Donald Welsh Profile picture
Professor of Vascular Biology Opinions are my own
12 subscribers
Sep 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Dr. John Campbell, a serious person discussing a serious topic, the history and application of the Nuremberg code.

Implied but politely unstated, was society’s violation of every single tenant of the Nuremberg code by our C19 response.


The demolishing of the Nuremberg code happened because too many, especially in positions of authority, remained silent….for reasons of comfort, conformity, financial/reputitional gain or to escape the ire of braying mob.

Jul 20, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Excellent reanalysis of the original Israeli C19 booster data which now reveals zero benefit. The authors didn’t account for healthy vaccine bias or other covariance.

So, this means……

1/ The boosters were likely all risk/injury and no benefit.

This deception happened because the original data was kept confidential (no open access).

Mar 26, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
This FOIA release on the lipid nanoparticle bio distribution reveals wide bodily distribution. Let’s add this to the list of issues/omissions and misrepresentations. So to review…..

1/ 1/ Wide bodily distribution of nanoparticles/mRNA.

2/ Spike protein production and detection in blood/tissues for months (not days)

3) Spike protein is a problematic pathogenic molecule.

3) Evidence of breakthrough infections despite the brevity of the phase 3 trial.

Jan 1, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Many were belittled, gaslighted and threatened attempting to stop the run away C19 disaster.

Time revealed the truth and you were right to oppose.

You earned moral agency and a position of standing.

My question….What will you do with your moral agency?

Will you seek the temporary satisfaction of revenge?

Will you grasp for the manipulative tools of state and destroy those that metered out cruelty under the guise of public health?

Oct 19, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
Notable Stanford scholars have, from March 2020, countered the C19 panic narrative with clear eyed reasoning. Below the latest from Dr. Ioannidis revealing a global IFR of 0.07 (pre vaccination) for the non elderly, a value in general alignment with the flu.

1/ While adjusted in hindsight, this IFR roughly aligns with one (0.12) I calculated in May 2020 using reasonable assumptions and the latest in napkin and pencil technology.

These calculations reveal the obvious, the demolition of society was irrational and all for not.

Oct 10, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
A Happy Thanksgiving to all and a reminder that while revelling with family, Team Reality never sleeps.

Long weekends are the time when public health quietly adjusts its numbers without presumptive notice.

Just another numeric anomaly, this time it’s the denominator.

You see, our eye has been fixed on the denominator for quite some time. It’s the key to population level statistics.

Jig it here and readjust unvaxxed/vaxxed numbers there, and “Poof”, the vaulted 16X death benefit of vaccination disappears.

And so it goes in Ontario.

Oct 2, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Dr. Tam knows that masks don’t work and evidence doesn’t support her position. FOIA requests make that perfectly clear.

She isn’t interested in stopping “spread”, a long ago discredited story line.

Her goal is quite different.

1/ Masks are part of PHAC’s nudging strategy, one can read about it in source documents from the WHO.

This is the process by which health officials psychological abuse the public. Their strategies are purposely manipulative to increase compliance for vaccination.

Aug 24, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Precise and poignant thread from Matt Strauss, MOH and Alumni of Western University. With politeness, he systematically dismantles the University’s decision making process on C19. Let us be forthright, Canada’s response to C19 has been the largest policy failure in its modern history.

Now Western U, ask “Do you want to be remembered as the period as the end of that sentence”?

Because that is the position history will assign.

Apr 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s ever more obvious, even to our intransigent media, that Canada’s public health response is failing, incapable of processing facts and adjusting policy. Why is it so lost?

1/ Three principle factors are at play:

1) An unprepared public health community both logistically and intellectually.

2) A political class unable to shake partisanship for the public good.

3) A media wedded to a government narrative, lacking critical thinking skills.

Apr 13, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Ontario appears to have entered a rarefied space where world class epidemiologists, openly mock the nuttiness of the province’s C19 response.

It was all so predictable, it really was! Let me tell you a story.

1/ July 2020, I was contacted by members by the financial community who cleverly predicted how each major economic jurisdiction would fare during the C19 response.

Canada and Ontario specifically were viewed as persistent statistical anomalies, destined to finish last.

