Dr. Sara K. McBride 👠 Profile picture
AmeriKiwi, comms & disaster researcher. Semi-retired PIO/PIM. Views are my own or socially constructed. Retweets/tweets do not = endorsement. She/her
Sherry Minson Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 27, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I'm a bit behind on my publication tweet threads, due to five coming out this month (insert humble brag here)...but....here we go...all about the journal article entitled: "What to expect when you're expecting earthquake early warning" 🧵
academic.oup.com/gji/advance-ar… We present a strategy for earthquake early warning (EEW) alerting that focuses on providing users with a target level of performance for their shaking level of interest. This means, conceptually speaking, shifting EEW systems from a one size fits all to a more...bespoke system.