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i felt the lapping of an ebbing tide | co-host of @MarvelousDeath | writing and links on my webzone: | friends: @halfgoonhalfgod
Mar 25, 2024 7 tweets 1 min read
The "pretentious film bro" is largely an archetype people cooked up to compensate for their insecurities about having no standards and little artistic curiosity. People who care enough and are interested enough to think and learn about their art and entertainment, and thereby develop standards, analysis, and form articulate opinions on their feelings? They just do it to show off and bully people.
Jun 13, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
there's grown ass adults who, it seems, basically never want to encounter much friction or psychic discomfort in their art or entertainment - all rounded corners and smooth soft surfaces - and they are terribly insecure about how juvenile this is - hence "wholesome", "cozy" etc.. We all have our comfort entertainments, that's fine, but a sheer rejection of anything outside that, an overstrong preference for it, is clearly juvenile - and a point if weakness & narrowmindedness for anyone who imagines themselves an artist, critic, or philosophical intellect
Jun 13, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Nerds have a funny habit of thinking that directors, writers, actors etc... all care about the same stuff to the same degree that they do. For a lot of people it's just a job, and even when it's not, most writers or directors care more about emotional effect and theme than 'Lore' There's exceptions but it's amazing how often, especially apparently grown ass adults, want to ask Harrison Ford about what the controls on the Millenium Falcon do - like how can you not realize he doesn't know or care??