DoctorTro Profile picture
Physician | Personally lost 150lbs | 60,000lbs! lost in Nationwide Medical Practice | Director @theSMHP | Host @LCMDPodcast | Married @rosettesmix
The Real Dr. Steven Horvitz Profile picture dr roth ⓀⒸ Profile picture Murphy Kismet Morgan Profile picture Its all relative Profile picture Joe Ngo Profile picture 24 subscribed
Jul 16 13 tweets 2 min read
How statisticians and researchers arrived at the conclusion that the BlueZones are a FRAUD. 🤔

🔑 Thread with key excerpts

“When these states transition to state-wide birth registration, the number of supercentenarians falls by 80% per year“

Jul 9 21 tweets 5 min read
🚨 Thread on LDL Lowering & low carb🚨

How I approached high LDL in my patients, and how we observed a DECREASE in LDL of 480mg/dl !!!!

About my published case-series of 5 patients and clinical experience with thousands of patients …

(1/20) As data supporting low carb diets has proliferated for weight loss, diabetes, seizures, mental health and other conditions, patients are now presenting with various issues related to the diet

Jul 2 10 tweets 2 min read

CGMs - continuous glucose monitors

Having looked at 10,000+ CGMs let me tell you what you will learn...

Lesson 1: Hidden carbs are everywhere
- you will find hidden sugar & carbs everywhere.

You didnt know you could find carbs/sugar but you will:
hotdogs, sausage, beef jerky, spices, condiments, sauces, soups, broths, basically everywhere you didnt look.

Jun 20 11 tweets 6 min read

I love the curious & creative thinkers, the patients who question everything, b/c answering these questions makes me a better educator & confirms my commitment to lifelong learning & shared decision-making

1/10 I don't “kick patients out” for presenting difficult questions… a cruel, yet common, practice among paternalistic/authoritarian doctors... I instead embrace the questions

I use them as an opportunity to dig deeper, understand more and understand better.

Jun 13 15 tweets 3 min read

Many patients ask me about exercise for weight loss, and getting toned.

We are often advised to exercise, however, if we are severely overweight this can be quite challenging. I typically advise patients to focus on fixing the diet first and forgo exercise for the first 6-8 weeks of any weight loss plan. if your diet isn’t in order & your appetite isn’t controlled, exercise will increase appetite and likely stall weight loss.
May 16 21 tweets 5 min read
How to INCREASE your low testosterone?

Thread 🧵 Testosterone is a steroid, anabolic hormone made in the testes and ovaries Image
May 9 10 tweets 2 min read
After helping thousands of patients lose weight, here’s my advice for those looking for lifelong, sustainable life changes. These are the “5 MUSTS” anyone trying to lose weight lifelong NEEDS to do.

🧵/Thread Before you understand my “5 musts”, simply ask yourself -what are the side effects of your prior weight loss attempts- NOT your reasons, NOT what you want to happen, what went wrong, what made you stop?
May 2 5 tweets 2 min read


Everything you need to know about gallstones as it relates to diet and dietary composition.

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 In the obese during rapid weight loss from a very low-calorie diet, a relatively high fat intake could prevent gallstone formation, probably by maintaining an adequate gallbladder emptying, which could counterbalance lithogenic mechanisms…
Mar 16 6 tweets 3 min read
🔔 10 woke takes from the world of Modern Medicine in 2024 🔔

1) climate change is more important than human nutrition
2) obesity is genetic disease that requires drugs
3) obesity is healthy & should be embraced
4) diets don’t work, carbs are good, meat is bad
5) masking kids prevents death & causes no harm
6) any living thing needs 9-10 COVID shots, especially pregnant women & young children
7) COVID shots prevent long COVID & myocarditis
8) DNA & chromosomes don’t mean much, they are fluid, so is biology
9) the AMA covering the ethics of banning meat & NEJM covering climate change is more important than the diabesity epidemic
9) take drugs for every chronic disease
10) luck charms is healthier than eggs People wanted context - lie 1

1) “Meat is unhealthy”

Meanwhile it’s associated with improved mental health, improved bone and muscle health and newer studies like that from PURE show that excluding it is bad for mortality Image
Mar 14 21 tweets 4 min read
There are 5 types of hunger that ideally should be taught to all patients with obesity

Without cultivating an awareness of appetite, hunger and cravings, a patient with obesity will not know what they are fighting against

So Let’s start! We are going to start with some easy ones…

The Cephalic phase response aka food cues - this is hunger stimulated when in presence of food.

