Dr. Ananas™ ✊😷🚩 (Anaïs Tilquin) Profile picture
(r)evolutionary biologist, paper pirate, professional troublemaker. Holds a PhD on the evolution of sex. Dr. Ananas™. Better than random. Kif @RevPermanente
Feb 4 16 tweets 6 min read
Pour @RevPermanente, j'ai interviewé @elisarojasm sur du projet de loi sur la "fin de vie", ajourné par la dissolution mais qui menace de revenir une fois le budget voté.

Elle explique en quoi ce texte est dangereux, validiste et eugéniste. Extraits!
Il existe actuellement déjà un cadre à la fin de vie : “les malades dont le pronostic vital est engagé à court terme peuvent s’opposer à tout acharnement thérapeutique inutile, et bénéficier s’ils le souhaitent d’une sédation profonde jusqu’au décès.”

2/16 Extrait de la page du gouvernement intitulée: "Directives anticipées : dernières volontés sur les soins en fin de vie" accessible sur  https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F32010
Nov 9, 2024 18 tweets 6 min read
Mon 2e article pour @RevPermanente! 🥳
Il revient sur le déremboursement des tests PCR voté lundi à l'Assemblée.

Fin des tests -> fin du covid, fin du covid long -> au travail bande d'absentéistes! 😈
Le déremboursement des tests PCR, c'est une mesure de plus qui nous désarme face à la pandémie de SARS qu'on appelle le Covid-19.
Aug 6, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
If you're new to activism, and ur group is all rookies as well, hunt down someone with experience to teach u the ins & outs. Save yourself years.

So many things I've had to painfully figure out by myself before opening the right books & realising it's staples.

6 random examples 1⃣ The phone is ur best friend.
Call ppl all the time - ppl you need to work with, ppl you've met once to tell them of ur next event, collect ppl's numbers and not only email addresses. One-on-one conversations get ppl moving.
Chats & broadcasts are comfortable...and ineffective.
Apr 1, 2022 14 tweets 10 min read
Today is a good day. Many #civilresistance groups getting their campaigns started or ramping up around the world today - and they're no joke ;)
Check this out!! 10 countries listed below!
Is yours there? FRANCE
New "Last Renovation" group from France had their very first motorway blockade today... in a blizzard!!
They demand the Gov't do emergency insulation of all of France leaky homes.
Go and give love to @derniere_renov to welcome them to the scene!
Sep 16, 2021 22 tweets 7 min read
Sent now to @ETH_en colleagues. This is not a drill.

"Dear former colleagues,

Two months ago, I gave up on my academic career and quit my job at our beloved ETH, to organise illegal activities on a mass scale.
And now, after siphonning off all of your email addresses, I’m writing to ask you to come and get arrested with me in 2 weeks in the streets of Zurich.

Obviously, that’s not exactly how I imagined my research career would turn out.