearing a black shirt, black jacket, no tie (lack of tie not against the rules but "frowned upon", I am told). He's had enough of the debate on the report from the Science and Technology committee and is off, perhaps for a jacket potato at Portcullis House.
May 19, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Darren Tierney, top official in the Propriety and Ethics team, and Simon Case, the Cabinet Secretary, due to appear in front of @CommonsPACAC next Tuesday afternoon to discuss "propriety of governance in light of Greensill." Wonder if anything else might come up @CommonsPACAC PACAC: "The Downing Street parties and the recent announcement on the Government’s intention to reduce the size of the Civil Service by almost 100,000 jobs are also likely to be discussed". Hope Simon Case is brushing up...
May 18, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
very grim tweet, taking things seriously 👍 Fabricant deleted an earlier version of that tweet because he thought what it really needed was a 😜 emoji. Image
May 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
🥳Missed it yesterday but I have been at Insider for a year now, please DM me with tips and gossip to provide me with another year's worth of scoops and exclusives this is the good sort of tip-off btw if you were wondering what I'm interested in Image
Apr 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
PM has done a broadcast interview to be released on Saturday, grilled by *checks notes* Esther McVey and Philip Davies, who in addition to being GB News presenters also just happen to be Conservative MPs Fair bit of speculation about Ofcom rules, etc. This note to broadcasters from Ofcom says the election period started at latest on March 28. But I wonder if this i/v might skirt the rules as none of the three are candidates in local or assembly elections.
Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
House of Lords conduct committee recommends one-week suspension of Labour life peer Lord (Tom) Pendry for bullying a member of Parliamentary security. Follows appeal by Pendry against original ruling of Lords Standards Commissioner, appeal dismissed by the committee. Pretty sure this is a *second* time a member of the Parliamentary Security Department has complained about Pendry's conduct. First time, report published Dec '21, was not upheld as an act of bullying but certainly seemed it fell short of behaviour code. parliament.uk/globalassets/d…
Jan 13, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
You've seen Michael Gove dancing - here's Boris Johnson dancing at a City Hall christmas party with who I think is the then chair of the London Assembly, who is wielding a lightsaber Here's the register of gifts angle for those wondering: The "light sabre" was a gift from ILM/Lucas Film in June 2013 london.gov.uk/people/mayoral…

And press reports suggest it's some sort of tradition for the mayor to dance with chair of London Assembly at Xmas party...
Jan 13, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
NEW: No 10 staff clearing phones of partygate messages could have committed criminal offences under FOIA, the ICO has warned, as separate legal challenge by @Foxglovelegal/@allthecitizens could lead to gov lawyers probing if staff were told to "clean up".
businessinsider.com/downing-street… @Foxglovelegal @allthecitizens ICO's statement follows @Annaisaac story reporting No 10 sources saying they were told to "clean up" phones of partygate-related messages. ICO noted criminal offence of "erasing, destroying or concealing information" within scope of an FOI request. businessinsider.com/downing-street…
Jan 12, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Esther McVey MP breached government rules by taking job as GB News presenter, Cabinet Office minister Lord True confirms, but won't be doing anything about it, per letter from True to Lord Eric Pickles published by ACOBA. Lord True's letter was sent on December 23, responding to Pickles's letter of November 22. Weirdly True has not yet got around to responding to ACOBA's letters of July 9 or September 10 about Dominic Cummings not seeking advice from ACOBA before taking up post-government work
Jan 11, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Lord Evans, chair of @PublicStandards, tells @CommonsPACAC: "There is at least a carelessness amongst people in government over standards issues and possibly more than that." @PublicStandards @CommonsPACAC Lord Evans criticising the setup of the Business Appointment Rules, lack of enforcement, and echoes criticism of ACOBA, the "regulatory body, if you can call it that", as toothless.
Nov 18, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
🚨 Boris Johnson has declared part of the cost of his Marbella trip - an £1,800 stay in Heathrow's VIP Windsor suite before he set off. But still nothing on his use of the Goldsmiths' reportedly £25k-a-week villa.

Full story: businessinsider.com/boris-johnson-… Johnson refusing to disclose cost of villa.

@AngelaRayner says it's “utterly ludicrous that the only donation that Boris Johnson has declared related to his latest freebie luxury holiday is the hospitality he enjoyed in the lounge waiting for his plane”.

Nov 17, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Boris Johnson telling the Liaison Committee about Lord Geidt's role in Kwasi Kwarteng's letter to Kathryn Stone.

Insider has obtained a letter from Lord Geidt to Angela Rayner saying since Kwarteng said sorry, he will be taking no further action.

businessinsider.com/boris-johnson-… Geidt told Rayner: “I am heartened that [Kwarteng] has taken this opportunity to address his comments. In doing so, he has recognised ministers' obligations under the Code to decide personally how to act and conduct themselves in light of the Code.”

Nov 4, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
Lord Evans tells @instituteforgov yesterday's vote was a "very serious and damaging moment for Parliament and for public standards in this country. It cannot be right that MPs should reject after one short debate the conclusion of the [PCS] and the Standards Committee". @instituteforgov "It cannot be right to propose an overhaul of the entire regulatory system in order to postpone or prevent sanctions in a very serious case of paid lobbying by an MP. It cannot be right this was accompanied by repeated attempts to question the integrity of the PCS herself."
Nov 3, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
New from me in other marking-your-own-homework news: the government says it has no actual metrics to measure its success in "seizing the opportunities of Brexit", so instead will be offering "narrative reporting" on the progress of that outcome.

businessinsider.com/uk-government-… Documents published as part of the Spending Review outline "priority outcomes" and "performance metrics" for all departments. The Cabinet Office is using "narrative reporting" for 3/4 of its outcomes.

Nov 3, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Rob Roberts, reinstated to the Conservative Party on Monday (but not given back the whip), appears to have been invited to sign the Julian Lewis amendment to let Paterson off on compassionate grounds, ahead of its publication on today's order paper. Another interesting name on the Lewis amendment is James Gray...
Oct 3, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
Good morning from Manchester, where I'm at the big conference do: Reform UK's jamboree, where the party formerly led by Nigel Farage is being addressed by Dr David Bull, the party's deputy leader. The Conservatives never thanked the Brexit Party for delivering them their majority, Bull says.

Red Wall voters will not lend their voters to the Conservatives again, Bull says: they will vote for Reform UK.

Reform is necessary for “the dreadful House of Lords”, he says.