Dour Visage Profile picture
You have chosen...wisely. A fat Redneck on a Grail Quest. Deep Lore Historical Expert.
Feb 4 18 tweets 4 min read
I'd like to tell you all a story. One that is so comically ridiculous it couldn't be made up. This is the Tale of a Rural Trash Collector from the perspective of the customer (me).

1/17 In rural areas, trash collection is an enterprise anybody with a pickup truck can do. This family in particular, were generational trash people. The father was a 'Nam vet with mechanical aptitude and zero social skills. The Mother a human-heifer lacking all manners. 2/17
Jun 28, 2024 25 tweets 5 min read
The most blindingly obvious and yet overlooked issue with modern (post 16th Century) Bibles are that they lean heavily upon a text and attitude that has no--that's right--NO ancient continuity.

The Masoretic Deception, particularly how it fooled Martin Luther. A 🧵 1/xx What is the Masoretic Text? Simply put, it is the Hebrew Text of the Old Testament in use by European Jews during the time of the Reformation. Unlike it's ancient counterpart, it has vowels, punctuation, and the accidents we assume all written languages have.
May 6, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
Prediction Thread🧵: I'm going to speculate about the next few years with regards to America beginning with the election.

The RW lads saying the illegals are going to vote are 100% right. We've had record immigration, both legal and illegal. 1/10 The news media will draw a correlation between the amount of *legal* immigration being higher too--and run some stories about them voting for Biden. There will be pretense for mail-in ballots but it doesn't matter, Those People™️ own the voting machines and their tabulation 2/10
Apr 6, 2024 25 tweets 9 min read
Much has been said about Anti-semitism in the Bible, but it's clear most people on both sides haven't dug into this too deeply. So here is a mega thread attempt at showing what the Bible actually says about the Jews:

🧵/24 Very first in the Gospels; He is hailed as what? KING of the Jews by the Magi, Gentile wise men (priests and astrologers from the East). Christ is hailed as King upon His birth. 1/24 Image
Dec 22, 2023 25 tweets 7 min read
Took this from @RCNonsense and thought it was a good opportunity for honesty about RCIA and why I--had I not already convinced myself what the Church was and taught--would have simply left during RCIA 4 years ago, too. 1/🧵 Image The structure was quaint. My wife and I met with another couple who were expecting their first child, whereas ours was born first. They seemed nice. Protestant veteran, husband was an army vet like me. Yet we didn't "hit it off." 2/25
Nov 25, 2023 18 tweets 7 min read
Halo and associated lore is a deeply Christian work of Science Fiction, and I am not kidding in that the Spartan, John 117 is a type of John the Baptist, a type of Christ, and a type of John the Beloved. A 🧵 1/17 "John" or Spartan 117 was born on March 7th, 2511 on a backwater (a wilderness!) world. March 7th is the feast day of Sts Perpetua and Felicity-patronesses of mothers and expectant mothers--the two saints are reflected by Dr. Katherine Halsey and Cortana.
Jul 18, 2023 33 tweets 6 min read
I am a former Freemason and now Catholic Christian; these are my observations. 🧵

1/xx I was a young man (early 20s) fresh from military service. A great-Uncle convinced me to join the local Lodge. After a trip to the local Fire Station to get some paperwork I was up and running; I submitted my petition to the Lodge and heard back within the week. 2/xx
May 15, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Candid thoughts for young Men (late teens to twenties) in America:

🧵1/7 Do not delude yourself into thinking that you are the main character in a grandiose, heroic story. You are not the main character; none of us are. You can overcome the sins of your own father if you try, but not without Grace and certainly not all at once. 2/7
Jan 2, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
This meme has been making rounds again and @Scarred_Tissue asked me to do a thread. So I'm doing a short thread on this to attempt at doing it justice. I've left much out for sake of brevity; a full treatment deserves an article or blog post. Here we go🧵1/x To begin, one must throw off all presupposition and jumping to conclusion; so lets not grant any givens here. Firstly what *was* Judaism and who were "the Jews/Hebrews" leading into the Incarnation of Christ? 2/14
Aug 6, 2022 21 tweets 4 min read
Thoughts on Evolution, a Thread.

My Baptist/Evangelical upbringing exposed me to emotional reactions to the theory. I never particularly cared one way or another as to it's validity in my youth; a public school education exposed me to basic evolutionary theory. 1/x With higher ed. the theory began to make some sense as I broadened my academic horizons. I eventually came to believe in evolution wholesale, but was agnostic and apathetic as to abiogenesis. This coincided also with a total collapse of religious faith due to Sola Scriptura. 2/x