Mike Profile picture
Sits in a tank and thinks.
M Farblon Profile picture Listo Lyman ( Dude/Duder/El Duderino) Profile picture 3 subscribed
May 9 11 tweets 2 min read
A weapons embargo on Israel ensures that Biden can’t get either what he says he wants or what we might fairly assume he wants. A thread. 1/ Biden says he wants a hostages-for-prisoners deal/ceasefire. But by pressuring Israel he emboldens Hamas to make unrealistic demands. 2/ Biden says he wants a two-state solution with a “revitalized”Palestinian Authority (PA) in charge of Gaza. But by saving Hamas he ensures it will block Fatah (the ruling party in the PA) from gaining a foothold in Gaza. The policy is stoking a Palestinian civil war.
Nov 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Man, 71, dies of a subdural hematoma after a teen beat him outside NYC pizzeria. | I had a subdural hematoma this summer. It was very unpleasant. I had never heard of this injury before, but once you learn about it, you see it in the news all the time. nypost.com/2022/11/02/man… What is it? A SDH is bleeding between the brain and the skull. There is no place for the blood to go so it presses against the brain. They are much more common in old people than young. Why? Because as you get older, your brain shrinks. There develops between the brain and the