Jan 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Steve Kirsch is one of the great data driven voices on C19. Here he reminds us that big data is revealing a disturbing picture. Vaccine deployment is augmenting C19 cases and death…1/ This isn’t a “one off” study as noted in the post. One should also consider the work of @profnfenton and Joel Smalley. They too have raised concerns over the ability of vaccines to deliver “benefit” based on mortality data….2/

Dec 31, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Hopefully one of many articles highlighting the substandard data practices endemic to Canada’s C19 response. Proper analytics is critical for guidance and the fault lands squarely on public health structures….1/ Many following C19 look with envy to England who has two excellent reporting structures, PHE and ONS. Their data streams are solid and analysis is deep. The level of scientific discussion is markedly more advanced than Canada….2/
Dec 28, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Jeffrey Tucker quietly reminds us that C19 is, in the end, a “love affair”. It’s about experts being seduced by their ideas, never appreciating that real people would bare the pain of this doomed relationship. …..1/… It started with a jilted policy maker focused on bioterrorism/pandemic planning and a gov’t computer scientist. From computer code and a basic model, the concept of lockdowns was borne. A simple but bold idea to address any plague of interest. It was love at first sight…..2/
Dec 12, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
A colleague and practitioner in the art of public health recently quipped that this pandemic would be more meaningful if a virus was involved. A sarcastic overstatement but the overarching point seemed clear enough. 1/ Our society was confronted with a new but understandable respiratory virus with a lowish IFR and high risk stratification. Actuarials and market analysts quickly rationalized the problem and pronounced that the world would continue. Then gov't and public health got involved. 2/
Dec 3, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
For two years, Canada implemented an unconventional public health response, one that arguably has achieved nothing of substance and vastly inferior to Sweden's traditional approach.

Serious questions abound and perhaps now is the time to clean house. Where do we begin. 1/ Let's consider Irvin Studin's unapologetic articles in the Toronto Sun. He has called for the resignation of local MOHs, Dr. Moore (Ontario's CMOH) and Dr. Tam (PHAC CMOH). His critique centers on two issues, core competency and mania generation.
Dec 1, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Let us all reflect on this paraphrased email I received earlier today from one of Canada's international athletes.

This is a direct result of poor political leadership, rudderless public health policy and the complete absence of national purpose. 1/ Every national athlete I know from multiple countries (and I know -many Olympians) all have a flag tattooed somewhere…it’s kind of a right of passage once you break the provincial/state to national/international barrier. 2/
Nov 28, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Little doubt that history will remember C19 as the single greatest policy disaster in Canadian history. The wave of destruction created by this thoughtless public health response fell disproportionately on children for reasons untold. 1/… Nations far more attune to evidence-based medicine, quickly assessed childhood risk to C19. Educational and social enrichment continued and hindsight shows this response was correct. Canada could have followed this success but instead it doubled down on its failure. 2/
Nov 7, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Interestingly interpretation of the following tweet. It may suprise the good doctor that the working class have taken on the chin, absorbing lockdowns, the stuttering of their businesses, the destruction of their financial security. They were thrown to the wind. 1/ This is documented in the public health/economic literature. Perhaps the good doctor could take some time to read this body of work, lay summaries of which can be found on Global Collateral. This website is run by world class epidemiologists deeply concerned with the damage.
Nov 6, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Ontario will, in short order, enable the next spectacle of vaccinating children against a virus they don't die from, which doesn't block infection/transmission and with a poor safety/efficacy record. It's all rather surreal. How did we get here and what's next. Let's consider. 1/ Canada's response to C19 has been a dismal failure, grounded on the idea that viral containment would eliminate spread while sterilizing vaccines and mass vaccination would eradicate. It's roots were puritanical, fact free and without evidential support. 2/
Oct 29, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
The C19 response is destined to be remembered as a colossal failure for public health. But as crazy train moves down the tracks, C19 appears to ever morphed, into a "Pandemic of the Overeducated". A strange phenomenon indeed. Let's consider. 1/ The working class, in my corner of world, long abandoned the idea that C19 was a pandemic. A concern.....yes, but mainly an annoyance to be avoided. They never engrained the feeling of personal threat and life moves forward, as best it can. 2/
Oct 23, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Let's celebrate this clear eyed tweet. A simple statement of facts highlighting the non existent rationale for vaccinating children. But why is this message so important? It's because Dr. Lewis, is an articulate, high ranking MP with clear political aspirations. She is willing to take a principled stand and take the heat. She won't be the only one as there are many on the left which also recognize the folly of the C19 debacle. 2/