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Master Guitar Craftsman, Musician, Proud Feminist, Egalitarian, Science Fiction Lover of Life, Liberty & Happiness! Dogs R cool, Cats Rule! Paddle Into Bliss
Dec 19, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
@NormOrnstein 1 / I have a plan. It starts with a propaganda type name in order to get GOP voters to do what they do best; vote against their own self interests. It's called "The Abolish State Welfare & Establish Fairness In Congressional Representation Act." It has nothing to do with welfare. @NormOrnstein 2/ Our Constitution provides that population & land mass has always been the way to allocate congressional representation, therefore, a states ability to attract U.S. citizens has always been rewarded. As we face financial constrictions we must consider the contrary reality -
May 24, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
@MalcolmNance 1/ The corporate media continues to depict brainwashing as sillier than UFOs, even though there isn't any other explanation for the complete & total sycophancy of the 'stubs A.K.A. Trump's base & the GOP in general. Conservatives are easier to brainwash than other humans @MalcolmNance 2/ racism, fear & hate trigger & enlarge their amygdala (fight or flight brain) & manipulate them to vote for 'stubs. The use of Weaponized Neuro-Linguistic Programming has been perfected. I think Trump is just as brainwashed as his followers. Who is really pulling the strings?