Kropotkin Profile picture
Retweets are definitely endorsements. Likes are actually loves. First four chapters of my novel are available here.
Mar 26, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
On the discrepancies between exit poll data and declared result.
Let's start in Vermont.
Sanders down 11%
Biden up 26.1% (2/8)
South Carolina.
Sanders down 6.6%
Biden up 8.3%
Nov 8, 2017 7 tweets 2 min read
Thread of Stephen Pollard's Analysis:
Last night I wrote on the JC site that something didn’t add up about Number Ten’s claim that it had no idea about Priti Patel’s meetings with senior Israelis. As I put it “Well before last week's James Landale scoop about Ms Patel's meetings with Israeli politicians, I was told very matter of factly that there would soon be an announcement of cooperation between the UK and Israel over aid in Africa, that we would divert some of our aid