David, if the “defamation of Canadian history” you refer to is the fact that a whole lot of kids died in residential schools, then that is well-established in the historical record. Hell, in *1922* doctor Peter Bryce called it a national crime: canadashistory.ca/explore/first-…
The most frustrating thing about all of this is how it ignores or obscures that we *have always known* that kids died in IRS at rates that were considered highly alarming even at the time, relative to the era’s overall higher child mortality.
Feb 6, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I’m guessing many folks I know will be with me when I say: hoooo boy.
For clarity: Dave Zegarac was a relatively well-known punk musician, mostly during the 2000s, who did some activist organizing. He was kicked out of the scene over seven years ago due to multiple allegations of sexual assault + abuse, especially of very young women.