How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App boosters were likely all risk/injury and no benefit. Wide bodily distribution of nanoparticles/mRNA. adjusted in hindsight, this IFR roughly aligns with one (0.12) I calculated in May 2020 using reasonable assumptions and the latest in napkin and pencil technology. are part of PHAC’s nudging strategy, one can read about it in source documents from the WHO. us be forthright, Canada’s response to C19 has been the largest policy failure in its modern history. principle factors are at play: 2020, I was contacted by members by the financial community who cleverly predicted how each major economic jurisdiction would fare during the C19 response. isn’t a “one off” study as noted in the post. One should also consider the work of @profnfenton and Joel Smalley. They too have raised concerns over the ability of vaccines to deliver “benefit” based on mortality data….2/ following C19 look with envy to England who has two excellent reporting structures, PHE and ONS. Their data streams are solid and analysis is deep. The level of scientific discussion is markedly more advanced than Canada….2/ is documented in the public health/economic literature. Perhaps the good doctor could take some time to read this body of work, lay summaries of which can be found on Global Collateral. This website is run by world class epidemiologists deeply concerned with the damage.'s because Dr. Lewis, is an articulate, high ranking MP with clear political aspirations. She is willing to take a principled stand and take the heat. She won't be the only one as there are many on the left which also recognize the folly of the C19 debacle. 2/