These signals are deeply ingrained and can be conditioned

Think of Pavlov & commercials - these aren’t going away quickly or ever
Mar 7 13 tweets 2 min read
How statisticians and researchers arrived at the conclusion that the BlueZones are a FRAUD. 🤔

🔑 Thread with key excerpts

“When these states transition to state-wide birth registration, the number of supercentenarians falls by 80% per year“

Feb 29 9 tweets 2 min read

CGMs - continuous glucose monitors

Having looked at 10,000+ CGMs let me tell you what you will learn...

Lesson 1: Hidden carbs are everywhere
- you will find hidden sugar & carbs everywhere.

You didnt know you could find carbs/sugar but you will:
hotdogs, sausage, beef jerky, spices, condiments, sauces, soups, broths, basically everywhere you didnt look.

Feb 15 11 tweets 6 min read

I love the curious & creative thinkers, the patients who question everything, b/c answering these questions makes me a better educator & confirms my commitment to lifelong learning & shared decision-making

1/10 I don't “kick patients out” for presenting difficult questions… a cruel, yet common, practice among paternalistic/authoritarian doctors... I instead embrace the questions

I use them as an opportunity to dig deeper, understand more and understand better.

Jan 24 8 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Thread on why low carb diets should be first line for obesity, hypertension, diabetes & metabolic syndrome ✅Diabetes:

In a randomized study he demonstrated that a 🥩 ketogenic diet was superior to a Mediterranean diet 🌱 at lowering the need for diabetes medications 💊
Oct 28, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read

Let me take you through some examples of how medicine has 🛑 STOPPED becoming about getting people healthy & more about 💩 politics

Chronic disease like obesity, metabolic syndrome & diabetes continue to explode

Mental health is a crisis & your doctors care about👇🏻 “Meat is unhealthy”

Meanwhile it’s associated with improved mental health, improved bone and muscle health and newer studies like that from PURE show that excluding it is bad for mortality Image
Oct 7, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
How to INCREASE your low testosterone?

Thread 🧵 Testosterone is a steroid, anabolic hormone made in the testes and ovaries Image
Aug 23, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read

Why calories NEVER mattered...

Poorly calculated
Don’t quantify hormonal effects on appetite
Labels/Tracking don’t effect intake
Worse outcomes vs. dieting

Follow along with this fully cited thread 1/n We have known as far back as 1982 that tracking calories, food logging is inaccurate & doesn’t predict weight loss

10.1093/ajcn/35.4.727 Image
Jul 26, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
There are 5 types of hunger that ideally should be taught to all patients with obesity

Without cultivating an awareness of appetite, hunger and cravings, a patient with obesity will not know what they are fighting against

So Let’s start! We are going to start with some easy ones…

The Cephalic phase response aka food cues - this is hunger stimulated when in presence of food.

These signals are deeply ingrained and can be conditioned

Think of Pavlov & commercials - these aren’t going away quickly or ever
Jul 15, 2023 20 tweets 9 min read
Many people may not know my whole story so here is an synopsis for my new followers

My journey into medicine started at age 13.

I was a chubby little kid and remember sitting in the doctors office for my 13th annual physical Image We waited for 2 hours to be seen. I sat with my family who were all obese.

I remember getting on the scale after waiting for 2 hours and weighting the exact weight I way now -

The doctor told me to exercise or I will end up like my 350lb brother.
May 24, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
How to INCREASE your low testosterone?

Thread 🧵 Testosterone is a steroid, anabolic hormone made in the testes and ovaries Image
May 17, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
After helping thousands of patients lose weight, here’s my advice for those looking for lifelong, sustainable life changes. These are the “5 MUSTS” anyone trying to lose weight lifelong NEEDS to do.

🧵/Thread Before you understand my “5 musts”, simply ask yourself -what are the side effects of your prior weight loss attempts- NOT your reasons, NOT what you want to happen, what went wrong, what made you stop?