Consultant in project management and in trade organization, tweeting on good governance. ``Marka war la heelo ayaa talo la heela!`` Somali proverb,
May 22, 2023 • 25 tweets • 5 min read
Thread about the lost and retrieved Somali/Harla Sultanate of Shoa. We can title this thread as when Shoa was speaking Somali. Shoa Sultanate succeeded older Harla kingdom which ruling elite were Hebrew. The first recorded Sultan of Shoa was Amir Haboba ... was actually an 1/22/n Orgoba usurper. He claimed to be descending from the Makhzumi, the rival family of the Omeyyad in Mecca who went into exile in Sham in 653 and from there migrated to the Horn of Africa after the Abassid took over the Abassid sometimes in the IXth century. Sultan Amir 3/n
Oct 28, 2019 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Priorites pour le DB 2021:
-Appliquer les contrats. En gros ne pas laisser n`importe qui signer n`importe quoi et appliquer les termes des contrats sans coup de fil et sans extorquer les parties.
-Faciliter les echanges trans frontaliers pour permettre un essor du commerce
Le code des impots de Djibouti est non sens dans la perspective de l`entrepreneur puisque vous devez payer des impots meme si vous perdez de l`argent dot le montant est d`autant plus eleve que votre chiffre d`affaire est eleve. Resultat Djibouti a perdu tout son commerce de gros!