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Jul 31, 2024 10 tweets 6 min read
Cease And Desist Response & Update (thread) Some updates: I was originally going to expose MrBeast's philanthropy efforts being more for aiding private interests and boosting MrBeasts image than actually doing anything good but in that investigation I came across something far more interesting that no one else has ever found. Part 2 will be far more damaging to MrBeasts career than part 1.

As far as MrBeasts largest fundraiser Team Seas, it's pretty well known that it had no statistically significant impact on ocean pollution. Still people will say "Well it's still better than nothing". This is a drastic oversimplification that doesn't factor in the money, time, effort, and carbon costs associate with raising the money and removing the trash. Also where did the trash go? Landfills? Where over time it will break down into microplastics that blow back into the ocean? Or "recycling" plants (DYOR on why recycling is a lie). Team Seas also promoted the false narrative that plastic pollution is a problem solvable by people.